I have a Magic Action, Pure Physics, and a Hard Ball. All with around 20-30 games on them LH drilled 4.5 T-grip. 11x23 fingers and 1" turbo insert.
Looking to trade for almost any LH brunswick stuff will trade multiple balls for 1 NIB. PM me with email address for pictures!
I have plenty of refs.
EDIT: Fingers have been plugged from grips to no grips.
REFS: MrEddie(BBE), notsohotshot(BR), akanayte(UTA), Tywithay(BBE), BKloss(BR), therealdeal24(BR)
Formerly RotoStorm2008
Edited by TheFreeAgent on 2/3/2011 at 11:11 PM
Edited by TheFreeAgent on 2/3/2011 at 11:46 PM