I found 4000 Abralon to appear and act just slightly rougher, duller looking than the 220 grit + Rough Buff stock surface on my Ultra Zone, and one my Twisted Fury Pearl. 4000 Abralon seems a decent starting point and an easier one than using the normal 220 grit + RB.
When using Rough Buff, you do have to be careful in its application. The Avalanche Solid is one example of an RB finish that appears to be polished when it is Rough Buff. This can happen when the starting grit level is too fine.
Start the Sidewinder at 220 grit, and then apply RB in stages, a little at a time. Clean the ball off and see what it looks like EACH TIME YOU APPLY SOME. This way you won't pass the stage you want. It's much easier to do this, that to pass it by and have to go back and start over.
If a base sanding of 220 leaves it too rough, start at 320 grit.
Good luck.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."