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Author Topic: FS: Raging red Fuze, Absolute Inferno, Orig inferno  (Read 854 times)


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FS: Raging red Fuze, Absolute Inferno, Orig inferno
« on: October 18, 2010, 01:46:28 AM »
All are right hand drilled and priced shipped to your door.  subtract $10 if you want to pick it up locally.
15# Fuze is a single drill, ~100games. pin below ring finger and x-hole.  $75
15# Absolute Inferno is a single drill, one plug around the middle finger b/c i dropped it down.  This ball has around 50games on it.  It's been sitting around and i never plan on using it again.  The pin is below and to the right of the ring finger.  No x-hole.  $75
16# Original Inferno is drilled rico.  It's a 2nd drill.  The ball rolls phenomenal, but I decided I don't need it mainly because it's 16#.  This one has around 50 games on it.  $60

email me for pics.  ahjordan1 at g m a i l DOT com
Drew Jordan
Columbus, OH