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Author Topic: Ultimate Inferno  (Read 50082 times)


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Ultimate Inferno
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Reaction Characteristics
The Ultimate Inferno is a heavy oil ball designed for bowlers who prefer Reactive over Particle coverstocks. The Ultimate Inferno uses the same core as the original Inferno but combines it with a solid 800-grit dull version of Activator coverstock.

Compared to the original Inferno:
-The Ultimate Inferno will match-up better to oily lane conditions, longer patterns and heavy carry down.
-The Ultimate Inferno will match-up better for bowlers who struggle with excessively long ball reaction.
-The Ultimate Inferno will match-up better on heavily oiled - over/under lane conditions.

Brunswick’s new Activator Coverstock has quickly established a reputation for excellence in ball reaction, durability and longevity of ball reaction. On the lanes, Activator Coverstock is clean through the heads with excellent mid-lane recovery and a strong arcing back-end reaction that creates powerful pin action. Owners of the original Inferno have reported that it requires less frequent resurfacing and rejuvenations and is more resistant to cracking than other reactive coverstock balls.

Out of the box: The Ultimate Inferno is an ideal heavy oil ball for players wanting to use a Reactive coverstock.
When shined: Using Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish the total hooking action of the Ultimate Inferno can be reduced and the arc made more skid/snap.

Reaction Setup
The Ultimate Inferno can be drilled using the standard drilling techniques developed for two-piece balls, see the included drilling instructions for reaction characteristics and layout details.

The Ultimate Inferno is finished with a dull 800-grit surface finish which increases its hooking action in the oil. Dull surface finishes can sometimes hook too early resulting in reduced backend reaction and hitting power. To increase length, polish the surface with Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish.

Aggressive Reactive  
Blue soild/Red solid
Hardness: 76-78
Glow Engraving
Factory Finish
800-Grit Wet Sand
More Information

Core Dynamics
Symmetrical core
RG Max: 2.513”  
RG Min: 2.463”
RG Diff: 0.050”
RG Avg: 2.6
Hook Potential 150
Length 55
Breakpoint Shape 60
Available Weights
11-16 Pounds



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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2004, 07:01:04 PM »

Thanks C. Wells (Bowlers Aid Pro Shop) for a great layout.
Got so much movement, had to ask mgr if it was really "fresh" oil.
I was turning the corner like sandpaper.  Will update after the real league.

Don't worry, it's not you it's the ball!!!



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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2004, 12:44:51 AM »

I would like to thank Brunswick for finally bringing a REACTIVE heavy oil ball! None of the particle crap! And I am getting my confidence back playing on heavy oily lanes! Thank you very much, Brunswick!

I drilled a 15lb 3oz with 3oz top weight & 0-1" CG from PIN. The pin is below my  ring finger while the CG is on the 5 o'clock (relative to the pin). And it is drilled ONLY for heavy oil, so I guess the ball's potential is maxed out.

Anyway, I had a short test last night. The lanes were oily with carry down from morning's school tournaments. The lanes were flooded in the morning.

Tired Bruiser 1st (drilled for medium). It skidded to the back of pin 3.
Then I use Time Zone next (drilled for medium oil). It just keep going straight, revving madly and made a small twitch near the 1-3 pocket.
SmashR was drilled for oil, but it needed sanding down with dark green scrotch brite to hit the pocket, just.

So I tried the UI. Using the same line (10th board straight down), the UI over-hooked!!!!! So I moved left by 2 boards and send the ball towards the 10th board. Again over-hooked. So I moved left somemore and send it out to the 8th board and the ball hits the pocket! I can't believe that. The SmashR can't even do that in heavy oil! I moved to 15th board sent it out to 10th board and it still comes back strongly. I made a mistake by sending it to 5th board and it still came back! All I can say was WOW!!!!! I hit 223 & 221 with the ball fresh OTB!

I look forward to play in heavy oil instead of fearing that damn condition!



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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #33 on: March 30, 2004, 10:25:32 AM »
i can throw it!! ... it just seems strange throwing over 16 stood on 38!! am gettin used to it tho.  hit my first 240+ with it the other nite so am happier now!


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #34 on: March 30, 2004, 11:12:25 AM »
I have 4 sets with this ball  672, 622, 691, and 646.  the 622 and 691 were with 170 games.  I should have put the ball away when the lanes broke down, but I was trying to learn what I could do with it.  The ball is drilled in the 1L brunswick layout.  It gets down the lane and makes a devastating move to the pocket.  In 12 games I think I have 1 or 2 splits.  I have left some 8 and 9 pins though.  This is a very good heavy oil reactive ball.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #35 on: March 30, 2004, 11:41:31 AM »
Great piece.  Recovers from the most incredible angles, hits well even when twirled straight up the puddle.  I've drilled 5 of these now for various release types and all love it.  There are conditions that just don't allow this piece to be used, but it is a good readable piece with great energy retention and good hit.

Scale of 1 to 10, a solid 9.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #36 on: March 30, 2004, 11:06:59 PM »
I just picked this ball up tonight and I can not believe the area I have with it. Right out of the box i shot 256. It has been a few months since i shot over 250. I carried almost every shot that I kept on the left side of the head pin.(incase you didn't figure it out i am a lefty) If i pulled it into the oil (15th board) it skidded and smothered the pocket, if i threw it out to the dry (5th board), it came roaring back to rip the rack, if I hit 10 (my target) it would snap at the end and knock all 10 in the pit. I don't usually spray the ball like that but now i know i can get away with it.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #37 on: April 02, 2004, 06:00:57 PM »

i own one ultimate inferno, 15lb drilled over the label. i have bowled about 15-20 games with it so far, ace ball if you want back end recovery. can anyone tell me when to get this ball re-surfaced?? i have heard 50 games! but i am not sure because i hate to say but is from an unreliable source.  

Can anyone help ??
Ben Chamley

Steve 2960

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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #38 on: April 03, 2004, 05:50:55 AM »
Right hander, medium speed/revs, end of season average was 174 after not bowling for 15 years. Then bought one these for oil, 15lb - 2.7 Top - pin 3-4, drilled Layout 1, leaving 7/8ths pos side weight. Current average 197.

I have found that it hits hardest from 30/35 out over 5/10 and just watch it come back!

Only criticism is that it looks like being a high maintenance ball because it absolutely drinks the oil.

Anyone got suggestions for cleaning it?


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #39 on: April 14, 2004, 05:03:14 PM »
I can only say one word for this ball.  WOW!!!!!  This is a great ball for any bowler who swings a ball.  I always had trouble with lanes covered in oil, but with this ball, I can do anything.  If you want a ball that hooks and gives you a huge margin for error, then this is your ball.  I had about 12 boards I could throw this ball over, and it would hit the pocket everytime.  This is a great ball.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #40 on: April 16, 2004, 06:56:30 PM »
Bowl on synthetic with not much back end.42 feet medium/heavy
Just got an Ultimate, polished.
As long as I can keep the speed down I can swing it out to
the gutter and it comes back like a bullet.
Great pin action. Obviously a dull surface would hook
more but for an outside line the polished version
works great. Try it.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #41 on: April 17, 2004, 01:14:28 AM »
I got this ball last Thursday, and overall I'm happy with it, but it isn't what I thought it would be. It is quite inconsistent, I have left more solid 10s and solid 7s than ever before, and personally, I think it doesn't hook enough. I got it drilled leverage weight, so it would have a lot of backend, but it does virtually nothing in oil, and loses some power if it's not thrown right. I have always been a Brunswick guy, so I can't put it down too much, and after all, I just got it a week ago. So I'm not jumping to conclusions yet, I'll write another review as time progresses.
-Good Luck and Good Bowling


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2004, 01:41:41 AM »
The Ultimate Inferno
! !.7 8 9 10! !
! !...6 5 4...! !
! !.....3 2....! !
! !......1......! !
! !........O...! !---Polish Ultimate Inferno hooks left were dry lane begins
! !....*---.O! !---Medium Oil lane ends
! !.........O.! !<--gutter
! !........O..! !
! !.......O...! !-----Ultimate Inferno w/slight skid with flare
! !.....O.....! !-----Utiimate Inferno w/slight skid with flare
! !....O......! !
! !______! !

Right hand stroker, one board to the left from center
Looking for the long ball with a sharp hook

Lane conditions tested:
medium oil

Ball condition:
game 1: dry, striaght from the drill press
game 2: polished
Good flare, not alot of skiding in the oil but when it hits dry lane it snaps back to the left.  I do mean snaps back hard!  This ball seems to skid, flare good, track medium then hook early in medium oil. Although a professional from a local Pro Shop drilled the holes correctly (fitting around the width of the fingers and palm w/o gaps between flesh and ball) it seems unpredictable and must be stroked out towards the (edge of gutter) then snaps back in dry lane.  It was hard to stroke the dry ball to the edge of the gutter. Therefore, it would leave the 10 pin (once out of every 4 trys then strike). This became fustrating because when you thought you striked you left the 10 pin.  When you thought you left a split (which did happen once) or 10 pin it would strike.  This made the ball very forgiving as the pin action was good. But it was difficult to read what you did right or wrong.    

I had to get this ball polished to spec's, OH BOY WHAT A DIFFERENCE!  The ball was stroked the skid was still short, flare still good and tracked longer.  The hook appeared to be the same in the dry lane however more strikes were obtain (3 "X" dry ball vs 7 "X" polished ball).  When you stroked this ball to the edge of the gutter it would snap back towards the pocket and strike (dry lane).  This ball is very forgiving as hitting the pocket at the right speed, angle, flare, rotation was impossible to achieve every frame.  Regardless if it's dry or polish this ball does have good concussion when it hits the pins.  The ball drives back, the pins react from left to right instead of going backwards.   4 strikes where made in 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th frame then 3 more in the 9th and 10th frame for a score of 198.  This was achieved on sticky house shoes (made legs sore as you are not able to slide) with a new ball in the 2nd game with a polished ball.  Not bad!

Overall, very forgiving ball to strike with.  I have heard rumors that some houses have up to 3' shorter lanes (causing more stikes) and up to 3' longer lanes (causing splits, 10 pin, 7 pin, etc) then regulated by the PBA.  This is measured from the line where your foot must not cross to PIN 1 (head pin). Not sure how true this is as I simply enjoy the game!  


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #43 on: April 21, 2004, 07:43:40 PM »
got this ball resurafced on saturday, bowled with it sunday. i am not sure weather it was me, but it seems to have lost some of it's back end hook! i used a grey scotch brite so i did not damage the surface of the ball and i did not kill it by putting it onto a ball spinner with a piece of 800 wet and dry.  

i bowled it on sunday and it did not move, it did move but it moved quite early and did not finish as well as it did when brand new, can anyone explain why ??  and how to get it to finish stronger YET still be a strong oily lane ball!! ???

so let this be a warning to anyone getting there ultimate resurfaced!!

Thankz alot Ben Chamley


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #44 on: April 22, 2004, 06:44:37 AM »
Just an awesome ball, I got the ball about 3 weeks ago......polished it as it was too dull for me out of box (I am a stroker).  |This ball hooks, AND REALLY ROLLS.  I am a PBA member and can't wait to use it in regionals on PBA sport condion patterns.  The last 3 weeks I have shot 693, 732, and 676 on a wet/dry condition.  THE BALL HITS LIKE A TRUCK, and is very forgiving on bad entry angles.  Would highly recommend getting this ball to anyone.

Robert Poeschl

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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #45 on: April 23, 2004, 04:34:51 PM »
Basic Overview
15lb 2.5" pin
Dilled 4x4 with the pin level to the ring finger and the cg kicked right.
High speed, revs
50 degrees turn, no tilt

This ball is really something different. For me I can get it to skid and really turn the corner, my usual line without being to specfic on the pattern is about 15 to 5-3. This ball grabs like a particle and gives a look of a reactive, and I've thrown a lot of particle and sanded stuff.

Things to watch for:
You'll see a lot of people polish this one. You have to have speed, turn, tilt; something that will delay a ball reaction for this thing to work in the box condition. I've see a lot of people do the old hook stop thing and say "this" or "that" hooks more than this ball. It's got a lot of surface which means people it's going to use a lot of energy early.  

Over all this ball will give a good skid flip or turn, depending on your specs, on oiler lanes. I think for all you guys that are sick of particle death will love this one. Just match up the conditions for this ball and no when to put it away. Polish will make the ball much more versitle, especialy for bowlers who play with a foward roll and less turn.  But the box condition will give you a better read for oil. One of the strongest solids I've ever thrown.