Nice rolling Adam,
I've had great success with my current Brunswick equipment. While the only award score I've had lately are a 298 and 299 I have enjoyed consistency game after game in multiple houses and on multiple conditions. I could not be more satisfied with my current balls. The Brunswick line gives me the most predictable ball motion shot after shot throughout the course of the competition which adds up to a lot of match victories.
I get equal use from my Diamondback, C-System 2.5 and Python. These three balls in particular give me good coverage over a wide variety of conditions. with the 2.5 falling right in between the others in overall strength. When I travel to a house where I anticipate heavier oil volumes I will add in my Siege and when going to a drier environment I will leave the Siege home and bring along the Avalanche Pearl.
I just added the Rattler yesterday but have not had a chance to roll it yet. I will give it a try tonight to see where it fits into the lineup. My 3.5 is next up on the mill machine.
Any suggestions on layouts for this new sphere? I'm thinking pin 5", under the bridge with MB 45 degrees from grip center (left handed)(see profile for specs).
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Lee Sandt
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Brunswick Pro Shop Staff Member
Turbo Grips Staff Member
Kegel Certified Pro Shop Operator
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