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Author Topic: Twisted Fury  (Read 30564 times)


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Twisted Fury
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Coverstock: EnMotionâ„¢ Reactive
Ball Color: Red / Black / Silver All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Ball Finish: Rough Buff Finish
Hook Potential: 115 (Medium-High) on a scale of 10-175 Low-High
Length: 105 (Medium) on a scale of 25-235 Early-Late
RG Differential: 0.036 (Medium Flare) on a scale of .000-.080 Low Flare-High Flare
RG Average: 2.548 (Medium-Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point
Breakpoint Shape: 80 (Angular) on a scale of 10-100 Arced-Angular
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium to Oily
Description: Get Twisted! The Twisted Fury expands and upgrades the Fury line by introducing both a new core and new coverstock to the market. The Twisted Fury is comprised of an asymmetric version of the Torsionâ„¢Core and the EnMotionâ„¢ Reactive coverstock.
Coverstock: The Twisted Fury introduces EnMotion Reactive coverstock. More aggressive in the mid-lane and back-end than High Octane, EnMotion Reactive delivers tremendous mid-lane recovery and forgiveness combined with plenty of back-end ball reaction
Core: Brunswick has added a new twist to the Torsion core concept by producing an Asymmetric version for the Twisted Fury. The symmetric version of the Torsion core used in the original Fury was based on triangular geometry. The Asymmetric version is based on a six-sided polygon. The inner core of a 16-pound Twisted Fury weighs in at 6.36 pounds, resulting in a medium RG that helps push the aggressive EnMotion coverstock down the lane. Brunswick has put a new twist on core design so you can twist it up better on the lanes.



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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2008, 04:27:56 PM »
I have had this ball for about 9 months now, and i still love it as much as the day i got it, when i threw 742 out of the box.

The ball is drilled using brunswicks advanced assymetric ball drilling layout, with the CG kicked out a little farther and no weight hole.

On a 38 foot house shot, the ball goes long, i mean real long. At about 50 feet it makes a huge jump left and just decimates the pocket, leaving only an occasional 10 pin or 9 pin. As a matter of fact, the only time it leaves something worse than that is when i throw it poorly.

It is a great ball and i recomend it for anyone looking for more length withour giving up turn.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2008, 01:15:45 PM »
Pin above ring finger and slightly to the inside. CG kicked out to the right, mb right of thumb. weight whole about a half a inch to the right of the mb.

I've had this about 4 months now. At first i didn't like the ball. it seemed to Brun up on me alot. After about two months I figured i would try it down and in. Try to play the lanes a lil straighter. What I good idea!!! Playing it from 20 to 10 with the break point at 5 seemed to be the way to go. If i miss inside the twisted fury would hold, miss out side it would recover. It carries well, not what I am use to a far as hitting power. I guess hammer has spoiled me a lil bit. I won a tournament with it yesterday 254,256,283.
Good ball to have in your bag if you ask me.

I would love to have you, but I don''t need you!!


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2008, 11:25:12 PM »
I drilled a Twisted Fury last week to give me a ball that was rolly in the midlane and continuous on the back. That is the exact look that I got. The ball has a very hard, controllable midlane but doesn't seem to quit on the back. With box finish, however, the ball was a little squirly, with a touch up with a green scotch bright pad the ball now has the look that I was looking for. I would say that the reaction is along the lines of a Columbia midlane and a Roto Grip backend. I will be using it more than likely on patterns like Viper and Cheetah where I like to have the look that I mentioned earlier. It will definitely be in my bag for this weekend's PBA east regional on Viper. I will definitely look into the solid version of the ball if I need a totally rolly piece.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #34 on: December 07, 2008, 08:53:58 PM »
Alright I have to tell you in detail about this ball because it's so great.
I got it used from a friend, plugged and redrilled it my favortite drill.
73x5x75 pin under middle finger, mass bias about an inch and a half left of thumb.
This ball and this drill allows me to do what I do best, pipe in up the five board. It revs up, rolls in the midlane and continues through the backend so well. I was worried it wouldnt hit very hard bc the person I got it from had switch grips (which I do too, but he is right handed). So it was a big hole to plug, but no way it hits as if brand new. I have quite a few bowling balls and am famous for switching alot (which isnt always good) but I have started and finished with the twisted pretty much everywhere I go. (traveling high school bowling). Looking for a nice versitile ball? get a twisted fury now.
Now I need a Twisted Fury Solid.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #35 on: February 04, 2009, 11:55:24 PM »
I know It's pretty late to post a review for a Twisted Fury, being it came out a while ago. But, I just got it from a friend who decided he didn't like it anymore. I however, was more than happy to take it off his hands. I put in a new thumb and grips, and hit the lanes with it. Now, he had it pretty aggressively drilled, and I decided to keep it, since I needed a little more hook.



I bowl on a Modified house shot, about two feet longer than avg, and wet outside. Being a stroker who loves to throw it up five, this ball can let me do that on fresh oil. But, I can also open up the lane and will not worry about the ball not coming back. It will. My first set was a practice session where I shot a 741 series with games of 215, 227, and 299. If you're on the right condition, lined up, and repeat shot, you can strike on command with this ball. The carry is just phenomenal. Just my own $0.02
Currently Throwing:
Storm Dimension
Storm Street Rod Pearl
Brunswick Twisted Fury
Brunswick T-Zone
In the Bag:

Radical Guru
Hammer Hot Sauce
Hammer Absolut Flip
Hammer Black Widow Legend
Track Tour X Solid



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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #36 on: April 14, 2009, 03:31:25 AM »
I hated it. Could not get the ball to react on any condition.Used my usual drilling stacked, by my same pro shop operator as my other balls.A lot of people loved this ball but it did not match up with me very well as did nothing with this cover stock.I tried them all and could not get any performance out of them. Might as well been throwing a plastic ball.I loved the first two Furys and the inferno line. I see that Brunswick is selling a lot of their overstock at cut rate prices and wonder if I am the only one who hated this cover stock. My speed rate is around 15 and,moderate amount of revs, average 200 in a couple of leagues considered by my peers to be a strong stroker.If you fall into line better stay way from this cover stock.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2009, 01:23:27 PM »
dilled this ball just like my wild ride, pin above and slightly to the left of my middle finger with the mb 2in to the right of the thumb.  I would describe this as a skid arc ball for me at first.  so i took the surface down to 1000 and what a difference.  before it was a little touchy but with the surface ajusted it reads the lanes in the middle enought to open up the world for me.  first night with it after the surface adjustment 770-789.  (bowled league then king of the hill tourny, 3 games each)

This ball, along with my rattler are my 2 balls that are first out of the ball and usually get me lined up pretty quickly.  A must have in my book.  Great job Brunswick
"Every Strike brings me closer to my next homerun"


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #38 on: April 26, 2009, 02:10:39 PM »
Brunswick Twisted Fury - 15 lbs

Pin to CG Distance - 3-3.5"

TopWeight:  Approximately 3 oz.

Layout: Pin over ring finger - 4-4.5" to PAP, MB out 60 degrees

Ball Reaction - Length with a strong arcing backend


This was another ball I bought in reaction to some struggles I had in a couple of PBA Regionals during last summer.  The problems had nothing to do with the tools, a bad pair of bowling shoes creating some bad habits and the lack of understanding of how to play inside was really the culprit.  What I found out is that between this one and the Ultra Zone that BW and I don't really match up that well right now.  Again, this ball was extremely condition specific, but on the right condition, it rolled really well.  This ball definitely needed oil in front and needed some bounce right of the breakpoint to be effective.   I tried to use it on the Viper and the Scorpion Patterns with limited success.  I decided to sell this one back to the pro shop as well, I have other equipment that covers this spot that is much more versatile.  I'm sure a stronger MB position would've made this ball a little more versatile, but it wasn't worth the investment to me to try it.  This ball with this layout wasn't a good matchup for my game.

I learned that if I'm going to use BW equipment in the future, I should definitely use stronger MB positions because they tend to roll earlier and smoother than the Storm/Columbia stuff that I'm used to.  This is not a knock on BW, it just a different ball reaction than I'm used to seeing and I can see them working really well for certain styles of bowlers.  Just not me.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #39 on: June 15, 2009, 08:32:55 AM »
Was a hand-me-down from a friend. Got it drilled with pin in-between the fingers and the cg below my ring finger. "right handed" Ball was polished at 2000 grit. A bit to over under for me. Scuffed to 4000 grit and have loved it ever since. Is a total beast on the old cheetah pattern, very controlled and drives through the pins extremely well. I am extremely impressed with this ball and don't leave home without it when I got to tournaments.
Get the 5-7 out! Geez


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #40 on: August 31, 2009, 05:17:47 PM »
I got this ball hot off the press.I had only been bowling about 3yrs.i was around a 185-190 average.My first league averaged 204.The ball seemed to be leaving alot of corners (10 pins).A fellow bowler recommended i have the ball dulled to get a little more drive.So I tried it and what a differance it made.I just finished my summer league with a 213 average.I have no real complaints i flat out love it.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #41 on: November 03, 2009, 12:25:30 PM »
Had the ball drilled with pin under ring finger, a had to dull it up a bit because it didn't handle a lot of oil for me.  The only problem is I seem to be leaving alot of 4 pins.  At first the ball would do nothing on the lanes.  I deal with a lot of oil, as I said I dulled it up a little, hooks now but now the 4 pin keeps staying up.  My average is 210, I use a Resurgance, which carry's a lot better.


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #42 on: January 12, 2010, 12:58:16 PM »
i bought a twisted fury a while back. i got it drilled full roller. it was an outstanding ball for bout 12 games then i lost all the carry. i talked to a ex tour bowler and he told me that i need to keep it as shiny as i can. and since then i have put nearly 100 games on it and it still pounds the pocket rarely ever leaving me any ten pins what so ever


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #43 on: March 22, 2010, 03:30:01 PM »
Can't really figure this ball out, after not bowling well with it since I've had it, tried it again and back to back 250's after a split filled first game, 140, go figure


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Re: Twisted Fury
« Reply #44 on: January 29, 2011, 11:20:22 PM »

Length: Medium 37-39 FT
Volume: Medium Volume

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Likes:  Ball rolls consistently and takes well to speed and hand position adjustments.  Was able to play multiple lines with the ball and still find the pocket consistently.  Ball carries well from many different angles.  Overall a great ball for many different styles.  Only ball I need currently....

Dislikes: None