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Author Topic: Vapor Zone  (Read 27190 times)


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Vapor Zone
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Vapor Zone brings the popular reaction of the Absolute Inferno to the Zone Asymmetric line.  The Vapor Zone combines the same rough buff Activator Plus coverstock used on the Absolute Inferno with the Ultra-Low-RG Asymmetrical core system from the Zone Classic.  This core/coverstock combination produces an Absolute Inferno like ball reaction with the drilling options of an asymmetrical core.

In the front-ends: The Activator Plus coverstock is clean through the fronts, saving more reaction for the back-ends.  This provides improved hitting power and back-end recovery while reducing sensitivity to breakdown in front-end lane conditions and lane surfaces that are less than ideal.

In the mid-lane:The Ultra-Low RG core provides strong mid-lane recovery while the Activator Plus provides improved traction in the oil with a smoother, more effective reaction off the dry.  This combination reduces over/under reaction by making the wet play less wet and the dry, less dry, effectively allowing the bowler to create more area.

On the back-ends: The Activator Plus coverstock is powerful and continuous from the breakpoint through the pins.  Improved traction in the oil allows the Vapor Zone to bite through the carry down and aggressively change direction without breaking loose from the lane.  The strong rolling characteristics of the Ultra-Low RG core make this move more readable allowing the bowler to open up the lane.

Reaction Characteristics
•Out of the box:The Vapor Zone is an ideal ball more medium-dry to all but the oiliest lane conditions.  
•When shined:Using Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish the total hooking action of the Vapor Zone can be reduced and the arc made more skid/snap.
•When dulled:The Vapor Zone’s hooking action will increase providing a better match-up for oily lane conditions.

Color: Blue Pearl
Hardness: 76-78
Glow Engraving
Factory Finish
Rough Buff
More Information

Core Dynamics
RG Max: 2.513”  
RG Int: 2.505"
RG Min: 2.463”
RG Diff: 0.048”
RG Asy: 0.017"
RG Avg: 2.9 out of 10
Hook Potential 130
Length 100
Breakpoint Shape 90
Available Weights
12-16 Pounds



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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2006, 11:21:53 PM »
3rd Review

195 avg.Subbed tonight on fresh oil. Usual house shot. Man I was on.

Started out playing left foot on 25 out to 8. Man that ball smashes. I doubled then hung on the thumb and opened the 3rd. Ran the next 4 and finished with a 239

Next game I picked up where I left off. Three bagged then left a pocket, ringing 7!! Mad was not the word. Two pins went right by it. Struck til the 12th and left another solid 7 for a 278.

Now I am up to 517 after 2. The carry down was def hard at work now. I adjusted in vain. Started with 2 spares, strike, spare, and then a washout. Wasn't sure if the 700 was even going to happen. I eventually finished with a 204 for a 721 set.

I am not sure if it was the carrydown or maybe my release, but the ball was still looking pretty good going into the pocket. This was my 2nd set with this ball and I can not wait to bowl Saturday night. Ball is definitely nice!

Remember...The 10 pin is not your friend!!
Remember...The 10 pin is not your friend!!


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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2006, 02:27:16 AM »
Good wet dry piece, nothing more.  Huge amount of over/under on this ball.  Definitely not coming back in the oil, and may snap off the map if it hits the dry too early.  Not a versatile piece, but good for it's purpose.  Hits weak, nothing special.  On wet/dry conditions it's a go to piece but nothing more than that.


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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2006, 10:33:27 AM »
profie:   abit over med speed with a lot of revs.  pin is located right and below ring finger.  cg is 2 inch below slighlty kicked out right.  mass bias is about 2 - 3 inch right of thumb hole and of course with a weight hole.

got the ball last thursday and since then, i've had the chance to play it on 3 different condition.  so here it goes. (based on my experience)

condition 1 (med-dry after league practice):  this ball hooks like mad.  kept moving left as the lanes got drier.  last game played it on 20 19 right down to 9 8 and this ball comes back to the pocket.  played 6 games scratch. averaged 227.

condition 2 (fresh med oil league): played 13 12 thru 2nd arrow down to 9 8 then moved a little bit left as oil broke down.  shot 215 234 235 scratch for a 684 series.  averaged 228.

condition 3 (sport shot):  i hesitated in using this ball because it's only supposed to be for medium shot.  i played my 2 heavy oiled balls laying it on 1st arrow down and in shot.  average 180 for the 2 game.  

so i decided what the heck might as well try the vapor to see what it will do in this condition.  threw it down the lane same shot 1st arrow down and in and man was i surprised.  vapor came in harder than my other 2 balls.  shot 220 scratch 3rd game.  averaged 193.

needles to say that i was very pleased with this ball as others around me indicated that to average 193 in a sport shot condition is pretty good because the normal average is around 165 to 175.  

vapor has a nice smooth arc with a good continium thru the pins which has great carry creating all kinds of pin actions.  i recommend it to all burnswick bowlers to have one included in your arsenal.

Inferno Bowler: "Throwing a strike when the game starts is only a minor obstacle. Throwing a strike when you really need it in the 10th frame can be a whole different beast"   Parker Bohn III

Arsenal: Scorchin Inferno / Ultimate Inferno / Smokin Inferno / Original Inferno(2) Morich Ravage / Vapor Zone / Enriched Uranium and Target Zone.


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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2006, 06:57:45 PM »

Grip N Rip

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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2006, 03:29:41 PM »
Great ball for anything close to med oil. I got mine drilled alittle on the weak side. The ball is not as angular as advertised. Accepts hand position and speed changes o.k. Good carry from inside and down and in, for me I had trouble getting the 9 pin out playing a little swing shot. Predictable reaction strong midlane move with good backend.


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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2006, 02:36:40 AM »
Bowler Information:

PAP - 4 15/16" over 7/16" up
Axis tilt - around 17 degrees
Axis rotation - between 30-45 degrees
Ball speed - 15-17 mph

Got the ball from a friend for agood price, as it had low games on it.  The ball has a 2 inch pin, and I chose to lay it out pin under.  Pin is 4 1/4" from axis, MB is 55 degrees, pin 1 1/2" above midline.  I placed a small hole 3" below my axis on the VAL.

I have altered the surface a lot on this ball, and there is one thing I can say about the Activator+, It takes surface changes very well, and really shows a difference of them in ball reaction.  My favorite surface for the ball is 1000 abralon, with a small amount of Clean N' Tacky placed on the pad.  This gives me a nice dull, tacky surface.  The oil handling capabilites of this ball surprised me.  I have had great success on higher volumes, playing tighter lines to the pocket.  The midlane of this ball is awesome, and the continuation of the core is excellent right up until about 57-58 feet.  This is a strong layout for me, and with the duller surface, the reaction is a strong hook-set for me.  With the recent addition of the Scorchin' to my arsenal, I have taken the surface to 2000 polish on the Vapor, which really gives me a smooth continuous ball for medium-heavy conditions.  

Overall I love the versatility of the cover, and the smooth readable motion of the Zone core.  This is an absolute winner from Brunswick, and I will guarantee that I drill at least 2 more of these before they are discontiued.  This one has my vote for most versatile ball of the year.
*Erie Community College bowling*

Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.

AMF Thruway Lanes Pro Shop employee, and I have no problem saying that I'm Officially a Ball Junkie.


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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2006, 12:50:19 AM »
I can sum up the whole review to follow with one word: FLIP!

Ball: 15#, offset CG so this is essentially drilled like a label leverage ball with a kick...that is pin slightly above and to the right of ring, CG slightly right of center of grip, MB about 1 1/2 inches down and to the right of thumb.

Me: Med/High track, medium speed, med/high revs.

Lanes: 2 games on a mostly fresh house shot, 4 games on a 44' sport shot, 3 more games on the same house shot lanes. Old, but well maintained wood surface, part of it is Guardian overlay.

I bought this ball to replace my Nemesis, as I wanted a different reaction to go between my Scorchin' And Smokin' for my arsenal. Mission accomplished! On similar amounts of oil, I would throw the Scorchin' for an early read and smooth back end from anywhere I need to; Smokin' for outside lines, long length, and moderate snap; and the Vapor for middle to inside lines, medium length, and lots of snap!

On the house pattern, I basically didn't need to move a single board all 5 games (2 1/2 hours between the first two and last three). This ball gave me a great look on a line that is deeper than most tweeners/strokers play, but further outside than most crankers play. I'm talking about roughly boards 16 or 17 to 12 at the arrows. The ball was not very forgiving, no matter where I started with my feet or release point, I basically had to get the ball to a certain point distance laterally from the head pin, or it wouldn't come back or it would hook too hard. I would know halfway down the lane what the result would be: Strike, or disaster.

This ball was actually BETTER on the long sport pattern. The longer oil tamed the reaction just a hair, but it still made a devastating corner turn off the oil into the pocket...I just had a little more area to play with.

This ball does NOT work on an outside line for me AT ALL, too much flip and angle. If I want to play outside, I'm definitely bagging the Vapor and switching to the Scorchin' or Smokin', depending on the oil.

I'm going to have another 6 - 10 games of practice this Sunday on a house shot, so I may add a 2nd review at this time because my Absolute Inferno got WAY stronger at about the 12th game (I'm at 9 now).

This is a ball that's going to be great for exploiting a house shot (or house-esque shot, like tonight's sport pattern turned out to be), but something to put away quickly on more a difficult shot. I played around with it from a deeper line and it seems like it will work there too, when trying to follow the oil in the 2nd block of a tournament (I remember seeing a pro do this on one telecast last year, rather than switching to a weaker ball).

I give this ball a 10 out of 10 for what it's good at, but about a 6 for versatility. That's ok, because I have other balls that are "jack of all trades, master of none".

Edit: 2nd review, still at the top so no reason for a new post. The ball did not change in overall hook potential after the break-in period but did "calm down" a bit. Reading over my initial review, I have found that my opinions have not changed...this is a fantastic ball for me when I want to play 3rd arrow and left, but to the right of that I'm pulling out my nearly as strong but much tamer reacting Smokin'.

I was bowling on a flat 40' sport shot on the same lanes as above, and unbeknownst to me the summer lane maintenance was done between my Sunday practice and Tuesday league sessions. When my Scorchin' was flying off the breakpoint like never before, I knew something was up. I figured I'd have the same issue or worse with the Smokin' so I switched to the Vapor. Shot 221 with a 6-bagger (dang greek church in the 2nd frame) doing this, I think the low RG core is causing it to burn a little energy in the midlane and not fly off the breakpoint like the higher RG Scorchin', because the reaction was much more smooth and predictable than with the Scorchin' (usually it's the opposite).

For me, this ball is one of the better core/cover combos to come along in a long while. This has become my "first ball out of the bag", though I feel my Smokin' hits a bit harder when comparing ideal conditions for both. Both are great balls that will have a place in my bag for a long time!

Need new stuff? Get it from and get it drilled by Mike Austin!

I dare you to visit !


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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2006, 04:01:18 PM »
i just got a 15lb vapor zone and the first thing i noticed about this ball was that the breakpoint shape was very predictable. my vapor zone is drilled with the pin on the negative side of the ball above the middle finger and the cg kicked back to the positive side at about 5 o clock. i was a little sketchy about the layout when Wes(Malott)finished drilling it but i have to give him credit on the exotic layout cuz on the right conditions i can throw this ball all day.Wes drilled it to flip hard in the back end, but however in oil this ball does moderately well even though it is doesnt pick up alot but it does start rolling in the midlane. now once the track area starts to break down you absolutely must move in. if this ball finds dry board it will simply take off! i recently bowled a tournament and threw this ball for 8 games straight and only had to move my feet 7 boards left. like i said earlier if the shot is there this ball is unbeatable. i know how i always go on about how good brunwick balls carry but however the hitting power this ball has is the only slight flaw. you can get away most of the time with "high and tight"pocket hits and trip out a 4 pin,but there have been several occasions where i have smashed the pocket and an 8 pin stands staring back at me. ive always preffered the inferno line of the zone line and this is exactly why, there are times where this ball just hits,it doesnt drive through the pocket like my infernos.other than that i am very pleased with my vapor zone i'll go 8.5 out of 10
They say everything's bigger in Texas,so i choose "Big B"...Brunswick!
-Brunswick Radical Inferno
-Brunswick Inferno
-Brunswick Absolute Inferno
-Brunswick Vapor Zone
-Brunswick Zone Classic Red Pin


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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2006, 07:13:19 PM »
Starting specs:
2-3" Pin
3 oz Top

Drilled with the pin under the ring finger and the mass bias about two inches right of the thumb.  Used a medium size extra hole on the axis making it roughly a 4.5" Pin to PAP.  I have used this ball with several different surfaces, but settled on 1000 abralon for now.  I got this ball because I liked my Absolute Inferno and wanted something a little earlier and stronger down lane.  It's definitely stronger in the front part of the lane, but it has a tendency to burn up on shorter patterns and hit weak.  As much as I like the AI and Strike Zone, this one just hasn't really matched up for me probably due to the strong layout.
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor


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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2006, 10:22:49 AM »
This ball is far from a bad buy.  It's snap will occur no sooner than before leaving the safety of the oil, but turn it will.  This ball causes you to stand deep and thrown out.  A little push or a little more hand at the bottom of your swing will result in a flush looking shot, but most often will not carry properly.  Although you may take this as a bad thing, this still is a good indicator of the balls ability to read the lanes well.  As far as I could tell, this ball has too sharp of an angle to play a down and in shot.  I'm still stickin with my original thesis though, "This ball is far from a bad buy."

Personal rating... 8.5 outta 10.

Monster Stitch

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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2006, 02:58:46 AM »
4 inch pin
3 oz top

Pin over ring, MB 2 inches right of thumb, Pin 4-5/8 from PAP, and MB 4-3/4 from PAP

Conditions: HPL Synthetics/42 feet/strip backends, AMF/Top Hat Pattern/Clean backens, Wood Lanes/Fresh oil with carry down

This has to be one of my favorite Brunswick Balls of all time. I find the Vapor Zone a versatile ball that can be easily tweaked. It has a nice hard rolling motion with an arcing backend. When i have the cover sheen the ball motion is very even. Then when i polish it, it has a nice hard kick on the backend. When the lanes have carry down, this ball is very even still. The weakness of this ball is long patterns with tight backends and lighter patterns.

Another great by Brunswick.


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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2006, 08:57:04 PM »
Just got my Vapor Zone drilled up today. I only got to use it for 3 games, but that was all I needed to see. The Vapor Zone has a similar reaction to the Smokin Inferno but goes a little bit further down the lane and revs up a little harder. Overall, the Vapor Zone is a very good ball for medium to medium-light lane conditions.

Overall Hook: 7.5 out of 10
Backend Hook 8 out of 10
Length 9 out of 10
Hit: 8 out of 10.

master of the lanes

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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2006, 01:29:49 AM »
another ball i love..

Moose Nugget

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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #29 on: October 31, 2006, 08:54:54 PM »
15.04 lbs  3.5 pin, 3.25 top weight
Went with 4.5x5.5 layout pin above fingers and Strong MB

Ball is much stronger and more angular than I expected in OOB condition.  Really allows me to open up lane as long as I keep in some oil early on.  Easy to read this ball as it lets you know immediately when to put it up.  It will check up and head left at the first sign of light oil.  Looking forward to some tough tournament conditions to use this ball on.  House shot is no match for this monster.  Strong yet very versitale ball.  Definately going to look at a red and strike zone after throwing this one.  Vapor will easily replace 2 balls in my tournament bag so now I have room for a new ball.........Hmmm
Bandit Lanes Pro Shop
Ellsworth AFB South Dakota


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Re: Vapor Zone
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2006, 08:29:02 AM »
when i first got this ball and tried it out i got to admit it was pretty poor i mean it snapped like a monster and i couldnt control it!
however since having the balls servace dulled abit it seems to have stopped over snapping and more arching

overall sinse altering the ball its gr8!

brunswick balls will withstand if you do alter the surface slightly remember that!