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Author Topic: Wild Thing  (Read 17728 times)


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Wild Thing
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
- Coverstock: ConneXion Reactive
- Color: Red / Silver Pearl
- Hardness: 76-78
- Factory Finish: 4,000 Micro pad
- Weight Block: Paragon Two-component Symmetrical Core
- RG max: 2.514
- RG min: 2.469
- RG diff: 0.045
- Average RG: 2.6 of 10
- Hook Potential: 160 (Scale 10-175)
- Length: 110 (Scale 25-235)
- Typical Breakpoint Shape: 95 Angular (Scale Smooth Arc 10-Angular 100)
- Flare Potential: 0.045 High (Scale Low 0.00-High 0.060)
- Description: Paragon core was designed with two intentions. First, lower the RG to create a faster revving core that will provide improved mid-lane traction. And second, raise the RG differential to increase the track flare potential which will generate more overall hook with standard layouts and the use of interchangeable thumb sleeves. Coverstock: The Wild Thing utilizes ConneXion coverstock known for its unbelievable traction response from foul line to head pin. The aggressive connection of the Wild Thing to the lane surface inspires confidence in the ball reaction that allows bowlers to play the lanes the way they want to. Ball Motion: The Wild Thing and its new ultra low RG core system improves the adhesion of ConneXion coverstock to accelerate the response to friction and turn its attack loose on the pins. This core/coverstock combination allows the Wild Thing to generate a shape never seen before in the Brunswick line. Wild Thing… I Think I Love You !!



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Re: Wild Thing
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2009, 12:06:52 AM »
Layout: Pin drilled out by ring finger, CG 3/4 inch from center of grip.
Cover: Sanded to 2000 and light polish with Brunswick factory polish.

Scorpion sports pattern: On the fresh pattern the wild thing was a little over under for  me the first game and a half. When the siege began to hook early I made the change to the wild thing. The wild thing was very smooth and allowed me to tighten up the line with no lose of carry power. Even as the pattern broke down I was able to keep up with the break down with slight moves to the inside. The carry remained very good as I chased the line deeper, as the mid lane broke down and the oil pushed down and to the right the wild things carry increased. This core cover is very smooth and is a great benchmark ball for league and sport patterns.

38 Foot house pattern: Bowled on a third shift house pattern. The wild thing was very clean even after 2 shifts of league bowlers. I was able to move right and use speed and the wild thing did not squirt through the carry down. I found I could even move further left and slow down my speed and slow hook the lane with great carry with extreme angles. For league this ball is a great middle ball for your bag that can be used on oily and drier lanes.

When to use: This ball will work best when the mid lane is broken down and the siege starts to roll up early. The balls transition through length of the lane is very predicable and don’t let the smooth reaction fool you on the hitting power. This ball will work great your average fresh house shot. Do not be afraid to swing this ball on the fresh house pattern, I preferred to play on the oil line and move 3 and 1 to the left as the night went on and at no time did I get to far inside for this cover/core combo.  

When not to use: This ball might be temperamental on sports patterns with a higher volume down the lane for about a game and a half, but once you leave that weak ten or light seven with the siege its time to bring in the wild thing.

The wild thing is a must for bowlers at all levels, this ball will all bowlers to say wild thing I think I love you.

Richard Langton
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Re: Wild Thing
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2009, 02:20:56 AM »
Wild Thing:

I wanted this ball to be able to be the benchmark ball of my new lineup. Any ball at 4000 abralon and a semi-weak drill will work perfectly for me.

5.5” above the bridge
no hole

So far, I’ve only thrown this ball on the Chameleon but I think it will completely destroy med or oily THS. I started out laying the ball down around 17 with a breakpoint of 9-10. The thing that amazed me was the angularity and continuity that this ball has. My Wild Ride TE is drilled .5” weaker and has a flare increasing hole. The Wild Thing is more continuous, cleaner, and angular than its predecessor. I made small moves inside all night. Nothing major was needed because the ball was so clean up front but still able to cut though the carrydown that it seems like everyone else was struggling with. I can also see this being the next ball out of my bag once my Siege becomes too much but I still need enough angle to get the corners out. The power through the pins was awesome! No weak 10s all night (or any weak carry at all) and the ball always finished very hard all the way through the back of the pin deck. Can’t imagine anything but being able to carry the world on my house’s THS with this ball. Simply amazing.

Brunswick Advisory Staff

Jared Wolf
Jonesboro, AR

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.
Jared Wolf
Jonesboro, AR
Brunswick Advisory Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


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Re: Wild Thing
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2009, 04:56:24 PM »
Drill Pattern:
5.5" PIN to PAP
45 degree angle from PAP-PIN-CG
Pin located below bridge

This ball was drilled for USBC minor events over the summer, with the desire of having something with enough internal inertia to get the ball started at deeper angles through moderate volume, but with a weak enough surface to guard against the ball bleeding energy too early.  Unfortunately, due to an injury, I was not able to throw the ball on what it was laid out for, but I do have some comments on the ball's performance (I am now recovered...woo-hoo!)

The roll of this ball departs from the stereo-typical 'roll-early' Brunswick reaction.  While some of the manufacturer's characteristics can be seen, this ball is not defined by that.  It is doable to project this ball downlane at a steep angle, while still conserving ample energy for a solid hit.  Given the pin placement and layout of this ball, creating this type of motion requires the correct release, however it doesn't feel as if you are forcing the ball to do something it wasn't designed for.  

However, for me this ball has excelled on longer thinner patterns, where the desire is to have something that will pick up and read the pattern early on, but not bleed out prior to the pins.  This ball is quite easy to project this ball down the boards, and even with slightly varying ball speed and axis rotation (this is not my A game), get the desired result.

If you have any questions about this review, feel free to contact me.
Ed Smaglik
2008 Las Vegas Red Hot Champion
2009 February Mini-Eliminator Champion


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Re: Wild Thing
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2009, 05:02:54 PM »
For me, this ball reminds me a lot of the old Storm Tour Power. I love it.

To compare it to the Wild ride. It is a more even rolling ball with more in the mid-lane than the wild ride.

Great for any arsenal.. Can be used on a house shot, or placed in the bag for tournaments.

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Wild Thing
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2009, 12:36:14 AM »
Brunswick Wild Thing
Ball Specs
The ball being drilled was a 3” pin out with 3.00 oz top weight.
Drilling: Pin 4" from PAP and Mb 45 degrees from PAP, 25 degrees V.A.L. Line DUAL ANGLE. Pin is above ring finger. Weight Hole on the axis. Factory Sanded 4000.

Bowler Information:
Track diameter is 11 5/8.
PAP is measured at 4 11/16 over and 11/16 up.
Average ball speed (foul line to head pin) is 13 mph.
Axis rotation is typically 90 degrees
Initial rev rate is typically 200 rpm, "Tweener"
Lane Condition and Pattern:
New Berlin Bowl HPL 9000 Panel. Oil Pattern: THS condition medium oil outsides, heavier oil inside, semi clean backends.

While I am out recovering from Hip replacement surgery, I am having my daughter Ashley test this ball for me. 180 Average 17 year old with medium to slow speed and a low spinner type track.

The Wild Thing gives her a very good look on the lane, great ball to go to when her Siege hooks to early and took much. The Wild Thing is 4 boards less with her feet and 2 boards less with her mark than her Siege. It gets through the heads very clean for a 4000 sanded coverstock, and reads the lane very well giving a strong but smooth back end. Definitely for her a medium to dry lane ball. Yet it is 2 boards more with her feet and 1 board more with her mark stronger than her Python. Revs quicker than her Rattler but has about the same hookability. I love the motion of the ball for her on medium to dry conditions.

Thanks for reading my review.


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Re: Wild Thing
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2010, 09:42:36 PM »
well what can I say about the wild thing, it's a great ball for one.  I have mine drilled 1/2" below ring finger stacked drilling of a lefty.  I have only used this ball on a pba pattern, the scorpion.  this ball went a touch too far on the fresh but after the first game I was able to open the lane about 4 boards and got a great backend reaction with great carry.  This ball always came back from the breakpoint with a sharp angle.  it's not a smooth arch but a definate change of direction.
Haven't had the chance to try on a house shot yet but will soon and send over another review.  I'm sure that I'll be playing a much bigger hook shot.
This balls appearance is nice with good red and silver coloring.  It's not a shiny ball but I do believe it's a pearl reactive.
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latest 300 shot with arch rival yes!!
columbia is the best!

Bob Hanson

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Re: Wild Thing
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2010, 02:08:28 PM »
I have been throwing my Wild Thing since last September. In an era when I have had trouble finding stuff from B that really fits my game, the Wild Thing has become the ball I don't leave home without.  Mine is drilled pin down under my ring finger with no balance hole.  That gives me a nice rolly look and smooths off my breakpoint.  It is at its best on broken down patterns that play out.  I have been able to play outside 10 with it on some very spotty conditions and get tremendous hit.  It is also good inside when the track becomes really defined.  Also in typical Brunswick fashion the reaction is still very good after a 100+ games with no resurfacing.


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Re: Wild Thing
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2010, 01:23:41 PM »
Right Handed, Cranker style, I usually play between 3rd and 4th arrows, 16 mph speed
Surface - 500 grit Micropad, then 4000 grit Micropad
My PAP is 5 3/8" over and 7/8" up Dual Angle Drilling Layout - 70 Deg x 5" x 30 Deg which puts the pin below above both finger and no weight hole

I wanted a ball that would get down the lane further when the oil would break down.  What I got was a ball that really finishes strong when reaching the friction down lane.  This ball has a strong reaction, and really works well when the lanes are breaking down and I need to move in deeper on the lane.  This ball really comes off the spot but doesn't overreact.  The connection pearl coverstock works well with the paragon core.
Brunswick user and supporter.  Go Big B!
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Re: Wild Thing
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2010, 07:09:48 PM »

Likes:  This is a "go to" or "benchmark" ball on THS as far as I am concerned.  It has the most consistent reaction that I've ever seen.  Mine is drilled pin up between fingers and cg kicked to the right about 30 weight hole needed.  This ball gets down the lane and makes a decisive turn to the pocket.  I usually roll it 15-20 out to the 10ish board and its perfect.  Goes long and turns nice and smooth!  Great pin action.  Very versatile.  I've also played up the 10 board with it and even moved inside when the line dries up and it will handle all of that.  Since you can get them all day long on ebay and on this site for cheap, you would be passing up a great ball by not getting one.  I dont know why this ball wasnt more popular or why Brunswick discontinued it.  Really debating on getting another one to have it when I burn this one up. 

Dislikes: NONE!!!



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Re: Wild Thing
« Reply #25 on: February 02, 2011, 12:52:57 PM »

Length: 40  
Volume: medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):


Likes:  Well my like for this ball has elevated greatly.  I just shot my second official 300 with my Wild Thing and the reaction is sharp and consistant.  I had only used this ball in the past on the sport shots but this was a house shot.  I liked the reaction this ball gave me.  I got good length and the backend was strong and hit hard.  Every shot was in the pocket and carry was never a problem.  Went 18 strikes in a row and I believe the ball could have done more.  I should have tried this ball earlier on my house shot but honestly didn't think much about it.  You could say I have a different idea now. 
Great ball brunswick and I'm looking high in the future using your equipment.  

Dislikes:   I don't have many dislikes with this ball.  It's mainly for medium oil and nothing heavy but that's what it's designed for.  I have a siege for the heavy stuff.  Great ball!!!


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latest 300 shot with arch rival yes!!
columbia is the best!