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Author Topic: Absolute Inferno my first Brunswick ball  (Read 789 times)


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Absolute Inferno my first Brunswick ball
« on: April 19, 2005, 11:14:33 AM »
I'd like to say i got this ball drilled up and it is flat out amazing... I needed something to go in between my rule gp2 and dynothane Au79 and i had thrown a friend of mines and liked the reaction... I picked it up last wensday and shot 739 last night first time i used it in leauge... had the first 7 in the second game 256 268 215.... game 3 i had about 4 beers in me and my ball reaction was not carrying as much...  Just wanted to say amazing ball and i'm glad i tried brunswick again cause i havent' thrown one since my twister, which was my very first ball...  Only drawback is it hits to hard sometimes...

Edited on 4/19/2005 7:23 PM