Me and a friend of mine are doing surface experiments on our Awesome Flip and Shock & Awe right now, both have Activator+ like the AI.
I tried a resurfacing at 600 grit with Rough Buff on my S&A, but it was very squirty for me, no grip in oil at all. Then I took the ball on the spinner, hit it with house hold steel wool, and got a finish which might be 3.000 grit sheen. This handles oil quite well and has great grip once the ball hits the dry. Needs more oil than OOB.
My friend, playing faster and with a little more revs than me, tried a 4.000 grit Abralon finish, and it was VERY strong for him so far.
So, if you want to get the AI suited for more oil, I'd start with a very fine finish without Rough Buff oder polish and see what happens.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
Wacky style video (Oct. '06)
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