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Author Topic: Ultimate Inferno  (Read 50081 times)


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Ultimate Inferno
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Reaction Characteristics
The Ultimate Inferno is a heavy oil ball designed for bowlers who prefer Reactive over Particle coverstocks. The Ultimate Inferno uses the same core as the original Inferno but combines it with a solid 800-grit dull version of Activator coverstock.

Compared to the original Inferno:
-The Ultimate Inferno will match-up better to oily lane conditions, longer patterns and heavy carry down.
-The Ultimate Inferno will match-up better for bowlers who struggle with excessively long ball reaction.
-The Ultimate Inferno will match-up better on heavily oiled - over/under lane conditions.

Brunswick’s new Activator Coverstock has quickly established a reputation for excellence in ball reaction, durability and longevity of ball reaction. On the lanes, Activator Coverstock is clean through the heads with excellent mid-lane recovery and a strong arcing back-end reaction that creates powerful pin action. Owners of the original Inferno have reported that it requires less frequent resurfacing and rejuvenations and is more resistant to cracking than other reactive coverstock balls.

Out of the box: The Ultimate Inferno is an ideal heavy oil ball for players wanting to use a Reactive coverstock.
When shined: Using Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish the total hooking action of the Ultimate Inferno can be reduced and the arc made more skid/snap.

Reaction Setup
The Ultimate Inferno can be drilled using the standard drilling techniques developed for two-piece balls, see the included drilling instructions for reaction characteristics and layout details.

The Ultimate Inferno is finished with a dull 800-grit surface finish which increases its hooking action in the oil. Dull surface finishes can sometimes hook too early resulting in reduced backend reaction and hitting power. To increase length, polish the surface with Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish.

Aggressive Reactive  
Blue soild/Red solid
Hardness: 76-78
Glow Engraving
Factory Finish
800-Grit Wet Sand
More Information

Core Dynamics
Symmetrical core
RG Max: 2.513”  
RG Min: 2.463”
RG Diff: 0.050”
RG Avg: 2.6
Hook Potential 150
Length 55
Breakpoint Shape 60
Available Weights
11-16 Pounds



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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2004, 01:55:02 PM »
Part II

I was able to use this ball on my first league night on friday night. WOW.. what a difference.... The lanes had some carrydowns because it was the second night shift. I was standing on the 39th board this time and throwing it at the 30th board and to the 5th. IT HOOKS!!~!!!!.. It hit the pocket every shot that I threw. It even hit the pocket when I tuck my ball and missed about 5 boards. The ball is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!! Strikes on almost every shot that I threw. Just as long as it get near the pocket... you are guarantee a strike. Crazy ball... I actually shot a 668 series for the first time. I'm usually a 190 bowler. I would recommend this ball to anyone who want a ball that would hook in any condition.... great ball!!!!

Bowling is 99.99999% luck.

Bowling is 99.99999% luck.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2004, 06:38:13 PM »
Ok everyone a bit about me, lefty, md-low revs med speed stroker. Mostly stay behind the ball, but can put more turn on it if the shot calls for it.

Ball came in 16lbs even 2-3 inch pin and decent topweight.

Had the ball drilled for midlane. Not much on drilling specs but pin below ring finger and cg kicked out a bit. Small deep weighthole almost parallel to the center of my grip.

This is yet another great ball from Brunswick. On the right condition this ball is BETTER than the origional though with my drilling and the box surface it is not as versatile (i sanded my origional inferno). This ball, for strokers WILL NOT be a ball for floods. It will move on heavy oil, but wasn't as consistent or strong as my throttle (see profile for info on that ball). It is more at home on heavier mediums though those with less speed or more hand may like it better on a flood than I did.

Also, this ball is not for dry conditions. It will not hook on dry, so if your ball isn't hooking like you thought it would, the lanes may in fact be too dry. This isn't a ball that will hook the lane on dry lanes, it will roll out, at least with my drilling. Use this ball on the right condition and it's your best friend, on the wrong condition it will give you headaches (aka 9pins) all day long.

This ball is at home on flatter patterns, and heavier mediums. It is predictable, with a nice roll, and doesn't force you to play out to the dry on house or wall shots with decent oil inside. You can play in the oil and still have a good entry angle. Carry is up to par with the origional, both of which are two of the better carrying balls i have thrown.

Overall this is a great ball, but a bit too condition specific for my tastes. It will still stay in my bag, but i'd love to be able to use it more, one of those balls you don't wanna put away. I'm probably going to polish it in hopes of it being more versatile. This will be a great ball for most bowlers, i believe crankers will like it on heavier oil in floods, and it's a great alternative if you don't like particle.

If your looking to fill a niche in your arsenal this is a great ball to do it with, you won't be dissapointed. In turn, if you usually bowl on drier lanes, you probably won't like this ball.

I'll update after i put more games on the ball and/or polish it. Until then good luck and good bowling to all.
When all else fails, become a lefty
Edited on 1/26/2012 at 1:10 PM
Mike Geller
Lord Field Amateur Staff
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2004, 12:13:30 AM »
One word clearly defines this ball, amazing.  My pro shop guy was like ur using some old sh!tty equipment, so he sold me this one.  God is this ball amazing.  First game out I shoot, 224, followed by 219, and 257.  It was only practice but it was good.  This ball needs some oil though, especially since im a high rev bowler, it hooks like a madman.  I would have to thank Pappys Pro Shop In Garden City, NY for a good ball


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2004, 01:07:08 PM »
I bowl at a house with a very flat, slick oil pattern.  The place also has very weak backends, which can make carry really difficult at times.  In fact, last week, I left 15 ten-pins during my league set.  I had the local pro shop guy drill me an Ultimate Inferno to see if it could help me open up the lanes a little bit and improve my carry.  I was very impressed with the ball.  My first league set with it was last night; I had 242, 228, and 300.  The ball rolls clean through the heads and really stands up and faces the pocket down the lane.  I have been throwing an X-Factor Re-Loaded most of the year, and the Ultimate Inferno is a great deal stronger for my game.  I have a medium-low track and a high rev-rate.  The drilling is number 2E on Brunswick's Ultimate Inferno layout chart.  I did polish the ball up - I can't imagine how much it would have hooked if I had left it dull.  I would definitely recommend this ball.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2004, 06:32:23 PM »
Follow up to an earlier posting:

After speaking with a fine gentleman from Brunswick it turns out that our local "expert" drilled this ball up totally incorectly to my style of bowling. With the pin placement, and cg kicked to this position, an old guy like me just doesnt have the power for this ball. When we thought it wasnt finishing, it was, but after less then 40'. ( position requires high speed and max revs )When it was attempted to throw it in oil and it hit very weak thats cause it had burned out within feet of leaving the oil...

The ball has been taken to a major shine, finished up to 2000 and then polished with Black Majic. It now has controll, It now has hitting power, and can even be thrown in some oil.

Not a bad ball. Just to much in this layout for me.

     But I will say this,

  "Don't always trust the expert drilling your ball. It's a science, and doesnt always make perfection" " But know your driller enough to be able to ask, what went wrong?"

k knight central pba


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2004, 03:34:27 AM »
my first post

The UI rolls real heavy in the mid and keeps moving.  As far as I can tell, there is no way that I can use this ball any houses around me unless there is a decent amount of oil, REAL DECENT.  Other than that, the only thing that I dislike is that I cant play the track area because it just burns up way too fast.  Of course you shouldnt have to anyways.  Enjoy using it, I know I do


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2004, 08:58:25 AM »
I just threw this ball last night in league and I am not too impressed so far.  I know nothing about axis, pin placement or anything I just tell my pro shop guy what I want the ball to do and he does it.  I do know that the pin is above my ring finger about 1:00.  There were more oil on the lanes last night than usual.  Probably because it was position round.  I started the night off with the ultimate but ended up switching to my inferno.  The ultimate didn't seem to have the snap on the back end for me.  The inferno worked real nice.  Hooked a little bit less but had some back end punch.  Maybe the ultimate needs more oil down the lane.  Too early for me to tell right now.  I will have to throw it in some different houses to be sure.  I do not have a lot of revs and throw the ball fairly hard.  Maybe that has something to do with it, I don't know.  Any help you could give me I would appreciate it.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2004, 02:23:01 PM »
15 lb ball. Pin 2-2.5 inches. Drilled aggressively.

I am a medium-rev bowler with a high track. I have had this ball hook a lot on normal house shot conditions, but if you have a similar bowling style to me and are looking for help on a flooded condition, you won't get much. I learned that one fast. Although in it's defense it did eat up the oil like crazy and by late in game 2 I was getting some decent hook to the ball.

Cleaning this takes some good effort. After each night bowling, it takes at least a full washcloth (front and back) and quite a few squirts of Ebonite Powerhouse Energizer cleaner to get this ball clean. I'm at 19 games now with this ball and at 50 games I'll soak it in hot water and Dawn to get the rest of the oil out.

All in all, I love this ball. I am striking a lot more often with this ball than I did before with my Illusion ball - which is now my spare ball.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2004, 06:37:48 AM »
Drilled - Pin Below Ring Finger, Cg kicked out, X-hole
Coverstock - Sanded with grey scotchbrite, repolished
with Neo-Tac 400grt compound

Drilled exactly like my original Inferno. First few shots I noticed its heavy heavy roll, it looks about 2ft wide going down the lane! Its definitely a bit earlier and a bit smoother than the original. I liked it from the start, whereas I had to get some games on the Original pearl before I started striking with it, too flippy at first.

Definitely needs oil in the fronts to retain its energy. And it'll eat up all longer patterns it faces. Virtually no squirt, almost particle ball roll thru the front/midlane but with the reactive continuous backend. Best of both worlds on the floods!


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2004, 10:48:07 PM »
Drilled it yesterday before a tournament which i didn't need it for, but i was meaning to drill it for a week.  Pin under the ring, cg just outside of it.  1 inch weighthole about an inch and a half below the midline on the val.  Balls is exactly what i love.  Great midlane recovery, continuous arc on the backend and explosive hitting power.  Creates room in oil, and reacts hard off the dry.  Carries off hits great and sends the crowd pleasing messenger with authority.  Can't wait to use it on my sport shot league.  Right now it is close to my best ball only to the original x-factor.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2004, 11:41:33 PM »
drilled it on monday, this ball moves. drilled as strong as possible, great for med condtions. shot pretty good with it considering its probably the most hooking ball ive thrown so i dont know how to controll it. overall 9/10. awsome ball if you need somthing to move boards.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2004, 05:09:32 PM »
I have never thrown this ball, however, I have seen people throw the ball...

And I have VERY mixed reactions. The ball has the most aggressive move on the backend of any Brunswick ball that I've seen in sometime.

On the flipside, I know someone who gave up on the ball after two nights. He just practiced with it twice then decided to give it away -- he liked his Full Throttle so much better that he bought a second one... so who knows?


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #28 on: March 21, 2004, 07:05:55 AM »
Got it drilled Saturday.  Bowled it Sunday for a couple of game practice, on a usual league pattern.  Drilled to full potential, over the label with 1-ounce positive side weight, factory finish.  15 pound weight.  THIS BALL MOVES!!! I am not a high rev player, about 250-RPM at max revs.  Stood on board 32 over 15 at the arrows, and arced all the way to the pocket, with tremendous hitting power.  Only one problem, this ball needs oil and a large amount of it at that.  But if you need a heavy oil ball with quite good length for the hook, hitting power of a steamroller and excellent recovery this is the ball!!!

9.5/10 for me.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2004, 08:11:07 PM »
I drilled my Ultimate with the 3.7 oz TW drilled with the 2E drilling layout. This ball is great for medium to oily conditions, and it hits and carries like a monster! I can throw it from a variety of angles, and I don't throw with a lot of revs. This ball really needs oil, but it has burned out for me only once. Great ball 9.5/10, my favorite ball along with my Demolition Zone.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #30 on: March 25, 2004, 04:33:45 PM »

strokers beware! unless your local center or used to bowling on heavy heavy oil do not drill this ball to full potential, over the label, brunswick drilling instructions L1.  i bowl a tweener style, back swing above head, speed around 15 MPH, rev rate about 250 RPM.  i bowl at a center with the same pattern as nottingham ENGLAND which has one of the wettest oiling patterns in ENGLAND.  with fresh oil, stood on 38 out through 16 break point at 3 board back to the pocket.  unless gallons of oil do not attempt!!!

now i am getting this ball re-drilled to L2 see if that is any better, with half an ounce positive side weight.