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Author Topic: *Warning*This is a bit of a ramble on my AI  (Read 2569 times)


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*Warning*This is a bit of a ramble on my AI
« on: February 21, 2005, 04:00:11 PM »
Greetings Nation,
I am new here and if you do not know about me, please feel free to read my profile.

Now down to business... I have a new Absolute Inferno and I thoroughly enjoy it but I have a few small questions about my particular situation with this ball.
My "A" game is to play the lanes up the 10 board about 2nd arrow. I am totally comfortable with this approach, but I wanted a ball that I could "belly" a little bit and play a bit deeper with. I originally was looking to purchase an OI, but my pro shop guy said that he was sent an AI instead. I figured "ok, cool, that probably fits my style better anyhow, plus, in the hands of the pros it seemingly can't be beat so i'll take it", and he asked me what I wanted this ball to do, and since I only had a few minutes till league I gave a significantly shorter answer than I have given you all here something to the effect of "well, I want it to hook alot, but you don't need to go all the way to the max with it" so he said something about a leverage drilling that would "still move, but would tame the backend" this sounded fine to someone who is still a little Iffy on the tech stuff, so I agreed. As I soon found out this drilling is nearly identical to the drilling of my previous main ball, a Roto-Grip SD-73, and I have to play the lanes the same way with both balls.

Having said all that however, I must tell you all that The AI totally OWNS on my same old line. It puts th SD-73 to shame as far as control, breakpoint angle and consistency, and most notably, pin action and carry. I am completely satisfied with a worthwhile purchase and do not wish to re-drill, sell or trade this ball for any reason.  

To make a very long story short, I did not get this new "B" game ball that I could play deeper with, but instead got a new ball that plays my old line SO much better. I suppose that after all of this my main questions are:

What do you think about my situation in general?  

Did I make a good call as far as how I have handled the situation so far?
Do you have any equipment or drilling suggestions for the "B" game I have described above?

Thank You to all who actually finished reading this ridiculously long abomination and especially Thank You in advance to all who respond to this in any way.
P.S. To Nick- No milk and cookies here, just a super long post!
Ben W.
Recent addition to the Brunswick Nation.


Matt Fortney

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Re: *Warning*This is a bit of a ramble on my AI
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2005, 12:09:43 AM »
Pretty good story if you ask me. To be honest with you i read all kinds of posts about the AI, how many people love it, but to be quite honest, i don't like mine. it hooks more overall than i though it would, which i can deal with just fine, but even with polish on it it just doesn't have that backend pop i was looking for. it's a great ball as far as control and carry, but it hooks a lot earlier than i thought it would. oh well, chalk it up as another one of those..."i knew i shouldda got the _____"

anyway, about your situation, i see no problem at all in playing the same line w/ two balls. two be honest, i've got a few that i play the same line with, it all comes down to what's comfortable that particular day really. and as far as suggestions, you'd most definitely be able to "belly" te ultimate inferno a bit more. i'd drill that to go way long, otherwise it's got a tendency to burn up to quick. anyway, just thought i'd throw my two cents in and vent about my ball...mistake.



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Re: *Warning*This is a bit of a ramble on my AI
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2005, 12:42:06 AM »
Thanks alot Matt. I appriciate the reply and will certainly look ito the Ultimate as I have heard so much good about it.

Ben W.
Recent addition to the Brunswick Nation.


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Re: *Warning*This is a bit of a ramble on my AI
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2005, 02:17:18 AM »
Before you run out and buy another ball, play with the surface a bit. You might find that a light scuff with the scotch-brite pad might move you in a bit deeper. That's a lot cheaper than a new ball. And - you can always go back to the original surface if you don't like it.

Matt Fortney

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Re: *Warning*This is a bit of a ramble on my AI
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2005, 01:11:21 PM »
to respond to you inquiry about why i went with the ai rather than ii, i was using an ui and i thought the the ii wouldn't be enough overall, so i got the ai, drilled it for length. basically...ooops. lol. i'm gunna play with the surface a bit more. any suggestions?


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Re: *Warning*This is a bit of a ramble on my AI
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2005, 07:21:28 PM »
As far as the Original appearing more aggressive than the Absolute on TV, I believe your thoughts were right when you asked "was it due to different drillings or surface prep". I felt, without even knowing what they did to the two balls, that both the setup and surface were the reason for the look they were getting. Anytime you create less energy usage in the fronts you will retain a sharper breakpoint down lane, and I feel that's what they did with the Original. Because of the movement the ball made on the back, it appeared more aggressive. Now, you put that same ball on more oil and it will not pick up enough roll to have that same move down lane, yet the Absolute would roll through it better and make that desired move, thus, it would appear more aggressive than the Original under those conditions.

Aggressiveness is in the eye of the beholder. Every bowler sees it different. Some see the "roll with continuous hook" as aggressive, and some see that "skid - flip look" as being aggressive.

Man, did I just ramble or what !!!  Sorry, I get caught up in trying to define what I feel bowlers are seeing a ball do. can you exactly define what the bowler is seeing in his/her mind.

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