Either put the pin 6 inches from your PAP or put the pin on your PAP. 6 inches will get the ball long down the lane before it hooks. Pin on PAP will get it rolling sooner but takes the flare potential away from the ball also translating to a minimal backend reaction. Either way, it is not designed for lighter oil as the core is too strong. However, with your lack of ball rotation, you may get away with it. But, I would not recommend it. If you want a ball for light oil, get a ball designed for light oil. EX: Power Groove, Tornado, Scout/R series ball (regular or hi-flare). The reason....simply because the core is not nearly as strong so it will be easier to control on lighter conditions. Hope this helps and best of luck.
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!