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Author Topic: Twisted Fury  (Read 30565 times)


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Twisted Fury
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Coverstock: EnMotionâ„¢ Reactive
Ball Color: Red / Black / Silver All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Ball Finish: Rough Buff Finish
Hook Potential: 115 (Medium-High) on a scale of 10-175 Low-High
Length: 105 (Medium) on a scale of 25-235 Early-Late
RG Differential: 0.036 (Medium Flare) on a scale of .000-.080 Low Flare-High Flare
RG Average: 2.548 (Medium-Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point
Breakpoint Shape: 80 (Angular) on a scale of 10-100 Arced-Angular
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium to Oily
Description: Get Twisted! The Twisted Fury expands and upgrades the Fury line by introducing both a new core and new coverstock to the market. The Twisted Fury is comprised of an asymmetric version of the Torsionâ„¢Core and the EnMotionâ„¢ Reactive coverstock.
Coverstock: The Twisted Fury introduces EnMotion Reactive coverstock. More aggressive in the mid-lane and back-end than High Octane, EnMotion Reactive delivers tremendous mid-lane recovery and forgiveness combined with plenty of back-end ball reaction
Core: Brunswick has added a new twist to the Torsion core concept by producing an Asymmetric version for the Twisted Fury. The symmetric version of the Torsion core used in the original Fury was based on triangular geometry. The Asymmetric version is based on a six-sided polygon. The inner core of a 16-pound Twisted Fury weighs in at 6.36 pounds, resulting in a medium RG that helps push the aggressive EnMotion coverstock down the lane. Brunswick has put a new twist on core design so you can twist it up better on the lanes.



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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2008, 11:34:03 PM »
I have had this ball for about a month since I attended a recent Brunswick seminar held in PA...It is drilled 5 1/2 from PAP..MB 45 weight above ring finger...I must be honest...I have not really used it due to my using my Ultra Zone (another received via seminar)

My Ultra started to check up early so I switched to the Twisted the last ball in practice and bam....I was off to the races....This ball was just a breeze to use...All night I only moved two boards...I left one weak ten pin in the 2nd game...At one point, I had 15 strikes in a row...The results are


This is my highest set ever and the 2nd highest ever bowled in the bowling center

Thanks to Dennis Reale for the opportunity to bowl with the Brunswick Twisted Fury and the Ultra Zone...See Ya Soon...Go Brunswick



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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2008, 10:40:54 PM »
15 lbs 3 oz before drill
Pin: 3 inch
Pin to PAP 4"
PAP: 5 3/4 1/4 under RH
Layout: Dual angle, PSA angle 45, Val 45
Cover: Rough buff (factory finish)
League average 223

  Once everything was laid out..the pin sits about 1 inch under my middle finger.  15 games on this ball thus far, but thats enough for a first impression..In my opinion...
    Amazing bench mark ball..Plays the track like no ones elses business..On Med. oil you can can carry all day long...when the backends get sloppy with carry down, she still turns up so pretty like.. 277 high game with it so far..If I keep calm I'll shoot 300 with it..but who cares..this is a ball that you can cash with..its a must have...I can play the track with out moving much through 6 games.
  Example, King of the Hill tourneys, 6 game format, with 6 to a lane and moving lane to lane after each game, you know the drill.
  League seems to have the same look until the heads go and forces you move in, with two and one moves to get more oil to keep it twisting.
   You will not have to open the lane up much to get a sweet look or play deep inside to be effective..It seems to play all angles well though. I think BEST outside 17 for me...not a deep inside ball with this layout or cover..I would rather roll the Pearl Fury for a greater attack angle, you feel me..I wouldn't even suggest trying to use this ball deeper than 17!!! Sure I can swing it just like all of us can and I'm comfy inside..But play it where it scores best and carries better, and you will both shine!! Deep inside angles seem to ring the 10's, depending on the shot..I also like that I can play direct, with out relying on the outside bump, or having to belly the ball much..
Easy revs..super mid lane read, PREDICTABLE, consistent and it hits so hard, Brunswick did it big with this one...Just know when to use it and when to bag it..Thats the key to winning
Good luck..
10 out of 10

I'm not here to brag about my high games, series or ability..I'm here to brag about how versatile this ball is... Buy one


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2008, 11:20:55 PM »
This ball is absolutely amazing. I have alot of high scores with it. Everytime I use the twisted I have never shot anything below a 700. Here are some high scores. 725,789,792,705,756,289,300,279,278,289. Mine is drilled pin below the fingers between the brigde. This is my go to ball when it comes to league but when i start leaving 10's i put it away. For me this ball works anywhere on the lane down the boards works the best but when i swing it with drill backends it comes back and holds line if I pull it. One of the better balls i have had in the past.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2008, 05:57:52 PM »
Drilled this ball up about a month ago. Drilling is 70* by 5in by 50*, pin is drilled out in ring finger with a small x-hole down. This is ball gets great length and a nice hard roll to the pocket. With the pin being drilled out and an x-hole down, the backend is strong but controllable. I can use this ball on a number of conditions. It is a VERY nice compliment to my Ultra Zone.
Ohio High School Singles Champion 11th Grade


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2008, 04:00:00 PM »
I just bought this ball recently, 3-4" pin out with 3.7 top weight.  Had the pro-shop drill it extremely aggressive.  My first game was 260.  I finished this game with eight in a row and carried the first three in the second game.  First time in a while that I have thrown 11 consecutive strikes without leaving a ten pin.  I have a lot of speed and medium revs and even if I get the ball wide it will come back flush into the pocket. On a fresh condition the ball is fantastic.  Once the lanes breakdown I switch to my Fury.

This is a great hitting but easy to control ball.  I highly recommend it.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2008, 11:52:52 AM »
First off i was not a brunswick fan for a long time.  Almost every ball i ever tried from them wanted to hook early, but after some great recommendations from my cousin i gave this ball a try.

I throw about 16-17 mph, medium revs, stroker-tweener and tried this ball on a medium house shot.  This ball displays excellent length, with great recovery.  This ball does just exactly what i wanted it to.  Seems it will fit well on most medium to lighter shots.  If i pulled it a little, it held, if i sent it out wide, it still maintained good recovery.  Give this ball a chance.

Rating 9/10


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2008, 01:34:57 AM »
This is my first review so bare with.  Pin is above ring finger, cg below ring finger, mass bias about 3 inches to the right of the thumb.  Don't know pap so I drill what I like and know.  This ball is awesome.  The ball has a later mid than my blast zone but still a good read.  The recovery on the backend is awesome.  Pin carry is tremendous. The ball is very responsive to rev rate and hand position. This is the first brunswick ball I have bought in a long time and it will not be the last.  Just want to say thanks to Jason in Iowa who I bought this ball and a blast zone from.  He helped me with the layout and he is a awesome seller.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2008, 09:19:43 PM »
This is my second post after deleting the first. I got the ball on more favorable conditions and all I can say is wow! The ball is set up long and smooth but the continuation makes this ball a beast. It goes 40ft then strong arc to the pocket. My normal line is 22 to 11 with my break point being 7. With the twisted I was starting 27 to 13. The ball is a lot stronger than I was looking for. This might be my benchmark along with my pluto that's coming.

Summary: long, smooth, continuous, and hits like kimbo slice. Good job brunswick. Thanks to Chris M and Paul Seay.
Formally LeftyHawse, Jim Jones.
I''m man enough to admit I stroke with the left hand and it feels good.

Mullans pro shop Richmond, Va.

J. C. Jones coaching solutions
Richmond, Va.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2008, 09:12:47 PM »
So I bought my twisted Fury  about three months ago and drilled it up with the pin above the ring finger.  The ball works good some time but most of the time it just kinda of just doesnt make the move that i was looking for.  When the lanes are the ball works great but it is not the first ball out of the bag that I thought it would be.  If anyone has any suggestions about cover stock adjustments or different lines to play please let me know.  Im have a high ball speed with a med. rev rate and i realy like to go straight.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2008, 01:07:03 PM »
I got a 15 lb twisted fury a few months ago. Pin below ring finger, balance hole 3-4 inches to the right of the pin and mass bias kicked out to right about 3 inches in line with balance hole. I am a down and in stroker and I have it highly polished. This ball performs best for me on wood lanes or a mix of wood/synthetic. I can play the track or outside the track and the ball has decent length and backend. It is a good ball, not really exceptional in any respect except that it looks very cool and that is probably why it is soo popular. I see this ball everywhere on the lanes. I am just a sucker for a nice pearlized ball what can I say, it's a decent piece.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2008, 11:14:11 PM »
Got this ball to compliment the Fury and Fury Pearl TE Drilled with the pin below ring finger and a balance hole as well, I am rollin about 15mph with med revs and absolutely LOVE this ball!! Ball rolls long so I can stand left of center, roll out to 10 board and she turns right into the pocket!! After the turn, she crashes the pocket like a runaway train! So far I haven't rolled under 175 or over 250, but i am workin on it
Splits happen!!Keep on rollin''

Jeffrey Spencer

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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2008, 12:20:33 AM »
A great ball buy a great company, have drilled many of these beast for myself and my customers.
           weight: 15.2
           layout: pin 5" from pap psa locator 5" from pap
           static weights: 0oz. finger/thumb  1/4oz. neg side no bal. hole
           surface prep: 2000 abralon
           bowlers spec's: pap 5 3/4 right up 1/2, span 4 7/16x4 7/16
                           med/hi revs( 390 rpm ) 90 deg. axis tilt
                           ave.ball speed 17.0mph
           Lane conditions: fresh house 38' buffed to 42' top hat
                            Brunswick Pro Alvilane Kegle prodigy oil
 out of the box the rough buff finish was a little squirty coming off the oil, took ball to spinner polished first with pro grip degree 4000 the brought it down with 2000 grit abralon pad. WOW what a difference not only did the ball retain it's mid lane read but the energy stored was phenomenal. This hitting machine was throwing pins like they were children's plastic pins. As of this date I have thrown 3 300's plus 824 with this particular ball ( one of the 300's was on PBA scorpion ). One thing to remember about this ball is that was not intended for heavy oil and if you purchased one for a lot of oil you will be disappointed. this ball was intended for typical house and shorter PBA patterns.
Jeffrey Spencer


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2008, 12:22:43 AM »
I drilled this ball with the "rico" layout. I have seen a lot of these balls go down the lane and even as a staffer I was a little reserved when drilling this ball. It seems that a lot of people drill this piece too weak thus causing an over under reaction. No one likes over under balls, so I made sure I thought out my decision. The layout allows the ball to pick up a roll very early, but at the same time the pearl cover keeps the ball from checkin up early. I was impressed with the length the ball got for being roughly 800 grit surface; for fun my friend suggested taking the surface up to see what happened. Well as you can guess the ball went much longer, at least 3 feet; this was not what I was looking for. Anyways, I would highly recomend this ball for leagues, it has nice continuation through the deck and with the correct surface prep can read the lane at any point you would like it to.
A new ball will never make u better nor will agruing constantly make u right so stop arguing and practice.

Proud Brunswick Staff Member


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2008, 03:12:34 AM »
Alright, Ive had this ball for a couple of months now, and it took awhile for me to get usedto it. It is set up with the pin directly under the bridge and the cg is on the val. I had to take this ball to 300 grit to get just a little action on it, maybe 3-4 boards with my normal speed. Or about 10 boards with slower speed and higher revs. Overall this ball works well on Dry-to not so heavy medium, lol. I give this ball a 9/10 for dryer lanes.

Thanks for reading my review

Ricky Michaels

Also known as Mister High Speed Himself,


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #30 on: September 06, 2008, 12:32:07 AM »
I'm right handed. My style is somewhere between a stroker & tweener. About 14-15mph at the rack with avg revs. I feel most comfortable playing the ball between 8 & 13 at the arrows. And I've been bowling for about a year & a half. My current league avg is in the 185-190 range. Our THS is 40ft.

The ball has a 3-4" pin with a pin under 4-1/2" x 60 degree layout (no balance hole).

This ball for me is a very good ball for fresh patterns with pretty dry backends. And on used lanes that are breaking down on the backend. So far I've shot my highest individual games (256 & 263) & series (660) with this ball.

This may sound stupid but another thing I really like about this ball is it is a great indicator for oil moving down the lane. The 1st shot I throw with this ball that lands solid in the pocket & the rack doesn't shatter like glass, I immediately go to my next ball up & the pins start to fly out the back again. This ball seems to lose most of it's hitting power whenever it encounters any oil on the backend. It looks like it tries to push to pins aside, rather than knock them down. But I find this reaction very beneficial because it's the only ball I have that gives me this type of read.

I've also used this ball on both the cheetah & chameleon patterns & did very poorly on both. The biggest part of the problem was operator error but even when I could find the pocket, it would not carry for me. My personal belief though is that it was more the drilling than it was the ball to blame for that.

The bottom line is if you're looking for a really good house shot ball, then you should give serious consideration to this ball. It is pretty tough to beat this ball on a THS.

I want to also say thanks again to Bill at Buddies Pro Shop. I really appreciate this ball.