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Author Topic: Zone X Low Differential  (Read 15616 times)


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Zone X Low Differential
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The specifications of the Zone X Low Differential are: Part Number 60-103324; Low Differential XLR reactive cover stock Color: Mega Blue Pearl Red Riser Pin; Core: Xometric LD; RG Max: 2.613; RG Min: 2.589; RG Diff: 0.024; Average RG: 5.8 (scale of 1-10); Hardness: 78-79; Weights: 12-16 lbs.



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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2000, 05:09:43 PM »
very clean thru the heads with excellent recovery down the lane. this ball surprised w/ how much back-end this ball had w/my avg. release, actually a little more than i wanted. ball retains energy even w/ drier heads,but does track up fairly easy


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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2000, 07:59:07 PM »
We were sceptical when we learned that this latest Zone reactive was a 'go longer ball'.  After all, we have heard that before and apart from tour models, it never seems to be the case.

We drilled the low diff with a label pin, 5 1/2" from the p.a.p. and the c.g. at grip center.  We used the ball right out of the box with one coat of finesse added to the shell. (no sanding)

We took the low diff out on synthetic lanes, oiled 35 ft. with dry backends.  On this condition the ball reacted very nicely, very easy through the heads and strong on the backend but not too strong.  It kept us in control of the break point and never once over reacted comming off the oil.  The carry was also exceptional.  What we liked on this condition was the fact that the ball still reved up early, without sacrificing any length.  Since there was obvoiusly good oil coverage on the front part of the lane, we decided to test it on some lanes that had some play on them.  What we saw here was also good news, the low diff still got plenty of length, made a smooth break and continued to carry well.  We were forced to keep the break point on the dryer part of the lane in order to maintain the hit, but that wasn't too tough.  

We are very pleased with this Zone X and can confidently recommend it with few cautions.  If you are bowling on heavy oil with carrydown, the high differential model would be a better choice that the low.  Also the low diff is still going to be too much ball on the 'way too dry' lanes.  It handles dry lanes better that any other non-tour edition ball from Brunswick that we have tested.  Overall, a very good ball, definitely worth the money.

If you have any questions about this or any other of our reviews, please contact us at

Paul Meyer

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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2000, 11:40:49 PM »
Drilled mine with a 4x4 drill pattern. This ball goes tremendously long, and just makes a small move in the back part of the lane, retained alot of energy and carries quiet well...similiar to another ball on the market....Dynothane Crisis.

A totally different look than any other Brunswick ball on the market.

Ryan Peebles

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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2001, 10:57:23 PM »
This is my first ball review in months, and the Zone X Low Differential (a.k.a. Red Pin) by Brunswick is an amazing ball on parched lanes.  I switched from sixteen-pound spheres to fifteen, drilled 5 1/4" X 4 1/4", 1 3/4" pin out (pin under middle finger, CG just right of grip center), and three ounces of top weight.

I rolled two test games on a broken down league condition (not totally dry I'm afraid), playing between five and ten board the entire time.  VERY clean in the front with good read and roll on the back.  The Red Pin is indeed very speed and rev sensitive; it has the reaction of a urethane (thanks to the 0.024 RG differential) with the hitting power of a reactive.  I even yanked a couple shots, and the X did not jump, staying instead on a straight trajectory to the pocket and destroying the rack.  However, forcing the ball causes it to skid right of target.  Nevertheless, it does do the job on light oil.

The high speed crankers should take note of the Red Pin for the chopped-up, leftover conditions.  I'm quite interested to see how it does on the toast (review will be forthcoming).
Ryan Peebles
Area Staff Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field/SWAG


Mike Carlson

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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2001, 03:03:08 PM »
It's been a while since I've thrown anything with a "B" on it; mostly because early hook is death for me, but I tried this one because of its tame nature.

I first used the ball on a very dry condition, played down the boards and the ball rolled early and hit like a marshmallow. I was bummed but I brought the ball back the next week with a lot of shine (Control-it) and this time I got deeper and swung the dry. What a difference, this ball hits hard and carries great when you can swing it to the dry boards. I am very satisfied with this ball because it maintains energy even when covering a lot of boards but yet it is still very easy to read (it doesn't snap out of the building).

I'd strongly recommend this ball for the drier end of medium conditions, especially when you can swing the ball to the dry. You will still need a touch of oil in the middle (if the lane is totally scorched put it away) but this ball can stay in you hand a long time after the shot breaks down...proving that Brunswick can make a ball that doesn't go into "instant roll"!!!

The ball does what it was designed to do..can't ask for much more!

Ryan Peebles

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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2001, 09:53:47 PM »
This is my second review on this ball; the first being on 2/27/01.  I did get a chance to use this ball on a fried pair of lanes.  I rolled a four-game series of 860 with the Zone X Red Pin on a late Wednesday night scratch league at Southwyck Lanes.  I played between the first and second arrow, and, believe it or not, this ball, with the right speed, had an even-arcing trajectory in the dry and still finished strong!  The Red Pin has become my ball of choice when the lanes are on fire!
Ryan Peebles
Area Staff Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field/SWAG



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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2001, 11:49:57 PM »
First off, look at my profile if you want to know how i throw the ball (probably going to help).
I drilled the Low RG Zone X with the Pin right under my ring finger, stacked over the Cg, which is out 2-3.  This ball is great for medium lanes, it gets great length and a smove arcing backend.  it hasn't over reacted for me at all and manages to still hit hard.
on a 1-10, definately a solid 9.
plamor sucks


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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2001, 11:31:36 PM »
i drilled this one with the pin under the middle finger. this is a very controllable ball. this ball does not like to hook that much. it is a very tame dry lane ball. although this is such a great ball it is a very overpriced dry lane ball. you really have to be able to rev the ball up to make it hook at all. it is best to stick to dry lanes with very little carrydown. i would recomend you to get a groove dynamic reactive instead.

Joe S

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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2002, 07:34:57 PM »
Ive been throwing this ball for a few months now, figured it was time to post a review.
I have mid-high ball speed (15-17mph) and mid-to-high revs (power stroke/slight crank)
ball is 16lbs, polished slightly higher than factory surface, with 1-2" pin
CG is kicked out to the right slightly, still under my palm, and the pin is up and to the right from there (on the same line as the near thumb-hole edge and the cg).  no weight hole needed

Bowling in a wood house, medium to light oil.  This ball is great on teh bone-dry conditions its made for.  If theres any oil out there, this is NOT the ball to pick up, unless you have a TON of hand.  If it seems like all your other gear is moving early, then this is the ball to go to.  With this drilling, itll startup with a tight, hard arc into the pocket, after gliding straight down the lane on even the driest condition.


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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2002, 05:27:33 PM »
Had this ball for a month now drilled to go long with a smooth arc on dry backends.It certainly does what it is drilled to do.What a dog of a ball!This is the weakest ball I have ever thrown.I would be better off with a plastic ball.Shot after shot leaving 10 & 5 pins,yes cant even carry the 5 pin!!!This is the second Brunswick ball I've bought and it will be the last.Back to Storm for me,twice the ball at half the price!
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.......


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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2002, 11:40:37 PM »
This ball has a pin 1-2. I drilled it label leverage with no weighthole. This is the best dry lane ball. The ball goes real long and snaps hard in the backend. It goes dead straight in the oil and smashes all the pins off the deck. The carry of the ball is fairly good every once in a while it will leave a 10 or 9 pin. The strange thing about this ball is that I have owned several low diff. X-Zones and they get the most gashes in it out of all the balls I have ever owned. I recomend this ball to anybody who needs a dry lane ball but do not drill it weak. That is the worst thing you could ever do with this ball.


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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2002, 09:24:11 PM »
I can't say enough good things about this ball.

Goes long, hits the dry part of the lane, snaps into the pocket... strike

I've had this ball a year and a half, and im not getting as great of a reaction as before, but it still goes great.  Definitely a good buy... that is if you can find  em anymore.  Stupid brunswick stopped making Zones... I had every Zone ever made... Combat, Pro, Red Alert, ALL OF EM...

Oh well... Zone X is the greatest ball i've ever thrown on Dry - Med lanes.. Skids far enough, hits the dry, and revs right into that pocket.  Awesome pin action.  

10 out of 10 stars on this beaut.  I've won many a tournament with this beast.


opening up a lane? nah... Down and In Baby...

Zack Pelton

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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2004, 03:26:16 AM »
Brunswick Zone X Low Diff.
1 inch pin

I bought this ball for some cash from some one on this site. I need something that would get through the lanes but provide little backend as possible. This ball will be for more dryier to medium dryer lanes. Drilled the ball with pin below the ring finger and cg below that. No weight hole and polished with ebonite extender polish.

32ft buffed to 44ft flat pattern.
I started off by playing straight up third arrow with medium grip pressure and getting around the ball (side turn). This worked alright but there was not any room to miss either way. This would be the way to go if there was not a shot outside. After flerting with that shot I moved back over uped my grip pressure and stayed more behind the ball. The ball walked right to the pocket. Bowled a friend for a small wadges and wipped him by 35 pins (we are both the kings of flat patterns)265, 230. Overall it gets through the lane and is very smooth on the backend.

Hits well, reacts well for sport shots

Touchy to carry down.
Zack Pelton
Bowl to Win!!!!
Repeat Shots Nothing Less

Zack Pelton
Bowl to Win!!!!
Repeat Shots Nothing Less


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Re: Zone X Low Differential
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2004, 04:41:28 AM »
I posted a review on this as Zack Pelton. Same ball just an update.

Brunswick Zone X Low Diff.
2 1/2 inch pin
It has a 3 3/4 X 4 1/2 drilling on it, no weight hole.

This ball is a great ball for dryer lanes, shorter shots, and playing up the boards. This ball gets great length with minimal backend. Carry down does effect this ball. This ball rolls perfect for sport shots it is the ball I start and usually finish with.

I used it every day at Junior Gold Nationals and it worked really well for me.

You can to click on yaba tab and then Junior Gold tab

First day I played straight up 8 board but in the fourth game I was at the other end of the house and ended up moving left and throwing 15 board out to 8 (lanes had broke down). I think I shot 1142. This shot was Don Carter City View

Second day I played the middle of the lane because there was a big out of bounce to the right (didn't have enough hand to give me any kind of room). I played 20 to 12. I really struggled with this shot and I was throwing the ball like crap. Later on I moved into 15 and played 12 and had a nice line to the pocket of course it was the last game. Don Carter West

Third day was an a shorter shot so I had to play the oil on the outside. I upped my speed and was throwing 10 to 5. I shot okay there nothing great 1124 (or close to that). Last four games when I used this ball I think I avg 200 or so. I started out with my Blazing inferno but it dryed up so I changed balls.


Bowl To Win!!!