Since the majority of league bowlers never see the extremes of heavy and dry I think most people could get away with:
Aboslute Inferno for your most aggressive ball, if the lanes have too much oil, square up and whack on it....adjustments, my what a concept!
Classic Zone or Polished Nemesis for your control/step down from the Absolute Inferno. Drilled with a control/weaker type layout, it should help you read most house conditions and be pretty versatile overall
BVP Punisher or Red Pin Classic Zone for your lighter than average house patterns. The N'Control Powerboost(Punisher) will give you more push from inside to aide in length if you're heavy handed, or give you a strong motion playing up the boards on lighter patterns due to core strength if you're lacking in the revs department.
badee-badee-badee.....t-t-that's all folks!

Respect the Game