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Author Topic: FS: Brunswick c system 4.5!!!!  (Read 1512 times)


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FS: Brunswick c system 4.5!!!!
« on: June 16, 2010, 05:12:35 PM »
Used C System 4.5. Ball is new only 3 games bowled on it. Span is approx 4 9/16 with a slug and grips. Drilled pin above ring finger, no weight hole. Here is your chance to own this ball before anyone else! Trades considered (NIB Ball only) or best offer cash. I can also send pics. Thank You



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Re: FS: Brunswick c system 4.5!!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 07:01:20 PM »
Owner of Brazen Bowling Supply... authorized seller of Lane1,Big B,Morich,Storm,Roto,Seismic,Visionary,Ebonite,Hammer,Columbia, and Track... I can get anything.. give me the chance to earn your business!


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Re: FS: Brunswick c system 4.5!!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2010, 01:17:34 AM »
watch out for this guy people.....

I had never dealt with this person personally and he had the c-system 4.5 nearly one month before its release date, so naturally I asked him to send first. The ball was supposed to go out saturday... The deal was for me to find one of many balls he was looking for in his particular span. Well he emailed me Saturday saying he lived in a small town and the ball would go out Monday. Sunday afternoon I purchased a mission that I came across with his span. It is now Wednesday and I have heard nothing from him and I have both emailed him multiple times and pm'd him on here. I would be careful dealing with him and under no circumstances would I send him anything first! Anything could happen, but something just seems a bit fishy!

Travis Miller
Owner Brazen Bowling Supply

Owner of Brazen Bowling Supply... authorized seller of Lane1,Big B,Morich,Storm,Roto,Seismic,Visionary,Ebonite,Hammer,Columbia, and Track... I can get anything.. give me the chance to earn your business!