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Author Topic: Ultimate Inferno  (Read 50080 times)


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Ultimate Inferno
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Reaction Characteristics
The Ultimate Inferno is a heavy oil ball designed for bowlers who prefer Reactive over Particle coverstocks. The Ultimate Inferno uses the same core as the original Inferno but combines it with a solid 800-grit dull version of Activator coverstock.

Compared to the original Inferno:
-The Ultimate Inferno will match-up better to oily lane conditions, longer patterns and heavy carry down.
-The Ultimate Inferno will match-up better for bowlers who struggle with excessively long ball reaction.
-The Ultimate Inferno will match-up better on heavily oiled - over/under lane conditions.

Brunswick’s new Activator Coverstock has quickly established a reputation for excellence in ball reaction, durability and longevity of ball reaction. On the lanes, Activator Coverstock is clean through the heads with excellent mid-lane recovery and a strong arcing back-end reaction that creates powerful pin action. Owners of the original Inferno have reported that it requires less frequent resurfacing and rejuvenations and is more resistant to cracking than other reactive coverstock balls.

Out of the box: The Ultimate Inferno is an ideal heavy oil ball for players wanting to use a Reactive coverstock.
When shined: Using Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish the total hooking action of the Ultimate Inferno can be reduced and the arc made more skid/snap.

Reaction Setup
The Ultimate Inferno can be drilled using the standard drilling techniques developed for two-piece balls, see the included drilling instructions for reaction characteristics and layout details.

The Ultimate Inferno is finished with a dull 800-grit surface finish which increases its hooking action in the oil. Dull surface finishes can sometimes hook too early resulting in reduced backend reaction and hitting power. To increase length, polish the surface with Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish.

Aggressive Reactive  
Blue soild/Red solid
Hardness: 76-78
Glow Engraving
Factory Finish
800-Grit Wet Sand
More Information

Core Dynamics
Symmetrical core
RG Max: 2.513”  
RG Min: 2.463”
RG Diff: 0.050”
RG Avg: 2.6
Hook Potential 150
Length 55
Breakpoint Shape 60
Available Weights
11-16 Pounds



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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2004, 05:51:42 AM »

I will start by saying that this ball ABSOLUTELY outhooks anything in the Brunswick lineup, new or old. If you liked the original INFERNO, but wished it would check up sooner and hook about 5 more boards, then this is definately the ball for you! AND WE'RE TALKING POLISHED, NOT BOX FINISH. This ball revs up midlane and has a RIDICULOUS backend reaction. I've never left so many 9 pins in my life, but the 10 pin is almost non-existant. The colors on this ball are super sexy, here is a picture of the actual ball. Notice the track flare burn marks, this ball bites and bites hard!

3-4" Pin
3.7 TOP

Drilled pin under ring finger, cg next to thumb, x-hole 5" x 1" down from center of grip. I didn't even bother with box finish, I'll leave that to someone else when they are officially released. I'm scared

For all those who know me, I really like the old Brunswick balls. As far as quality goes, Brunswick balls are 2nd to none, from the drill press to the lanes. From Rhino Pros to Zones and now Infernos, Brunswick has been the leader in the industry. The ULTIMATE INFERNO will be a benchmark ball, mark my words.
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-04
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badder™
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
   "Absolute Anticipation..."


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2004, 02:56:32 PM »
Well guys this ball will hook.  I drilled mine yesterday and tried it out on the 40 ft house pattern after leagues.  I drilled it 12 o'clock pin with the cg shifted 1/4in pos.  Pushed threw the heads real good and once it hit the mid lane it rolled to the pocket.  Its a good arcing ball.  I have not changed the surface yet, but plan on polishing for use in Regionals here in the Southern Region.  We will see how it reacts on a flatter pattern.

Pete Dohan
Brunswick Ball Staff

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2004, 09:24:26 AM »
We received our Brunswick pro source ball the other day, and I punched this one up for myself.  The pin was below my middle finger and the CG was on my grip line.  The pin ended up being 5 3/4" from my PAP and the CG was 5".

I bowled on a Sport Condition with medium to heavier oil pattern and this ball was great to have. I started the night standing 35-40 and sending the ball out to the 6th or 7th board, and the ball would just glide through the heads, and mid lane.  At around 37-40 feet the ball would put on the turn signal and make a hard move to the pocket.  This ball keeps the pins low and looked like a street sweeper because there was nothing left on the deck after it went through. Throughout the night I kept moving deeper and deeper, without a problem of getting the ball back.  

Last game I decided to try moving outside and go more up the lane. With a wrist adjustment, I was able to throw the ball up the boards around 3 and get the ball to the pocket without a problem.  The ball made a calmer move to the pocket but still got down the lane as far as it did when I was playing deep inside.

I think this will be a great ball for bowlers looking for something to go longer on heavy oil and give them a sharper move to the pocket.  I also think that the stroker will be able to use this ball as well to get added hook that they sometimes need.

Any questions, please email me.
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"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2004, 11:33:14 PM »

How's that for a simple review?

OK, here's the more detailed review.

4" pin
3 oz. TW

Drill specs:
5 X 4 (pin over middle finger)
Box finish

Picked up the Ultimate in Vegas for my Brusnwick Shootout ball.  The Brunswick guys kept touting how much this thing hooked compared to the other Infernos, so I went for length so it wouldn't burn up at my feet.  

Problem was, the Mini was super flooded on the left, I kind of wished I would have went for an earlier roll.


The Ultimate Inferno is as much usable hook as I've ever had.  I've gotten to throw it on floods, medium length tournament conditions (TAC at Texas Station), and a house shot and it performed on all 3.

With the high RG drill, it went a looong way on the flood, but when it hit the dry...boomerang.  Hook and recovery like you wouldn't believe.  

At the TAC, I used it for the 1st round of finals when carrydown took my V2 Particle out of play.  The Ultimate cleared the heads fine and gave me the same look I had on fresher conditions with my V2 Particle.

On the house shot, let's just say I could play some ridiculous angles and get the ball back.  On the fresh, I could swing 25 to the ditch and hit the hole with energy.

The great thing about this Inferno is the the Activator cover really gets through the front part of the lane and still delivers in the mids and down the lane.  The Ultimate delivers as much hook as I've had and can stay in your hand longer than particles because of the reactive cover.

As much as I love the Deuce, this is the ball that the Deuce should have been.

Mongo the UnLefty

Why the Mini be hatin' on the leftside?
Where are all my 2001-2006 posts?

Mike Whitacre

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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2004, 12:13:15 PM »
While I don't have one yet, I was able to shoot one that had my drilling. A high schooler has his balls drilled to my grip and he let me try it for a game. It was drilled with pin at the right corner of the ring finger CG kicked out alot with a hole in the side.

I loved the way this ball reacted. It goes longer than I thought it would and snaps hard on the backend. I was expecting something more like the raging inferno, but this ball is much better. Carry and hit was great. Brunswick finally has bested the original inferno. This ball reminds me alot of a V2 sanded. I hope it will last longer than V2's. I ordered one, and can't wait till it arrives.
Mike Whitacre
Mike Whitacre


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2004, 03:56:15 PM »
RevolutionMonster, WTF are you talking about? What does a Mazda MPV has to do with an Ultimate Inferno? Dude... STOP WASTING SPACE and GET the F*&K OTTA HERE!!!!!

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Bowling is 99.99999% luck.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2004, 10:50:54 PM »
Ok Guys,

Generally I would be following every one with there joys...

This is my first Brunswick Ball in many a year.

I am generally able to play anywhere from 20 to board 8 depending on the lanes.

I drilled this ball up with the cg kicked out 2" with weight hole center to give this ball a nice arch with the 4"pin out at 2oclock

I read all the papers and was looking for a ball for oil.

I wanted a ball that would work good in carry down.

This ball is neither.

I can not get it to drive if it is thrown in the oil, and the later the night gets the more I have to go to the right and play an almost up and in shot just to get the ball to drive. In 18 games of league I have 1 200+ game ( 219 avg going into this ) I have averaged only 3 strikes per game. Yet it leaves 7 and 10 pins and several 7-10 pocket hits like candy.

The ball seems to scheen up very fast and soaks up oil like a sponge.

The latist 3 games we dulled it back up to about 800 grit, and it worked for about the first game. But by the end of the 1st game it looked like it just came out of the polisher.

It even sounds like a cork when it hits solid. You better throw a ton of revs and alot of power cause it's got nothing when it gets down the lanes.

To compair it to another ball it is far weaker the the track crunch, another non partical ball. Actually it is more like a polished urethane ball.

Sorry guys it's just not a well matched up ball.

I know there are alot of Brunswick reps out there, whats your ideas?

           K Knight PBA central


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2004, 10:55:47 AM »
REMOVED BY WEBMASTER (Content not relevant to review)

Bob Hanson

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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2004, 01:11:09 PM »
My Ultimate came with a 2 1/2 inch pin.  I set it up with the pin on the grip line just below my fingers ( 5 inch to PAP ) and kicked the cg out to about 3/4 positive.  I haven't put a balance hole in it yet.  This is a little weaker than I set up most of my strong stuff, but I wanted to leave the ball in box condition and not max out the drilling.  The ball rolls very smooth and strong.  Much stronger than the Raging, and a different look than the original.  In box condition it is hard to believe the ball isn't a heavy load particle.  It reminds me of my old Deep Violet in the way it stands up at the break point without rolling out. This ball definitely needs good head oil, but with my low rev game I can use it on pretty hooking mids and back ends.  Again, very similar to the best of the proactive zones.  

The thing I need to be careful of is not to out hook my revs.  Yesterday I followed the oil machine on to a heavily walled 10 to 10 pair.  This old armor plate house really breaks down quickly.  The first game I shoot 278 starting out playing a little out angle to 8 board at the arrows.  I made a pair of 2 and 1 moves during the game.  The second game I needed to make another 2 and 1, and this time I only carry 3 out of 11 in the hole.  As soon as I started coming out of the heavy middle oil a little bit later my low rev delivery just would get the 10 out.

All in all a really good heavy oil resin ball.  Stronger handed players probably won't be able to use this much without polish.  It will be interesting to see how the reaction transitions as the shell polishes up from its factory 800 wet sand.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2004, 01:50:05 AM »
I got my Ultimate this afternoon. If ever there was true hook in a box. This it! WOW.
2 1/2 inch pin
3.2 TW
I don't know alot about layouts, I let my driller do that. But here goes.
The CG is a little right of midline. The pin is just right of my ring finger.
I've only used it 3 games. The condition was medium house pattern. If you have any hand at all you better get on the spinner with alot of polish. It got through the heads pretty well, it picks up at midlane and is gone. I didn't buy this ball for the typical house shot however. I'll post another review when I bowl on more oil or longer pattern.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2004, 12:10:49 AM »
Pin 1/2" above the ring, cg on center line for 1/2 pos side,
no hole, 10 minute luster king and I can have fun with any of my three releases .
Fresh ABC house pattern setting in down on 15 sending it 36' to 10 or to the 1 board yes that's what I said. With a sweet spot that huge I threw 21 in a row.
I don't know how they do what they do but Brunswick is consistently making balls
for every style of bowler and this one can make me look like the boomers on tour and strike just as much as the best.
Thanks guys for bringing out another hard hitting controllable great looking ball that can reignite my confidence while having fun.
Don't ever stop producing this beauty.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2004, 12:24:20 AM »
I will admit I was most indeed impressed with this ball, however out of the box is a little TOO much hook for me.  Polished it up a little, move WAY left, and throw right.  What more could you ask for?  Pin above ring finger, CG two inches right of midline, and X-hole in middle.  This ball bites hard, real hard.  When you hit the 1-3 it explodes, however the 9-pin will ring every now and then.  I make it intentional to miss light when bowling when this ball in league.  All-in-all, definantly a ball I want in my arsenol.  A nice come-back ball after the "Blazing Inferno"  What a piece that ball was.  Anyway, happy bowling!


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2004, 05:53:34 PM »
Part I

I just go this puppy yesterday and I drilled it Double Stack Leverage (max the ball out). Boy that was a mistake!!! My driller told me that this layout would be too aggressive for me, but I wanted him to do it anyways, so HE did and I regret that I didn't listen to him. This ball out of the box HOOOOOOKSSSSS!!! It hooked so much with my layout that I can't even control the ball. I was standing on the 35 board on the left (right-handed) and throwing on the 30th board to the 5th board on FRESH HOUSE OIL. It just took off right after left my hand. It wouldn't stop an energizer bunny... it kept on going and going and going and going... and went broklen. Not to mention that this ball soaks up OIL like a vaccum cleaner. After 1 game, I can't play that same line anymore. I had to more 2 boards to the left. I told my driller what happed today.. and all he said was "I TOLD YOU THIS BALL IS TOO MUCH FOR YOU". I am going to put some polish on it today and see how it works on my league tonight......

To be continued.... Part II

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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #14 on: February 29, 2004, 03:28:21 PM »
Got my Ultimate at 15 lbs., 3.5 oz. top weight, and a 2 inch pin.  Had it drilled with the pin below and just to the right of the ring finger and the CG kicked out to the right for an early roll and strong hook.  I wondered exactly how much this ball would hook, because I have never had a reactive that I have been able to use on any kind of oil at all, I've tried the V2 Sanded, X-Factor Deuce, and other strong reactives but they all slid too much in oil.  Not this ball, while I have not thrown a Full Throttle or Anomaly or anything like that, this has got to be one of the biggest hooking reactives on the market.  Give it some room and watch it come back and hit with the same power as all of the other Inferno's.  The total hook amount is comparable to my Warp Zone, and so far the carry has been fantastic.  If the Raging wasn't quite enough hook, the Ultimate should be plenty.  Great job Brunswick!