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Swamp Monster
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Specifications are as follows:

Coverstock: Proactive - Ultra High Load

Color: Swamp Green

Hardness: 77-79

Surface Finish: 35 Micron Trizact

Core Dynamics:


  • RG Max: 2.587

  • RG Min: 2.546

  • RG Diff: 0.041

  • RG Avg: 4.8




  • Hook Potential: 150

  • Length: 35

  • BreakPoint Shape: 35


View the official Spec sheet including Drill Instructions



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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2002, 07:51:13 PM »
Simply Stated: Over Come your Oil Problems with this ball!

The New "Swamp Monster" comes to us in the same frame work of the Monster Smash/R in that again Brunswick is using an "Old" weight block design that was  previously used in the "ARC Zone"/"Contact Zone"/"Riot Zone".

Utilizing new "Dense Core Technology" Brunswick brings this ball to life with greater "Hitting Power".
The Coverstock is the New "ProActive-Ultra High Load" using a new Reactive Base and then adding the particles to give this ball the ablility to clear the heads cleaner and retain more energy for the back part of the lane!
Out of the box this ball comes to use 35-Micron Trizact or "Sheened Finished"

Brunswick does state that this new coverstock is "fully adjustable", but I will state up front to make sure that your proshop has the "Brunswick Trizact Sanding & Polishing System" to properly ensure you get the best shell adjustments and performance for this ball! "Particle Covers" need special care when adjusting the surface to get that consistant reaction you are looking for.

Our test ball was drilled "Label Leverage" (3-3/8 X 4)with No balance hole.

We had two pairs of lanes set up for us for this test. We had Our Typical "House League" condition and then we wanted a pair of lanes "Flooded" and layed out in a "Heavy Oil Sport League Pattern".

On the first pair of lanes, Our House Condition, we were laughing immediately as this ball made it to the arrows and started an immediate left turn!
No matter how far left we moved, this ball was WAY TOO STRONG out of the box for our House condition! When we did get this ball to the pocket, it was all "Burned-Up" and had no energy as it would hit "Flat"!

After two games attempting to play our house shot, we gave up! and decide we would give it a try after a trip to the "Trizac's" for polishing!
(Side Note)Brunswick stated that the "New Coverstock" was supposed to get threw the "Front part" of the lanes cleaner and stronger than compared to the "Purple Monster"? Not in the "Out of the Box" condition! This Ball is Stronger!

We then moved over to our "Sport Pattern" Heavy oil lanes and WoW!
We could get this ball to the pocket! No problem getting a good read on the lanes and controlling this ball with its "Strong Aching" hook!
We could cut threw the heavy oil with No Problem! But we still were experiencing the "Flat Hits" in that the ball seem to still use too much energy!

We sent the ball to the proshop for a good spin using the "Brunswick" Trizac's taking this ball all the way up and using the polishing pad.
(Side Note) The cover seemed to adjust very easy! and took the polish well!

We shinned this baby up and back to the "Heavy Oil Sport Pattern" and what a difference it made! We could swing this ball out slightly and play some area and still have it turn up strong and Thunder the Pocket! Most of the time on this condition, you get a very tight line to the pocket. But this ball allowed Our "Tweener" release the confidence to play more aggressive!

We rolled three complete games and found this ball to be strong and steady!
We think we found a good place of this ball! "Sports Conditions!"

We moved back over to the "House Condition" with our now polished ball and we found that this ball was still too strong for theses lanes!
We could now get the ball to the pocket but with the energy bleed, we did not get a good hit and carry! This ball "IS" a "Heavy Roller!"
This ball will work much better "Shined up" for most bowlers!

The "Hook and Roll" pattern that this ball gives to you is strong!
If you have a "Heavy Oil" problem and need more traction then this ball is for you! If throw the ball 100 miles an hour and need it to land, turn, and strike! Then this ball is also for you! If you are of average speed and release, consider this ball carefully in that it will be a "Right condition selection" for you. In my bag, this ball will only get used at Tournaments and then only sometimes if I find enough lane oil!
If you are going to bowl on a New Sport League, where you get mostly heavier oil patterns, then this ball will be a great weapon to help you score!

We will recommend this ball to Our customers but I will also advise them to consider the choice carefully to determine if they really need a ball this strong in their bags? If you do? This is an Excellent Choice!


Dark Sting

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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2002, 10:10:47 PM »
WARNING: This ball is *definitely* not for bowlers who bowl slow down the lanes with high revs, regardless of lane conditions.

Lately I've been bowling on really wet lanes with the Brunswick ScreamR. It's a great skid/snap reaction ball for medium lane conditions with an average hook. But it just wasn't doing the job on heavy oiled lanes. I tried everything (increasing spin, decreasing speed, moving over a few boards, etc.). So I thought to myself that I needed a Proactive ball - a ball with a lot of hook potential.

I went to the Ft. Meade Pro Shop and was about to buy the Fuze Detonator. It turned out that I was just a shy $10 short of what I had on me. Secondly, I looked at this new "Brunswick Swamp Monster."? I asked the Pro Shop guy, "What the heck is this...?" He explained to me that it's another mid-priced ball, and that the performance specs are quite similiar to the Fuze Detonator. I spent 5 minutes thinking to myself if I should take a risk in spending $156. Okay, fine, I purchased it.

My first 3 games I bowled on dry-medium lanes with the outcome of 97, 109, and 87. I started getting a little worried to see if I made the right choice, but I still knew that the lanes were fairly dry. I was still amazed and laughing at how much the ball hooked. It looked like the ball was literally magnetizing to the left gutter!

Later on in the day I went back when the lanes were all juiced up. I bowled a 167, 179, 188, 154, and 160. I think I can safely say that my average os popping up about 10 pins! I am quite sure that I made the right choice in choosing this bowling ball as opposed to the Fuze Detonator by saving $32. SUPERB ball!

P.S.  I'm a bowler who rolls around a 145 average, semi-roller, and cranker at about 16 mph.


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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2002, 07:27:43 PM »
Lane Conditions: Medium-Heavy Oil
Typical Conditions: Variety of Shots
Likes: Predictability, Power and Control
Dislikes: Dry Heads and Dry anything

Ball Specs:
16 pounds
Top Weight: 3.7oz
Pin out: 3-4 inches
Factory Surface

First off, I am a power stroker with high revs and medium ball speed and about a 15 degree axis tilt. I have mine drilled up rev leverage with the pin under my ring finger and the cg kicked out with a hole going two inches under my pap. The ball revs up in the mindlanes but saves plenty for the backend and into the pindeck. Small changes in ball speed effect it very little. Also if you miss your target wide it will have plenty of juice to get back to the pocket. This is a great ball especialy for heavy to medium oil, and for getting through carrydown. As long as there is some oil in the heads, you can use it all day long. But beware when the heads start to dry out just the littlest put this monster back in the bag.

Empire Pro shop

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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2002, 09:26:15 AM »
This new Swamp Monster is for Low Rev-High Speed players only....A stroker can finally look like a cranker with this Monster if there is a flood of oil.

Drilled Stacked Leverage for one of our Young Guns this Monster was too much for the House shot. Moving to 4th arrow and looping to 5 at 40ft. with 20 mph ball speed he finally found the pocket. He needed a ball for Sport Conditions of 42ft. and now we have one at a mid-range price!

As an old pro from the old school U must tell your customers this Swamp Monster will burn up and roll out if played up the track... So many strokers want to hook this ball but it will roll out at 40ft. if they can't find a ton of oil.

A Sport Condition ball at a mid-range price this Swamp Monster is the Real Deal...



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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2002, 01:51:11 PM »
For those of you who like to feed the ball to the breakpoint and fireballers, we have a ball for you.

16 lb.
2 1/2 TW
2" Pin

Drill specs:
4 X 4     X hole on VAL 3 3/8" down
Box finish

A friend of mine got this as a comp from Vegas over the summer and gave me a deal on Brunswick's newest proactive ball.  After taking it out of the box, I had a pretty good idea this would never see the light of day in my hands.  A league bowler asked me if I had anything that would hook out of the building, so I set him up with the Swamp Monster.

This particular bowler doesn't have a lot of hand.  He is one of the guys who basically gets the ball of off his hand letting the ball and lane create the hook for him.  He currently has an X-It and a Whip Lash, but wanted something stronger than the X-It for REALLY slick lanes.

After loosening up with the X-It, feeding the ball to the dry from about 10 or so, we pulled out the Swamp Monster to compare.

First ball, same line, light brooklyn.

Moved 5 and 3 left, hit the nose.

Moved 3 more left, BOOOOOOOMMMMMMM

The Swamp Monster reminds me of the early roll Zones with a bit more uuumph in the backends.  It was really neat to see somebody who doesn't torque it up throw this ball as the ball just seemed to grow revs as it went down the lane.  After about 10 shots on the league condition, the Swamp Monster wore out its welcome and began to burn out .  However, on the fresh heads, the Swamp Monster was....a monster.  The overall shape of the reaction is much like a banana, I don't see the Swamp Monster being very effective inside the 4th arrow.

I could see the weaker handed and high speed players loving this ball on medium/heavy to heavy oil conditions.  I don't know if the surface would be that great for the big handed, but resurfacing the Brunswick particles is never a fun chore.  Overall, another great mid priced ball and one that will find a home in many bags.
Where are all my 2001-2006 posts?

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2002, 09:59:10 AM »
Coverstock: Proactive - Ultra High Load
Color: Swamp Green
Hardness: 77-79
Surface Finish: 35 Micron Trizact
Core Dynamics:

RG Max: 2.587
RG Min: 2.546
RG Diff: 0.041
This New Particle ball by Brunswick is a refined Pruple Monster. Last year the Purple Monster was my "Go To" ball for oil, I see some similiarity in this version with some nice changes.

This Green Proactive ball has a heavy particle load to help hook through the heaviest of oil situations and the core which is the same as the Smash/R revs nicely down the lane to get the ball into a strong roll for maxium carry on the backends. I drilled my Swamp for heavy oil, Pin out 3 inches from the CG. I drilled a stacked leverage drilling. Pin 3 3/8 with the CG also 3 3/8 from my axis weight on the axis.

The lane condition I used this ball on was a AMF HPL Panel that was heavy oil with carry down. Compared to the Purple Monster of last year this ball revved quicker with out the early hook and backend harder than the purple. 1st game out of the box with the ball was 268.

A far more improvement than the purple. The hit was the same as the purple as all brunswick balls have very strong cores for pin shattering hit.

The only thing I saw that also was quite noticable in the purple monster was how quick the coverstock shines from oil absorbing into the coverstock. With both, when this happen the ball hard a hard time making the turn on carrydown. I good cleaning and light sanding brought back the reaction immediately, same as the Purple Monster.

In closing, if you are looking for a ball for oil with carry down for the fast throwers or low track players this is the ball. Remember to maintenence the coverstock to continue to give you the good reaction you are looking for on oily lanes.

Thanks for reading my review and best of luck in your bowling.


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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2002, 08:02:36 AM »
Bought this ball last night. Drilled it 1L by the drilling sheet (The CG was kicked out a little)

First thing I noticed was how easy it was to control this ball. I was on freshly oiled league lanes (not sure of the oil pattern), I started out trying to go straight up the ten board, but it was going left of head pin. Finally found the pocket shot standing on 22 throwing out to 7. If I hit my mark perfect, it produced a nice smooth arc to the pocket. When I missed a little right (out to 5 board), it recovered nicely and still found the pocket. When I missed a little left, it carried a little longer and still hit the pocket. Funny thing is, this happened all night. I never had to put the ball back in my bag. From other reviews I've read on this ball, I was thinking first game, then I'd have to put it away .... not so. This ball did the job the whole way from fresh to carry down to drying up heads (in my line anyway).

Pin action was great. No bad leaves except when I made a major mistake. Did leave a few ten's when I went light in the pocket.

This is my first Brunswick ball. I have been throwing Hammers (Wheel Particle and Vicious Reactive) Neither one of these balls is as controllable as the Swamp Monster.

Way to go Brunswick

Bob Hanson

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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2002, 04:43:31 PM »
I really wasn't in the market for another heavy duty particle ball, but a good friend of mine gave it to me so I decided to give it a try.  This one came with a 2-3 pin which I placed at 5 inches from my Pap just below my middle finger.  I usually don't get this far with the pin but the heavy particle load made me wary of anything that was going to burn early.  Even on very heavy fresh long oil the ball rolled up early and burned a lot of energy as it arced down the lane.  As a result I either had to play very tight against the oil and go right down the lane, or feed the ball out into the drier boards available to the right and try to get a hook stop that would give me a good entry angle.  

This ball will probably have limited application for me.  I could see myself using it on very flooded heads with strong back ends, or where I wanted to play the corner on a real tough condition.  My Detonator would probably come out of the back sooner on most conditions simply because it stores energy a little better letting me play deeper inside and still get a strong recovery.


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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2002, 10:14:28 PM »
I throw the ball hard with slows revs.

Not for me...ball needs fresh oil to work right....on to the scremr  

"Baseball is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything is new again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains comes, it stops, and leaves you to face the fall alone."
--A Bartlett Giamatti, Comissioner of Baseball, 1989


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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2002, 10:24:26 PM »
The ball has a 2-3 pin. I drilled this ball with a rev leverage layout for low track players with the cg kicked out 45 degrees and a weight hole 2 inches down from my P.A.P. I used the Trizact cerium-oxide finish on this ball. This is one of two Swamp Monsters in my arsenal. This cover/layout combination on this ball makes for great control on wet/dry tophat conditions. The ball gets great length and a smooth controlled recovery. when the ball gets to the pins it displays great carry. I really recomend this ball who wants a great control ball.

Robert Poeschl

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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2002, 12:36:50 PM »
Pin: 2"
Drilling: 4 x 31/2"
Style: Lots of speed, revs, and turn; minimul axis tilt

I have to admitt I had my douts about this ball. I thought it would hook at my feet and quite. It gives my good length (on oil!) with about the strongest turn I've seen out of a ball. Here are a few conditions I've tried with this ball.

Sport Shot
This ball is at its best on flat oil. I can easily open up the lane and have the ball come back with tons of energy. No burn out what so ever. This ball makes the turn where my apex just slid.

House Shot
I really wouldn't recomend anyone with hand useing this ball on a normal house shot unless they're going right up the middle very tight. When I tried to swing  it to the outside, you could defenetly see the ball start to roll as soon as it hit the dry. The ball lost a lot of its energy and left flat ten pins with every shot. I would go with a polished resin on this condition.

Just give yourself a 300. This ball will tame the transition to the dry so well you'll never miss the brakepoint. Every ball flush pocket. Not to much entry angle not to much roll.

Medium to dry

Great ball. If you've got good speed you shouldn't have a problem with this ball rolling out. But if you have any less then that and rev the ball, you're going to regret ever buying this ball. I've seen to many people try to through my ball then turn around and tell me it hooks to early. Strokers will find this ball playable on many conditions.  

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2003, 12:19:12 AM »
I like this ball. As far as hook though, it seems a touch less than Brimstone Monster was. And you better release it properly, if I come around the ball even the slightest bit, it will not hook much at all. I was hoping to replace my Reaction Arc with this ball, but the Arc overall hooks much more.
I have not hit an absolute flood with the SM yet, but I am not sure if this is the ball for me to use in that situation.

I like the hit, and I like the carry. But to this point, I do not take it out of my bag unless nothing else is working.

I give this ball a 7 out of 10.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Zack Pelton

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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2003, 12:52:14 AM »
Swamp Monster
Pin: 2-3"
Top Weight: 2.2 oz
Weight: 15.23 (before drilling)
Surface: Factory Finish
Drill: 3 3/8 X 3 3/8, no weight hole.



This ball does not hook a bunch like I thought it would, but I can still strike with it. This ball rolls really early and kind of dies on the backend. This balls performance works best going up the boards rather then a big swing shot. It seemed the farther I moved left the harder it was to carry the corner pins because there was no extra little jolt on the backend (because it loses its power from rolling so early). This ball is very specific lane condition ball.

Condition with carry down and outsides dry

If you could get this ball through the heads the ball would do very well at finding the pocket. I had to use some loft to keep the ball from taking off when I put the ball down. Although the ball was getting to the pocket the carry down seemed to be a little factor when it came to caring ten pins and sevens. However you could miss to the left a little and get some hold. I moved off the corner after a while and flirted around with the fourth arrow. The ball just slide and slide and never caught dry part of the lane.

Fresh conditions

I found this ball likes to slide through the front part of the lane even though the ball is looking like it wants to take off. I do get a few more boards on a fresh condition then a condition with carry down, but still find my self playing up the boards. This is a very powerful ball playing off the corner. By the end of my three games I have found I don't start to move left i move right (I am a right hander).


I can play up the boards

I found a ball that will hook the same on fresh house conditions as some heavy lane conditions (bowled on some heavy conditions with it but I did not write about them because I only bowled six games on them and everybody nose how you guys say you can't know a ball by six games)


Not as big a hooker as I thought it would and not a very versatile ball
Zack Pelton
Bowl to Win!!!!
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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2003, 01:05:50 AM »
ive never been a fan of the particle ball - but had to use this ball as a requirement in a league (along with the frenzy) - well to put it simply i never use the swamp monster anymore - the ball worked okay for the first couple weeks i used it, but its performance decreased - i have tried the usual cleaning and oil removing techniques but have not had any success in reviving it

there are 80 people in this league and most of them are not happy with this ball - alot of them are have chips breaking loose from the coverstock