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Author Topic: Two Overseas Zones, and a D2Z FS/FT  (Read 1134 times)


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Two Overseas Zones, and a D2Z FS/FT
« on: January 09, 2008, 04:10:07 AM »
I have the following...would prefer to trade for 14lb stuff, but will sell.

15lb Active Zone, flawless, maybe 10-15 games

15lb Express Zone H, flawless, maybe 10-15 games

16lb Danger Zone D2Z, 2nd drill, maybe 1000-1500 games lol
no pics yet
For Sale or trade for 14lb equipment:
16lb. Faball Blue Hammer - single drill
16lb. Ebonite Purple Nitro - single drill
16lb. Brunswick Headhunter - single drill
16lb. Brunswick Danger Zone D2Z - second drill
15lb. Hammer Diesel Reactive Pearl - single drill
15lb. Hammer Viscious Particle Pearl - thumb moved
15lb. Overseas Brunswick Active Zone - single drill
15lb. Overseas Brunswick Express Zone H - single drill
Looking for any 14lb Hammers, particularly older oddball stuff.
So if you have a 14lb Faball or Diesel or Vicious or Blade or Hawg laying around shoot me a PM