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Author Topic: Twisted Fury Destruction  (Read 14951 times)


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Twisted Fury Destruction
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
- Coverstock: XLerator Reactive Pearl
- Core: Two-component Asymmetrical
- Ball Color: Pacific Blue/Chrome All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Ball Finish: Rough Buff
- Hook Potential: 115 (Medium-High) on a scale of 10-175 Low-High
- Length: 115 (Medium) on a scale of 25-235 Early-Late
- RG Differential: 0.036 (Medium Flare) on a scale of .000-.080 Low Flare-High Flare
- RG Average: 2.548 (Medium-Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point
- Breakpoint Shape: 85 (Angular) on a scale of 10-100 Arced-Angular
- Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium Dry to Medium Oily
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
- Description: XLerated Pin Destructing Power. The Twisted Fury Destruction introduces Brunswick''''s new XLERATOR coverstock, combining length you can count on with the back-end reaction you crave to provide pin destructing power.
Coverstock: The new XLerator coverstock has been formulated with two main goals in mind. First, to create length through the heads, both when they''''re fresh and after they''''ve broken down. Second, to create a strong angular move at the breakpoint in order to provide increased pin-carrying ball reaction. The XLerator coverstock succeeds at achieving both of these goals, giving you unparalleled reaction with a ball that gets to the spot and returns hard to the pocket.
Core: Good coverstocks become great when paired with a core that accentuates their strengths. After testing a wide range of cores (both new and old designs) with the new XLerator coverstock, the core that gave the absolute best reaction was the Torsion Asymmetric Core. This core/coverstock combo make the Twisted Fury Destruction rev up hard and hug the lane without hooking early. The medium RG asymmetric design of the core then turns loose the power of the coverstock on the back-end, unleashing destructive force on the pins.



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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2008, 06:33:03 PM »
Profile is medium to high rev, medium ball speed - 16 mph, axis is 5 1/8 and 1/2 up.  Average around 230 on a THS.  As far as the layout - here is a pic:

Hole is on my axis. 7/8, 3 inches deep.  Surface is OOB.  I have an original Twisted Fury that this will replace that has an identical layout.  Don't have a TFS, so I can't really compare it to that.  In a nutshell -  this is the the Twisted Fury's big brother!  Very, very clean through the heads as advertised.  Very Stormish in that aspect.  The difference between this and the original is at the break point in my opinion.  It's not as "squirty", and much more angular.  Left a tad too many 9 pins my first time out with it.  I may play with the surface a bit to tame it down.  So far, very impressive!

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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2008, 11:50:22 AM »
Drilled 4 1/2" from PAP and above the fingers. MB at about 60 degrees. Factory finish. I've been throwing this one about 2-3 weeks now and I'm confident in what I'm seeing.

Frankly, this one is an improvement over the original, which was quite good. The difference is how the new cover reads the lane. Still clean through the heads, but very strong and continuous through the pin deck. Some pearls tend to squirt and be hard to predict on the wet/dry conditions, but this one seems to grip any friction and just keep going.
My first game was on freshly oiled synthetics so I played straight up the 7 board and shot 300. Since then I've been at a different house twice where we bowl second shift, and all that means is that I can move left and cross more boards late.  Huge recovery on slightly broken down shots for me. If I play straighter lines on the semi-broken down condition the ball was good, but not nearly as good as when I open up the lane a bit.

This cover/core combo are amazing together. Just feed the ball out toward friction and watch it return. Angular finish, but not "squirty" at all so far. This one should be a winner for awhile. Thanks Brunswick!

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff

big B

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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2008, 03:10:43 PM »
I drilled one of these up yesterday. Put six games on it practicing and then league last night. Averaged 212 on a broke down pair. This ball did what advertised got through the heads very easily and made a really nice move on the back with plenty of punch.
 During league play fresh pair i was able to scoot more to the outside part of the lane 8-9 out to 3-4 played in that area all night and shot 680. On the fresh stuff this thing just boogies through the front and makes a left turn that is very strong but very very predictable. Not one shot over reacted.
This ball makes me think of a Ave. pearl on roids.  
 Drilled 4" pin to pap just above ring finger, mb at 45 degrees, cg just right and center of midline.

Rc Charger

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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2008, 11:52:01 PM »
I don't post many reviews on bowling balls but this has fit the bill for me in league and Local Tounrney's since I received it.  Layed out 4.5 in pin above and slightley to right of the ring finger.  Mass at 60 degree's / about a inch away from thumb.  Extra hole down 2 1/4 from PAP with a 1 inch bit 2 inches deep and the surface is at 2000.
  My original twisted is a mirror to the drill pattern and same surface.  Coamparing the two the original want's to be smoother and earlier.  
  I have to agree with with Noclay on this ball 100 %, cleaner through the fronts and more pop in the backend then the original.  I have been able to start and most of the time finish with this ball in league.  The ball hits strong as long as it makes the turn but friction is needed.  
  The new balls coming out of brunswick do not have your your Typical Big B reaction.  Early rolling arch monsters but longer and stonger.  Thanks again to Ron Bragg for this gift and the layout.  I stongly recommend this ball and message.



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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2008, 03:20:14 PM »
My PAP is 4 1/2 and I create alot of side turn. I (right handed) drilled a 15 lb. TFD 0-2" Pin: 60 x 60 & 4 1/2 Pin to PAP. Out of box finish.  My Pin is below fingers and about on line with the center line of span.  Used ball on typical house shot on 11/11/08 and I really liked how the ball got through the heads and went into a nice heavy roll that did not quit. Posted scores that night of 268,280,206,268 & 235. The 235 would of been better if I had not slowed the release and left the 7 - 10. In all I am very pleased with the reaction I got from this ball. Even though I only used it once, you can get a feel for how good a ball will be for you.  I will see what happens on a few other patterns and will drill up another one for Sport conditions.  This is the first ball I have used and have really seen a good flip into a nice heavy roll that did not stop moving strong to the left.

Corey C

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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2008, 12:26:43 AM »
5" Pin to PAP above fingers, 65 degree MB(for me this is right next to my thumb) OOB finish, no hole.

I found that compared to the Twisted, the TFD reads the lane better coming off the pattern and give a more continuous motion through the pins. I don't see any "snap" with this ball on our THS. Opening up the angles too much with make the ball squirt or hit flat, but if you stay closer to the friction(like the TF), this ball gets through the pins hard.
Corey Clayton
Brunswick Amateur Staff
Turbo Grips Staff
Team Canada 2007, 2008, & 2009
Corey Clayton
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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2008, 02:21:02 PM »
drilled my destruction 58dg 4"x30dg, using dual thumb weight hole.

   ball rolls very clean down the lane and has a pretty strong controlled backend. only complaint is when have to move in deep, i lose alot of "flat" ten pins. could definately use more entry angle. all in all pretty solid choice.

   i feel a storm coming!!!!!

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2008, 11:43:56 AM »
Twisted Fury Desestruction
Ball Specs
The ball being drilled was a 3” pin out with 3.50 oz top weight.
Drilling: Pin 4" from PAP and Mb 4" from PAP, 1 1/2" in Buffer. Pin is above ring finger. Weight Hole on Lori's axis. Factory Rough Buff then sanded at 2000 abralon pad..

Bowler Information:
Track diameter is 11 5/8.
PAP is measured at 5 7/16 over and 5/8" up.
Average ball speed (foul line to head pin) is 15 mph.
Axis rotation is typically 45 degrees
Initial rev rate is typically 250 rpm, "Power Stroker"
Lane Condition and Pattern:
Bowlero Lanes HPL 9000 Panel. Oil Pattern: Fairly Flat condition from edge board to edge board, semi clean backends. Medium to Heavy Oil.

I had my doubles partner Lori Levandowski test this ball for me. Lori reminds me physically of Linda Barnes/Carolyn Dorin Ballard, good company to be in. For Lori out of the box the ball reminded me of a conventional Urethane ball, very smooth off the dry spot and a very arcing back end reaction, reminded me of her fury pearl with a little early break point. I took the ball to 2000 abralon pad and then the ball had a complete different look, a lot more aggressive off the spot and much stronger back end reaction. My opinion the ball became a "Monster". So if your Destruction isn't very strong out of the box try taking it to your pro shop operator and have him/her sand the ball to 4000 or 2000 then try it. Brunswick says the Xlerator cover is the strongest they have, after sanding off the rough buff I would agree. I wish Brunswick would experiment with different abralon pad surfaces instead of using Rough Buff. So out of the box I would recommend the ball for medium to dry, sanded at 2000 a great choice for medium to heavy oil.Thanks for reading my review.


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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2009, 07:06:45 PM »
Lane Conditions: Medium-Light Oil
Typical Conditions: House Shot
Type of Lane: Combination
What part of the lane did you play? Second Arrow
Did the ball track out? Normal
Weight of bowling ball: 15
Surface of bowling ball: Sanded
What grit was the surface of the ball? Green Scotch Brite
Likes: Gets down the lane with easy and is very flippy on the lane
Dislikes: Goes way to long with my ball speed, tried surface and didn't see much improvement

Twisted Fury Destruction I personally haven’t cared for, it’s creates way to much length for my ball speed, only thing I was able to use it on was a PBA pattern. High ball speeds won’t like this ball except on screaming dry lanes, slower ball speeds will love the amount of angle they can create on the back end. Rev dominate players will lover the length and angle that it creates. I used a 500 abralon pad and it only seemed to get into a roll a half a foot sooner, I don’t think it’s quite as versatile as other balls.

Compared to what’s in my bag:

Virtual Gravity Drilled pin under both MB 3” right no hole:
My Virtual Gravity hooks way earlier and a lot more, I would say almost 15 to 20 more boards in the back end.

Angular One drilled 4 x 3 3/8:
My Angular One rolls a bit sooner has the same amount of angle at the break point but covers a lot more boards at the backend.

Pin Slasher Pin under bother fingers CG twisted 45 Degrees:
My Pin Slasher is polished and rolls almost 2 feet sooner but doesn’t have the same angularity at the back end of the lane and it does cover a few more boards overall.

"Practice doesn''t make perfect, perfect practice makes better."


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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2009, 04:01:51 PM »
I am not very pleased with this ball. I get a very over under reaction on fresh lanes and i have a tough time carrying the ten pin. I am a high rev high speed bowler and all of my other brunswick equipment is great. I have this ball drilled pin above the fingers and it just doesnt have the punch on the backs that i thought it would on fresh oil. Now on a lane that is nearly burnt this is my go to ball.

Black Label

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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2009, 01:13:48 PM »
PAP 5 3/4 1/4 under
High Revs
AVG 228
15-17 MPH
15 LBS
4000 grit with high gloss polish
Layout 60x5 1/2x70
Small deep weight on val about 1" down from my PAP

Look, I traded my Rapid Fire Pearl for this ball..I don't know why I did that, but this is one of the most aggressive balls that I have put in my hands in a long time. I looked at some of the other reviews and its too bad this ball doesn't work out for you all..I had the same luck with the original Twisted..Over under, or too strong overall...


This ball has good Clean length with a quick ARC off the break/ Depending on the angle sometimes it will Flip..

It is too strong on THS to really use it as much as I would like..I find myself standing 25-27 and rolling across 15-17 at the arrows and break around the 7-4 board or so..I'm laying the ball down around covers a lot of boards..It hits really really hard...


So far the only problem I have seen is not enough oil to play the sweet part of the lane for my game, too much swing so far, needs more oil..I can't start out standing 20 and push up the lane for a whole solid game...once the carry down shows up, I can get it to hold a bit..

any sport Pattern..route 66, viper, I think this would be sweet under the lights here
If you see em lookin while you rollin, then you probably got em in a bracket...


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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2009, 02:08:43 AM »
This is a condition-specific ball, imho. I bought it because I loved the original twisted fury. I am a speed dominant stroker/tweener, and this ball was drilled for me with the pin under the ring finger 3 3/8 from pap.

Out of the box the ball did not rev up early enough for me, so I sanded it down to 1000 abralon. The ball reacted very nicely at 1000 abralon and I was able to play up the track or swing it outside a bit and the ball would hit with power. I tried it on a broken down scorpion pattern, and a light-medium oil sport shot where it also performed well and allowed me some area to play with.

I could see using this ball on the shorter pba patterns like cheetah or viper, or some broken down PBA shots like the scorpion, as well as med-light house or sport shots. If you bought this ball to be your main piece then you will be disappointed, but if you use it as a condition-specific ball that is a complement to your main heavier oil ball, than I think it is a great addition to the arsenal because of its length, backend and hitting power.

Right now I have a 3 ball arsenal with the Virtual Gravity as my heavy oil ball, Twisted Fury Destruction for med-light oil and a Blue Dot for spares/dry conditions, and they work well together.


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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2009, 01:15:55 PM »
Drilled this w/ the pin 1 1/2 above my ring finger and the mb 3in to the right of the thumb.  Took the surface down to 1000 (my favorit surface by the way).

This ball reads the lanes earlier than my original twisted fury because of the layout/surface combo.  Which is really nice because it allows me to switch from one to the other smoothly as the lanes transition.  It reads the mids with that great brunswick heavy roll but also pops the backend very hard.  

Drilled it up before one of my league championships and took it with me on a hunch.  Started with my twisted fury, but didn't get a great read.  switched to this beauty and finish with 266 268 the last two games.  

great ball to compliment the original twisted fury.  If you have one, but must have the other in my opinion.
"Every Strike brings me closer to my next homerun"


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Re: Twisted Fury Destruction
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2009, 04:40:36 PM »
Dual Angle Layout  45* x 5 x 36*   X hole on PAP

Condition: THS, wood lanes

I got this ball for my experience league because in one house I bowl in they don't pull tapes (to make sure its legal) and I've bowled in many different houses on sport compliant conditions on both wood and synthetic, and it's nothing like this particular house.  The heads go way too fast and the oob is too thin, I get recovery where I shouldn't and I fight getting anything down lane there.

I bowl in another house with an experience league, and I also wanted the ball for something smooth when it exits the pattern so when they do start to break down I can get some push before it makes its move to the pocket (when I move in at times and I can't fan it right due to OOB, i have trouble projecting the ball to my breakpoint and keeping it from checking up too early. I'm a slower speed player).

Anyway, First time out was in my Wed. night mens league and I just wanted to get a feel for the ball before I started using it on the tough stuff.  You can get recovery from most equipment on THS's from just pitching it right and this ball is no acception.  

What I did like about the ball though is when it made its transition towards the pins it was very very continuous and I even tried a few times to get the ball to roll out and I couldn't make the ball do that.  I got in around 18 and tried to see how clean it was through the heads and it did skid very well and I was impressed as to how much ball speed I kept on the quibecca scale

I'm usually around 14.5 to 15.0 at the pins, with this ball I was getting up to around 15.5-.80 without added effort if I made too much of an adjustment left or tugged it in a bit and it stayed in the oil.  Now my carry wasn't worth a crap when I did that, and on one good shot from inside I left a stone 8, and had a few weeks 10s, but I was in too deep to get ball to face properly and get the right angle for what the lanes were giving me.

From what I can tell, this ball is exactly what I asked for.  I wanted something with some shine that I could project down lane, and it not be flippy on the back when it exited the pattern, but just give me a smooth hard arc that I could control/manipulate easier.

But I didn't do too bad with it first night out in league bouncing it off my great wall of china either.  I finished with 228, 243, 237 for a 708.  I'm very happy with the ball so far, and it's my first from Big B, so I'm looking foreward to trying more in the future.  It's a shame they discontinued it so early.

