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Author Topic: Swamp Monster  (Read 27228 times)


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Swamp Monster
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Specifications are as follows:

Coverstock: Proactive - Ultra High Load

Color: Swamp Green

Hardness: 77-79

Surface Finish: 35 Micron Trizact

Core Dynamics:


  • RG Max: 2.587

  • RG Min: 2.546

  • RG Diff: 0.041

  • RG Avg: 4.8




  • Hook Potential: 150

  • Length: 35

  • BreakPoint Shape: 35


View the official Spec sheet including Drill Instructions



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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2003, 08:48:33 PM »
I'm a stroker that puts some good revs on the release.  Had this ball drilled for max hook and it does just that.  Soaks up the oil like a sponge so you have to keep it maintained or it will begin to roll out after a dozen games or so.  Doesn't like dry conditions, but that's obvious since this is a Swamp Monster not a Desert Monster.

My opinion:  Great ball to have when the conditions are heavy oil.  Have it drilled for max hook.  Keep it clean (Put it under a heat lamp periodically to draw the oil out).  Don't expect this to be a a good all around ball.  It's not.  It's very condition specific, "read oily".  When the conditions call for it, this ball will grip and turn when others are sliding out.


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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2003, 04:17:55 PM »
Ball started off great, but after a few months it worked its way into the zone skid snap.  not a ball for neone that is not a cranker.  consistency is questionable.  hits the pocket great, but leaves the 10 pin allot.

Robert Poeschl

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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2003, 01:22:20 PM »
The ball started off as a monster but now rolls just like a sanded urethane ball. I kept it very clean never letting the oil get a chance to soak in. I started throwing a new one with the same layout, on the same condition, alturnating old and new. BIG DIFFERENCE! Well you really have to rev the old one to get it to move. I guess I'm through buying partical balls. nothing aginst brunswick.

Ryan Peebles

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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2003, 03:11:21 PM »
For all the talk about the Brunswick Swamp Monster being such a sponge, I did some good last night at Harbor Freeway Lanes in Port Clinton, Ohio by rolling my fourth career ABC 300 game with this ball (purchased 11/10/03, drilled 4 1/2" X 3 1/2" pin-down, X-hole on VAL in positive thumb quadrant).  The lanes were a 42' blend (more Christmas tree than block), and I played the oil between 15 and 20 and out to the breakpoint (i.e. 10 board at around 45-50 feet from the foul line).

The Swamp has superb tracking and hitting power; just don't throw the ball too flat, otherwise the solid 10-pin will make a few appearances.  The arc is strong and readable.  I think Brunswick has done very well with the core/cover combinations in the last few Monster bowling balls that they have released!

Yes, the Swamp Monster needs constant attention for those who prefer the 35-micron box finish for heavy oil.  To make an analogy, it would be like an off-road high performance tire through a mud bog.  Enough mud will build up in the treads, and, eventually, the tires will need to be cleaned to retain that high performance.

My ball has nine games of mileage, and I clean it each night (before and after) with Rev-It Particle Ball Cleaner, which loosens and removes the dirt and oil from the cover.  During league play I use an Ebonite fiber towel to keep the ball as clean as possible from frame to frame.  The surface, however, WILL show a bit more shine each time out.  Eventually, I will need to take it to the shop for "a tune-up and rotation", courtesy of the 3M Trizact resurfacing system for the Brunswick Proactive balls.

Overall, the Swamp is a great ball for the buck on heavier-than-normal league patterns... and another winner from the big B!
Ryan Peebles
Area Staff Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field/SWAG


BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2003, 09:12:25 PM »
I am bowling in a Challege League, and one of the shots is a PBA Tournament of Champions shot. 50 foot of oil, and a very weight oil.

I drilled this ball up, 3 3/8 by 3 3/8 layout.

With this layout the ball is a Swamp Monster for sure. The ball give me a smooth arcing reaction that is easy to read.

This ball hooks as much as some of the other companies high end heavy oil balls. This is a great ball for the money.

If the heads start to dry up, put this ball in the bag. It will hook at your feet.

If you have any questions, please email me.

"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2004, 01:08:52 AM »
Brunswick : Swamp Monster
Drill : 4 1/4 X 4 1/2 X hole on PAP
Top Weight : 2.2 oz
Weight 15.23 before drilling
Pin : 2-3 inches

Originally I had this ball with out a weight hole but found it was missing the break point I wanted constantly for a heavy oil ball. Therefore I put a small weight hole in it. The weight hole gave this ball a little earlier roll and a stronger overall on the lane.

Broken down house shot (32ft)
I played this shot first playing 15 out to 5 no luck there I just keep crossing over (I know that the second arrow is burned). Moved farther left to board 25 out to 7 this shot worked a little better but I was leaving a few ten pins so I moved the break point to 9 and it was working just fine.

I have reviewed this ball under Zack Pelton (I messed up on the drill on that review).

Rolls very early and has a nice continues backend.

Bowl To Win!!!


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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2004, 02:04:52 AM »
just picked up this ball brand new for 130. i know im a little late on getting this ball but o well. this was my first brunswick ball since i baught the eclipse. i wanted to change companies because storm was getting the job done at the pins. i got this ball drilled for maximum hook and found that at the house i throw if you try to swing this ball it wont get back on oil. But if u play a nice down and in line on the oil the ball is more then agressive enough. now this ball eats the oil so after like 2 games I have to swith balls. Since it eats the oil this is a high mantanence ball but is very worth the effort. this ball kills the pins when it hits the pocket so it does what i wanted it to do. all in all a great ball.


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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2004, 11:47:44 AM »
Thought the Swamp Monster was mostly a dud on heavy oil.  Sanded it to 800 wet and put a factory shine on it and find it works great when the backends breakdown and you can move deep inside with it.  Used it twice for the 3rd game when this condition shows its ugly face and posted 238 & 257 with it on two different nights.  Just a thought.
Old Bowlers Do It Without Massive Revs


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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2004, 10:41:07 PM »
I purchased this ball 2 years ago, and I am not too glad I did.  This ball left a generally poor idea about particle balls, it was an OK investment.  When the ball was new, it hooked out the wazoo.  But every week, half a board by half a board, the shot got weaker and less forgiving.  Though I can pick up the 10 pin with ease with it now, I still use it occasionally when a drier patern comes my way, though I have to but at least 400 grit to make it move on that.  And that weares off in no kidding, 3-5 games of PARTIAL use.  I am unsure of the drill layout or ball specs, as I was not to informed about bowling specifications at my time of purchase, but judging by others with this ball, I am not in a boat by miself.  I call it my confort ball now, and use it for most spares 5 pin and left because I know exactly how little it moves.  I was planning to use it as a med oil ball, then a med-light oil ball, but that didnt work, thanks to time and the coverstocks sponge like qualities, but dry oil the ball just shot randomly in the heads.  I think soon, I will give it away to a fried who dosent put his thumb in the ball and just chunks his ball down the lane.  The ball hooks for him.  If you run across one, keep running.


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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #25 on: December 04, 2004, 11:04:56 PM »
I purchased this ball a year ago and if you can find it now, don't purchase it.  Or at least if you want to keep it for over 6 months.  I am unaware of the specs, because I purchased the ball when I was not to hip on the scientific part of bowling equipment, but the ball hooked like crazy.  Nothing I have ever thrown since then has been the same, but every week, half a board by half a board.  One or two flat hits here, another there, the ball lost its mojo.

I took care of it too.  I took it to my pro guy who surfaced and cleaned that ball with everything from XXXFrame to Hook It to Ebonite stuff every week.  But there is nothing but slowing that reaction from going downhill.  I cant even use it now.  I call it my comfort ball because it hooks only a little more than my spare ball, but only in the heads so its useless for strikes, and I pick up a few multi- spares.

Fun to try, not to buy.  Thank goodness for Brunswicks new Inferno and BVP line.
Bowl with your own style - because unlike a textbook, there is never a last page.

two balls wide

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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2005, 11:42:33 AM »
I have had this ball for over a year. I have no idea how it is drilled because i have only been in the sport for 3 years now. Right now i carry a 180 average and both of them are oiled right before we start, so it is veryyyy hard to get any reaction. This ball rips through the oil. It hits like a truck and it is very forgiving. But you do need a lot of practice for the condition because if it catches a dry spot it will take of, but once you find the right place you will be unbeatable. Two days ago i bowled my high game of 279 with all strikes in all frames but the 4th (9 spare). I just used it on wood lanes and it SUCKS. So, if you are looking for a severely heavy oil on syn. ball give this a look. But for anything but a swamp do not get it.
I may only have two balls... but I know how to use them.

Aol sn - KillerpuffE


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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2005, 10:38:09 PM »
I got this ball recently as a good deal from my ball driller. This ball hooks a TON and a HALF. I normally play feet 5-7 boards left of center and play right up ten. That is with a zone HPH. With this ball, I had to move another seven boards left play up ten and turn up the ball speed. This ball is the best ball that I had ever had. First set out of box, 614 on a 180 average so I am very pleased.

Ken Bartling
Muncie, IN


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Re: Swamp Monster
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2006, 06:57:32 PM »
Got one For Sale pm me if interested!