I appreciate all of the responses!
I actually just picked up a used Versamax in 15lbs and after fixing the thumb so far have been disappointed. It has a standard 1:30 label drill and my Massive Damage with the same layout is so much more ball (a great ball, as a matter of fact). I've tried it at 1000 polished, 2000, and now 500/compound. I just added some polish and will try it at that. The ball was cheap so it was a worthwhile experiment.
Right now I pretty much use two balls. The first is a Raven Quantum with a strong label leverage layout at 1000 polished. This ball enables me to play as deep as I want and seemingly has no out-of-bounds. I get great length and a strong backend. The Raven has a high RG and differential like the Meanstreak, which is why I am interested in that ball (2.587 and 0.047 vs. 2.557 and 0.048).
My second ball is a Faball Norm Duke Signature Hammer. It's a high RG/low differential piece with a lightbulb core and a weak solid reactive cover (think Teal Rhino Pro). The ball is drilled with cg in palm and pin under bridge. I have it at 500/compound/highly polished. With this ball I can stand far right and play the twig all day while others chase the oil left. This is actually my "A" game and the ball walks right to the pocket no matter where I put it. I'm thinking a Slingshot with a similar layout would serve the same purpose.
For my middle ball I have a Massive Damage and Rhino Pro Gold, both label drills, but neither see much use.
Sorry I don't have the pin-to-PAP distance on these. My driller does. But my PAP is 4 3/8" away and 1/16" up for what it's worth.
You can see I have far too many balls right now and really prefer the old school stuff these days. But with the exception of the Versamax, every single new Brunswick release I've tried has been money in the bank. If I sell my 15s I can certainly afford to buy a few new 14s!