The Ultimate Inferno
! !.7 8 9 10! !
! !...6 5 4...! !
! !.....3 2....! !
! !......1......! !
! !........O...! !---Polish Ultimate Inferno hooks left were dry lane begins
! !....*---.O! !---Medium Oil lane ends
! !.........O.! !<--gutter
! !........O..! !
! !.......O...! !-----Ultimate Inferno w/slight skid with flare
! !.....O.....! !-----Utiimate Inferno w/slight skid with flare
! !....O......! !
! !______! !
Right hand stroker, one board to the left from center
Looking for the long ball with a sharp hook
Lane conditions tested:
medium oil
Ball condition:
game 1: dry, striaght from the drill press
game 2: polished
Good flare, not alot of skiding in the oil but when it hits dry lane it snaps back to the left. I do mean snaps back hard! This ball seems to skid, flare good, track medium then hook early in medium oil. Although a professional from a local Pro Shop drilled the holes correctly (fitting around the width of the fingers and palm w/o gaps between flesh and ball) it seems unpredictable and must be stroked out towards the (edge of gutter) then snaps back in dry lane. It was hard to stroke the dry ball to the edge of the gutter. Therefore, it would leave the 10 pin (once out of every 4 trys then strike). This became fustrating because when you thought you striked you left the 10 pin. When you thought you left a split (which did happen once) or 10 pin it would strike. This made the ball very forgiving as the pin action was good. But it was difficult to read what you did right or wrong.
I had to get this ball polished to spec's, OH BOY WHAT A DIFFERENCE! The ball was stroked the skid was still short, flare still good and tracked longer. The hook appeared to be the same in the dry lane however more strikes were obtain (3 "X" dry ball vs 7 "X" polished ball). When you stroked this ball to the edge of the gutter it would snap back towards the pocket and strike (dry lane). This ball is very forgiving as hitting the pocket at the right speed, angle, flare, rotation was impossible to achieve every frame. Regardless if it's dry or polish this ball does have good concussion when it hits the pins. The ball drives back, the pins react from left to right instead of going backwards. 4 strikes where made in 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th frame then 3 more in the 9th and 10th frame for a score of 198. This was achieved on sticky house shoes (made legs sore as you are not able to slide) with a new ball in the 2nd game with a polished ball. Not bad!
Overall, very forgiving ball to strike with. I have heard rumors that some houses have up to 3' shorter lanes (causing more stikes) and up to 3' longer lanes (causing splits, 10 pin, 7 pin, etc) then regulated by the PBA. This is measured from the line where your foot must not cross to PIN 1 (head pin). Not sure how true this is as I simply enjoy the game!