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Author Topic: absolute inferno question  (Read 1688 times)

Brian Green

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absolute inferno question
« on: March 16, 2005, 01:24:53 AM »
hey guys,  

am i like the only one on the planet that is dissapoined with the absolute inferno?  i have thrown about 10 games with this ball and i cant get it to read the lane at all.... this thing just rolls thru the heads and keeps going it never makes the turn.  when i say it doesnt make the turn i am saying this ball doesnt flip on the backend like the origional inferno and the intense inferno..

the drilling on the ball is pin under ring cg kicked out 2.5 inches 1.5 in below my crip centerline....  the x hole is 1 inch below my axis point on my val.

i guess  i see everyone in my area with this ball and they love it  but i am not so sure this was the right ball to buy..... i should ave gotten one of the x cel balls to fill my heavy oil gap that i am still missing  and not get thisball to step inbetween by intense and origional inferno......

maybe its just the rough buff surface....  i am actually going to polisht hisball up to see what it does  but if it doesnt flip on the back end now, shining this one up isnt gunna do anything but make it go longer right???
you can laugh at the way i bowl   but i will be the one laughin when i am takin your money
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Re: absolute inferno question
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2005, 09:53:47 AM »
Brian, that sounds like what happened to me with the ultimate inferno. It got into the roll very quickly and would be dead on the backend. It was even drilled simular to your absolute.
So with my absolute I put the pin above the ring finger and the XHole in my PAP. With that I get a ball that gets into a roll early but it still kicks on the back very well.
Maybe you should plug it up and try to move the pin above the ring finger and see what happens. Or with the demand on here just sell it for a good price and drill up a new one.

PS, what did that Ignitor do for you that you sent me, I was just being curious.

Brian Green

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Re: absolute inferno question
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2005, 09:00:30 PM »
well i polished it up to see what it does...

if i sell it i am goin with either a ball from the X cel line   or possibly a Big Bully OR Overdrive
you can laugh at the way i bowl   but i will be the one laughin when i am takin your money
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Brian Green

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Re: absolute inferno question
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2005, 11:46:44 AM »
well heres the update...

i polished it up  the ball rolled a little better and fit between my original and intense inferno..... it still didnt turn the corner like i thought it would but it was better

i think i am going to leave the ball polished and see what happens with it

for me the absolute may be one of those balls that will need up be used when the lanes get really spotty this ball seems to be a really smooth ball ..

as for greg....  i thought about what u said and i have to agree with ya i think that would work i am going to try that on my stacked leverage big blue pearl to see what it does, that ball (the blue pearl) is doing the same thing as the absolute


you can laugh at the way i bowl   but i will be the one laughin when i am takin your money
Striking Effects Pro Shop - Simply the Best

 PBA East region member

Brunswick Advisory Staff 2016