So - I've had a couple of King Quantums drilled up, and the reaction wasn't what I expected. Most of the available information stated that this ball was Activator+ with an OI core, making it essentially a different colored Absolute Inferno. However, that has not been my experience at all. My initial impression led me to believe that it might be Activator, not "+", since it was not even close to the strength of similarly drilled AI. I've played with different surfaces, and compared it to both the OI and the AI, and I'm thinking at this point that it might be Activator+, BUT, a harder version. I don't know if this was intentional or not, but since it was designed for the overseas market that may be the case. I don't have a Shore-D Durometer to test my theory.
So - let's explore this further if possible or if anyone cares:
1) If someone has a King Quantum and access to a durometer, please test it.
2) Anyone else who's punched out and used a KQ, post your results.