okay first of all i would like a bowl that can handle oilly lanes as the ball that i am currently useing which is a BVP Wizard doesnt handel to well in oilly lanes the last 2 weeks i have bowled a 491 and a 464 but the previous 3 weeks prior were 570, 550 and a 621 That was becuase the lanes where dry the last 2 weeks have not and i want a bowl that can handel those conditions, my rev rate aint that much most likely 50 revs or something and my speed is around 25km, the line that i am plying atm is 10 board but a guy who works at the centre who has an average of 196 has told me to try on the 5th board since i have a dryer ball but i prefer to go down 10-15 dont ask me how my ball is drilled or how i want it drilled as i have no idea that is for the pro shop to do but i would like a ball that can handel heavier lane conditions and he told me about the bounty only becuase he bowls for 900 global but since i did some resarch i saw the maxxx zone and from what i have hered and been told by somebody on these forums the maxx zone is very good and handles well with medium conditions abd is better suited for low rev bowlers