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Author Topic: A fun night at the lanes & Help needed identifying a Quantum  (Read 2698 times)


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A fun night at the lanes & Help needed identifying a Quantum
« on: September 06, 2003, 09:49:54 AM »
Ok, So here's the background story.

Last night I was doing some moonlight bowling with some family & just wanted to have some fun, so I took a stroll over to the ball racks.

It was like my own personal demo day! There were TONS of decent balls, not just your regular rubber & plastic balls. The most amazing part was they actually fit my hand (I've got a pretty large thumb).

I got to try a bunch of balls that were made during my hiatus from bowling. 2 different zones, an Ebonite Tiger, A nasty nail, then I saw it.. a quantum. I've always wanted to try throwing one & it fit my hand like a glove.

I threw it & fell in love. I dont have much for revs, so when a ball goes long I have trouble turning the corner. I couldn't believe that I could throw this ball & it went longer than my Voodoo (Slightly dulled) yet still came back & hit hard.

I went out to my car & got an old 16# ball I had laying in there that I wasn't using & proposed a trade to the guy at the desk, he accepted.

So now I'm the proud new owner of a quantum... I just have no idea what kind it is.

It's dark blue with very few lighter blue streaks & gold sparkly writing. Serial # FMN5591

Originally I thought it was a Midnight Blue, but that ball has markings saying it's Proactive & everything I've found about the midnight says it was a reactive.

Then I thought it was a denim, but I thought the denim was marked as a Proactive 2.0, this is just marked as proactive.

SO, I'm coming to the know it all's here.

What is this great ball & if you could tell me a little bit more about it that would be great!

Thanks in advance for your responses.



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Re: A fun night at the lanes & Help needed identifying a Quantum
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2003, 08:25:05 AM »
Check this webpage out. It has several older Quantums, including the Navy and the Imperial. I had the Imperial and there's no mistaking its purple for blue. The Blue Denim does look like "denim" and they all said "Proactive 2.0", that I recall. There was a "Slate Blue" Quantum" but that did not go long at all and wasn't very popular.
"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."

Edited on 9/7/2003 8:36 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: A fun night at the lanes & Help needed identifying a Quantum
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2003, 11:18:53 AM »
I've seen pics of the slate blue quantum. It's a much lighter, almost teal ball.

I guess this would have to be the Navy Quantum. The few light streaks may have just been a color blem.

Can anyone confirm or deny whether the Navy had gold sparkly writing?


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Re: A fun night at the lanes & Help needed identifying a Quantum
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2003, 02:45:25 PM »
Then I guess that's what it is!

So can anyone tell me a little more about the ball?

I understand it's their DTX 1.0 coverstock & that it's built to go a little longer (which it certainly does well).

But I'm looking for anecdotal stuff... was it popular? Did it win awards?



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Re: A fun night at the lanes & Help needed identifying a Quantum
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2003, 04:39:46 PM »
Anecdotal?  I can do that...

Around here, the consensus was that the Navy Quantum was the best of the proactive Quantums.  It was longer than the Jades or the Imperial, and stronger in back, but still smooth and controllable overall with great hit and carry.  The Navy sold so fast that the shops in the area that carried Q-balls couldn't keep them in stock.  I really can't speak to awards, but I saw a lot of bowlers have a lot of success with the Navy in tournaments.

IIRC, the HPD had the same coverstock, which might explain why it sold just as well (and as quickly) as the Navy.

So it looks like you made a good find!  I tip my hat to you, and wish you the best of success with it.


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Re: A fun night at the lanes & Help needed identifying a Quantum
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2003, 04:49:32 PM »
Thanks for the info Pooter.

I can't wait to try it out at league tomorrow. The place I'm bowling is a second shift medium/heavy sport shot. I'm guessing this ball may give a nice read, but it's tough to say without trying it.