i shot a 300 game with my brunswick copperhead tonite in my saturday nite mixed league. i started the evening with my polished ultra zone and shot a good 245 to start with. i was standing on 26, the ball was at about 12 at the arrows, going out to about 5 and really moving hard on the backend. game two was the same for the first 4 frames but then it seemed like the lanes were getting tighter down lane. i shot 209 with some swishing 7's and flat 10's. i made a big move in game 3 by switching to my dull copperhead and squaring up a little----standing on 23, the ball was at about 11 at the arrows but only going out to about 8-9. the last four were all high flush...it's great to be able to throw great shots when you really need them.
this 300 game was very satisfying as i had the first 10 last week in the same league only to leave the big 4 on the 11th ball. thanks brunswick !