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Author Topic: Ultimate Inferno  (Read 50092 times)


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Ultimate Inferno
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Reaction Characteristics
The Ultimate Inferno is a heavy oil ball designed for bowlers who prefer Reactive over Particle coverstocks. The Ultimate Inferno uses the same core as the original Inferno but combines it with a solid 800-grit dull version of Activator coverstock.

Compared to the original Inferno:
-The Ultimate Inferno will match-up better to oily lane conditions, longer patterns and heavy carry down.
-The Ultimate Inferno will match-up better for bowlers who struggle with excessively long ball reaction.
-The Ultimate Inferno will match-up better on heavily oiled - over/under lane conditions.

Brunswick’s new Activator Coverstock has quickly established a reputation for excellence in ball reaction, durability and longevity of ball reaction. On the lanes, Activator Coverstock is clean through the heads with excellent mid-lane recovery and a strong arcing back-end reaction that creates powerful pin action. Owners of the original Inferno have reported that it requires less frequent resurfacing and rejuvenations and is more resistant to cracking than other reactive coverstock balls.

Out of the box: The Ultimate Inferno is an ideal heavy oil ball for players wanting to use a Reactive coverstock.
When shined: Using Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish the total hooking action of the Ultimate Inferno can be reduced and the arc made more skid/snap.

Reaction Setup
The Ultimate Inferno can be drilled using the standard drilling techniques developed for two-piece balls, see the included drilling instructions for reaction characteristics and layout details.

The Ultimate Inferno is finished with a dull 800-grit surface finish which increases its hooking action in the oil. Dull surface finishes can sometimes hook too early resulting in reduced backend reaction and hitting power. To increase length, polish the surface with Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish.

Aggressive Reactive  
Blue soild/Red solid
Hardness: 76-78
Glow Engraving
Factory Finish
800-Grit Wet Sand
More Information

Core Dynamics
Symmetrical core
RG Max: 2.513”  
RG Min: 2.463”
RG Diff: 0.050”
RG Avg: 2.6
Hook Potential 150
Length 55
Breakpoint Shape 60
Available Weights
11-16 Pounds



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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #91 on: July 25, 2005, 07:00:31 PM »
Simply put, best ball I have ever had. Rolls great, and is always predictable. I have 2 of them!!!! It's that good.
Theo "da lefty" Douthit    

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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #92 on: October 12, 2005, 01:21:10 AM »
Just recieved the oh mighty ultimate inferno, I must save that I fell into the hype of this ball, dull there is barely reaction and when I hit the pocket it would leave pins like the 4 5 or 6, polished up the reaction gets a little better.

I hit the pocket hard and just could not understand why pins are still standing, When its dry put this ball away its even worse. It could have been the way it was drilled or it could have been me, I dont care to much for this ball. I got a
lane 1 black cherry a couple of days ago polished and it hits 100 times better than this ball.

Maybe ill have it drilled in another pattern and give it one more chance, Im not trying to sell anybody nothing but the truth


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #93 on: October 12, 2005, 04:28:53 PM »
KCMOREESE:  You don't know how glad I am to have read your review.  I have the same problem with this ball.  I had this ball drilled to a down & in type shot with what I call a "MILD" hook.  Used this ball on a med oiled lanes and man was I disappointed.  The ball went straight down like I wanted but with very and I mean very little hook.  Had the ball re-plugged and had it drilled to an "early roll" with a maximum hook with a weight hole.  This time I played it on oily lanes and again I was disappointed.  Weight of this ball is 15lb 11 oz and I throw a medium speed shot with alot of revs so this ball should really hook.  I have an old Track Elite with the same drilling and this ball hooks more than the Ultimate does.  Thank goodness that there are other balls on the Inferno Line.
INFERNO Series: The "FLAME" burns brighter with every roll.

Arsenal: Smokin  / Absolute/ Ultimate/ Original Inferno/ Target Zone


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #94 on: October 16, 2005, 11:09:59 PM »
Year in review 2004-2005

   these are the first brunswick balls i have used in a longhand it was the best year yet after i got both the ultimate inferno and the intense inferno i rolled 7 - 800 , 3-300 and a boat load of other scores i cant say enough about brunswick and the r&d staff they have great stuff i just order a rampage and hope it will do good i will get back later with that


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #95 on: October 25, 2005, 05:58:03 AM »
Wow, without a doubt the best ball I've thrown in about 5 years. I bowl at a house with heavy heavy oil(not sure on pattern) and couldn't find a ball to cut through. Got a UI from "bring-your-a-game" off this site and couldn't be happier(I owe you big time)...Not sure on top weight, pin is directly below my ring finger. I stand with my right foot on the middle dot, throw out about to the 7 or 8 and this ball comes screaming back to the pocket even in heavy oil. The midlane turnover on this ball is amazing, gotta love it! I highly recommend this ball to anyone who needs a little more hook than normal!


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #96 on: November 12, 2005, 12:56:43 PM »
An update to an earlier review, Original review listed first.

Yep, what else needs to be said. I have this and the Original (bought them both at the same time). The pin on both balls is just above the middle of the fingers with the CG in the middle of the grip just kicked out to the right a hint. The Ultimate has a weight hole to flare it more and the Original does not. I think it is a 5 1/2 inch drilling (from pap). Love both, they hit good, they roll up good, nuff said. I'm very happy with moving to Brunswick. I use the Ultimate on med heavy and heavy shots, Original on med light to lighter or burnt-up shots. If your driller is qualified and knows Brunswick, you should get a lot out of this ball. Cleaning it is important. Make sure you use a good ball cleaner after ever 3 to 9 game set. Otherwise you will see a decrease in performance.

11-12-05 Update

Still have this ball and it's still a rolling bomb. I did see a significant decrease in performance due to use and oil absorbtion. I did two things to combat this. I "baked" the ball per B-Wicks recommendation for their coverstocks since I was unable to find a shop with a rejuvenator to bleed out the oil. And I put this on my spinner and resurfaced it back to box finish. Once I did these two things this ball came back in "Brand New" condition. I used it on a medium house shot and was able to play 20 to 10 with speed and had no problems with it turning the corner, and I used it on a heavy oil house shot and had to play a straighter 15 or 12 to 10 belly with speed that still killed the pocket every time. I've had the Infernos longer than any balls I've ever had and they still work great getting into a full year. Once cleaned and\or resurfaced they come back like new. I've added an Absolute Inferno and an Impulse Zone and I have a ball for about any condition I see with the exception of PBA or sport shots (that's due to the layouts of the balls). All the B-Wick equipment hits well and it lasts a long time. I have plenty of games on all 4 balls and when properly maintained they act as new. If you don't have an Ultimate and you see a few heavy to med heavy houses, get one, get it drilled properly and you won't go wrong.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #97 on: January 01, 2006, 07:48:51 PM »
i got this ball off a friend. had the thumb fix kept the same layout.. pic in profile. The first time i threw it when it was dull i wasnt getting the desired reaction. It was checking up a little earlier than i wanted. SO i took it home and put a coat of clean n shine on it. It gave me an extra 2 ft of length and a smoother roll to the pocket. Well two weeks after applying the polish i shot my first 300 and a 299. The polish really helped this ball, another good one by brunswick.
"messengers are a bowlers best friend."  

formerly jr_768


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #98 on: January 01, 2006, 09:09:49 PM »
I drilled this ball using layout 2E

Box finish

What else can you say that hasn't been said about the UI?  I purchased my first one about 4 months ago and recently purchased my second one.

You MUST have oil on the lane to use this ball, otherwise it will roll out.  This ball does not take to getting deep when there is no head oil and throwing it to the gutter since it will begin to roll too soon.  I feel it works great anywhere there is head oil

This balls clears the heads, starts up in the midline, and continues all the way into the pit. I have had quite a few balls, and this is definitely one of the best, if not the best of all of them.  It reminds me of the old Columbia Boss, just stronger.  My other recent purchases were a Full Throttle and an X-Factor Deuce.  I wish I would have got the UI first as I would have had no need for the other two.  The UI is MUCH stronger

I am very impressed with the Activator coverstock, I never thought a dull ball could make such a nice transition through the heads.  The low-rg core revs off your hand with ease.

If you have not tried this ball yet, you  owe it to yourself to get one.  My pro shop tells me they still sell more Ultimates than any other ball. I think that speaks volumes in today's "new ball every month" climate.

Lo side cranker/hi side tweener
@60 deg. axis tilt
@16 mph at pin deck
Revs increase with speed
All balls are 16#


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #99 on: January 07, 2006, 04:44:08 AM »
16.5 mph by Quibica
325 rpm
low axis tilt
variable axis rotation
High Track
pap 5 1/2 right, 1/2 up

15lb Ultimate Inferno
4 1/2 by 3 1/2
No hole, 5/8ths side weight
800 grit surface

THS-40 feet-AMF synthetics-oil line at 10-ob at 6-7(for me this area is 2 pins all day, but outside of 5 is more hook)

Up the boards:
With my hand under the ball, I get an early smooth reaction off the end of the pattern. Lookin 8, hittin 10, flush. Great carry with this release and this line.

With my hand on the side of the ball, I get alittle more push through the mids and alittle harder turn on the back.

Poop. It doesn't like to be sent into the dry at all. It was almost like instant burn. Really weird? Moved in deeper, keeping the breakpoint inside the oil line, I could get a reaction that was much better.

With my hand on the side of it, it was flat 10 city. 4 in a row before I moved on to something else.

Suitcase it up 7, it would get there but lacked sufficient hitting power to carry very well. I carried a couple, but nothing spectacular.

I liked the reaction, more movement than my werewolf. Bellying the ball had to be kept at a minimum, maybe 2-3 boards at the most, 11-8 might get me back in the hole. The best game I had was 14-11, shot 244 that game. I wasn't very sharp today, not until the 244 game, so the results may be alittle off, only time will tell.

Additional INFO:
Yesterday, we went in and threw two games. They were dead fresh, no open play at all. I couldn't control it on the outside, even laying off it. I moved deeper with 90* of axis rotation to get it down the lane. It turned and punched hard.

Today, senior league before we arrived. Lots of carrydown, started 15(slide 19) playing up 12, had carry out to 10-12 at the breakpoint. Very strong, after two games, it started burning a hole in the pattern and carrydown forcing a slight move in with feet and target.



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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #100 on: January 28, 2006, 11:35:18 PM »
This ball is simply put the best. I got this ball about three months ago and I couldn't be happier. Last year my average was around 160 this year my average has went to 189 at one house and 179 at another. The biggest reason is this ball hits like a ton of bricks even on miss hits it takes them all down with ease. The lane conditions I bowl on is med heavy at one place and heavy at another. This ball always comes back to the pocket and finishes strong.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #101 on: February 26, 2006, 04:37:21 AM »
hey i want to say the ultimate inferno and the intense rule in one of my league shot 231 212 and 193 and i want to say Brunswick make some good bowling balls


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #102 on: March 05, 2006, 03:54:28 PM »
Ive had this ball a long, long time, but guess what. It still works great.  I havent used it in  a while because i havent had a chance to get the finger grips fixed. I took it to the pro shop and had new grips and had it resurfaced and bam just like brand new. I just shot my new high game with it yesterday, 297, yeah 97, horrible last shot. Many people i know have said that it burns out after a year, but i guess i got lucky with mine, or it might just be the person throwing it. Anyway great ball, best of all infernos, and brunswicks.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #103 on: March 05, 2006, 10:50:28 PM »
well, this is my first review and im a teenager so im not very good, but my friend had an ultimate inferno and i bowled with it a little and i liked it, so i went online and since so many people had the same color i found the limited edition version and bought that, i dont know much about the specs but the lanes i was on were about medium oil and since i got this ball my average is up by 40 pins


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #104 on: March 19, 2006, 05:04:53 PM »
This ball is definitely great, just got my average over 200 now using this and the Columbia300 Messenge Ti. Had it a little over a year and it hasn't worn out at all.


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Re: Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #105 on: April 12, 2006, 01:06:42 PM »
I decided to polish this ball up and see what reaction I would get. Brunswick was right. Skid snap reaction. The ball got further down the lane and a hard move off the dry. Nice pocket hits,first time using polish 223 game.Since I have a swamp monster for oily condition, I will keep the UI polish for when the lanes are drying up just a little and making my move inside.On the condition I was bowling on medium to light, I give this ball an 8.5 but the ball is drilled strong with the pin 1/2 inch from ring finger.Great ball

I am thinking of getting the Smokin Inferno next