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Author Topic: Ultra Zone  (Read 20989 times)


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Ultra Zone
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Coverstock: EnMotion Hybrid Reactive
Ball Color: Black Solid/Blue Solid/Silver Pearl All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Ball Finish: Rough Buff
Hook Potential: 135 (Medium-High) on a scale of 10-175 Low-High
Length: 90 (Medium) on a scale of 25-235 Early-Late
RG Differential: 0.046 (Medium) on a scale of 0.0-0.080 Low-High
RG Average: 2.504 (Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point
Breakpoint Shape: 75 (Angular) on a scale of 10-100 Arced-Angular
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium to Oily
Description: The Ultra Zone brings the new EnMotion reactive coverstock from the Twisted Fury into the Zone line and combines it with the updated Phantom core to create an ultra-low-RG alternative that complements the reaction of the Twisted Fury. The Ultra Zone uses a Solid / Pearl Hybrid version of the EnMotion coverstock. EnMotion combines the best elements from our PowerKoil, Activator and N’Control coverstock systems to create good length combined with excellent mid-lane recovery and strong back-end hooking action. The Ultra Zone unites EnMotion coverstock with the ultra-low-RG updated Phantom core. Ultra-low-RG’s are known for strong mid-lane recovery moves and their controllable back-end hooking action, Brunswick has created an early revving counterpart to the Twisted Fury that will match-up better on lane patterns that create over/under reaction problems for skid/snap balls.



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Re: Ultra Zone
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2008, 12:33:40 AM »
its money... enough said
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Re: Ultra Zone
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2008, 11:39:39 AM »
16# ball drilled pin 5-1/2" under fingers with PSA at 45' and flare increasing hole.

Surface is 2000 abralon.

The ball is very rolly and smooth off the friction.  If you want a more controllable reaction, then this ball will work for you.  If you like to get deep and watch the ball go 50 ft, then look elsewhere.

Speed: 17.0 (Quibica)
Revs: med-high to high (@400 RPM)
Axis: 5-3/4"  3/16 down

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Re: Ultra Zone
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2009, 03:44:56 PM »
I am one of a few who did not like this ball. I drilled it up stacked was looking for  a hook monster and what I got was a different reaction all most all the time.Big hook for three frames Make you stand back and say wowwowwow and the next three flat as can be.Then your saying !!!!!. I bought 3, one for me and for each of my sons.The only one that is still bowling with theirs a year later is the one with the huge rev rate. All so they seem to have a short life as most bowlers who bowled with them in my league said theirs died out quickly. Having said that my son loves his and its his go to ball in  tough conditions. A lot of my league mates said it was the best ball they had untill it died out.I do believe the coverstock does not match up well with my style.I sold mine to a very good friends son. The only thing he did was replace the thumb slug and he gets very good reaction out of it. His rev rate is a good bit more then mine but style and speed is spot on.I don't know the difference other then the rev rate.I do think if you have a big rev rate this ball will work great, but if you have med to low rev rate, beware.


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Re: Ultra Zone
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2009, 04:50:19 PM »
i stopped bowling about 4years ago and i bought this ball a year ago to start again,10games after i bought it i stopped bowling again (work sch interfered)  ... I started again recently (trying to get on a league now), my average is around 180-185. this ball is a decent hooker not the best not the worst it carry's nice on oil/med oil. i bought it orig to retire my Vertigo i have but i cant its not better . The vertigo > ultra zone IMO. i had both drilled to hook aggressively but the ultra tends to hit a soft pocket not a hard rocket like i want. i would recommend someone who is a tweener or a stroker though its good. cranker theirs better .


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Re: Ultra Zone
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2009, 01:18:38 PM »
drilled this with the pin below and between my fingers and the mb 3in to the right of my thumb.  took the surface down to 800.

this ball is instant revs in a box.  it revs up so easily and reads the lanes early and smoothly.  it gives me a nice STRONG arc throughout the entire lane, which is nice when the lanes have a little more oil.  it allows me to open the lane up a little and create some area to throw to later in the night.
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Re: Ultra Zone
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2009, 12:25:53 PM »
BW Ultra Zone - 15 lbs

Pin to CG - 3"

Layout Pin Down under ring finger, MB out 60 degrees

Ball Reaction:  Early Roll and smooth backend


I bought this ball in response to some struggles that I had at a couple of PBA regionals that I bowled in last summer.   What I ended up with is a ball that is extremely lane condition specific.   This ball with this layout plays best when there is some volume in the front part of the lane with a very well defined friction spot to throw to.  Straighter angles are definitely greater for this ball.  I tried it at several different surface finishes, but it's best at 1000 abralon w/ polish.  More surface made it read way too early and less surface seemed to make it very sensitive to carry down.   Bottom line is that although it can be very effective when the right lane condition shows up, I don't see that condition very often.  In hindsight, probably made a bad layout choice, I think it would've worked better if I'd used the 45 degree MB position instead of 60.  I drilled a smooth rolling ball to roll smooth, which in this case, was a mistake.  I have other bowling balls that can cover this spot and be used further left, so I'm going to sell this one back to the pro shop for store credit.  Bad matchup for me.


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Re: Ultra Zone
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2009, 03:13:43 PM »
I needed a ball for when my benchmarks read too early and this thing fits that roll nicely.
 Got this ball hoping its advertised smoothness will help my control for that last game or the Cheetah. And of course the $$$. Got mine new and on the lanes for under 100 bucks. This is my 1st Brunswick ball. Have a bunch from almost every Manufacture but just getting around to trying The Bruns.
Lefty stroker ball speed 15 MPH weight 14. Pin over the bridge CG and MB kicked out slightly to the strong side.
 Took me a few games to get the cover set up for playing dry but worth the effort. The ball revs up on the ball rack but still has plenty left for the pins. Not good in the oil at all but not what mine is set up for.
 Easy to read, above average hitting power and maybe most important to me easy length, just skates past the dry fronts reads the mid just enough and makes a strong but controllable move to the pocket. I fell if you can match the cover up it will roll out nicely retaining power for the pins but to much shine it will spin right past your break point and too much cover and it will burn up at 44 feet.
 I have other stuff that if you don't want to take your whole arsenal out can do some dry and some oily conditions and not be in too bad a state but this ball is not that flexible. Set it up for the condition you know you will be shooting it on and be happy with that.
 I will give this guy an 9. Love the smooth/strong move and hitting power.


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Re: Ultra Zone
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2009, 11:03:30 PM »
Well fist off was looking for a ball to replace my Red Zone something with decent lenght and a strong continuos roll. Was really sceptical as soon as I got the ball and seeing the white made in mexico lable on it. The ball came in with a 3-4 inch pin so I driled it up pin above bridge and mb kicked about an inch and a half right of my thunb. This ball kinda dumb founded me the first 3 games it skidded way to long and took off just really inconsistant roll. So I pretty much gave up on it till I went ahead and ran out of options last week at league and ended up having gave up on everything else workin I pulled out the ultra zone and it rolled perfectly shot in the 220s after 3 opening with splits. Found the best line to be inside swinging from inside center arrow out to just inside second arrow and couldnt miss. Well Then next day at league I wanted to make sure it wasnt a fluke so I pulled it out and found that same line and scored very well again. I found this ball needed a few games on it so that it would start picking up a roll. I found that the more i threw it the stronger this ball is getting. Over all I give this ball a 10 of 10 possible this ball is one you really can attack the lanes with a straighter line and shows forgiveness. Well thanks for reading hope this review makes sence and halps someone out.


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Re: Ultra Zone
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2010, 10:04:19 PM »
Very disappointed with this ball, especially with all the hype on it. I have tried polishing it, matte finish, and compound finish. There are numerous other balls better than this one. This ball is mediocre at best.

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Re: Ultra Zone
« Reply #25 on: July 04, 2010, 12:22:42 PM »
I was skeptical of this ball. I tried ricco in a blast zone and had no carry. But a friend gave me this ball so I drilled it 5X3 (pin in ring finger). First I polished it and after three frames watched it go straight on the USBC pattern. I then went 1000/rough buff. Very happy with ball, at the stadium, I was able to hit the pocket all nine games. This ball has a lot of control on the back end. On a broke down shot, I have been able to throw  "up the back" and walk it in from the 5 board. On the scorpion, I played 15 to 10. It is a very versitable ball but it is cover prep sensitive. If you can find one cheap, it fills a good place in the arsenal.
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"Where does he get all of these wonderful balls?"