i posted about it in the misc. forum, but my yellow/chrome power groove just let me bowl my first 258 (10 strikes 2 spares) and a 621 series. i HIGHLY recommend this ball to anyone who wants an amazing ball for a fraction of the cost of most high end balls. i put away a Roto Grip pure fuel halfway thru game 1, picked it out of my bag and didn't look back.

mine is drilled CG kicked 2" left of CG, pin 1" over centerline of fingers. it goes long and does not use a turn signal when it breaks over 12 boards in 10 or so feet!!! i use mine in a drier house and it does wonders. with the drilling it does not burn up early, and as i experienced tonight, it demolishes the rack with the best of them.
i don't care who makes it, how much it costs, or how sexy the ball looks. can i carry the 7 and level the deck with a $60 ball?
bring on the Lefty uprising!Edited on 3/18/2004 0:22 AM