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Author Topic: Wicked Siege Review  (Read 1460 times)


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Wicked Siege Review
« on: October 24, 2010, 02:47:31 AM »
I received my Wicked Siege Tuesday and drilled it up Friday night.  

First a few stats on me:
Right Handed
20 MPH (initial release)
500 RPM
(Both measured on CATS system at Kegel Training Center)
PAP 5 7/16" over and 1 1/16" Up

While I have a high RPM my speed greatly out weighs my revs (and gets me in trouble at times).  

Wicked Siege drilled 45x5 1/2"x35

I was able to use the Wicked Siege for the first time Saturday on a very slick Scorpion pattern in a scratch tournament.  During practice and the first game I was able to play straight down 11 board.  The Wicked Siege was able to read the midlane very well.  It revved up fast and made a very controlled move to the pocket.  I started with a 256 out of the box first game.  However once the oil started to carry down I had to put this ball away.  With my ball speed, it did not have enough to get through the heavy volume of Scorpion once it carried down.

I can see I will be loving this ball on 40ish foot patterns as it clears the heads very well and makes a strong controlled move on the backed.  

I will be using it on the USBC white pattern and Dick Weber pattern later this week and will post reviews on how it reacts on those patterns later this week.
Bryan Bannach
Radical Regional Staff Member