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Author Topic: Absolute initial impressions  (Read 882 times)


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Absolute initial impressions
« on: February 14, 2005, 02:37:49 PM » we go.

layout 4 1/2 by 3 1/2, pin above ring, extra hole on a line center of grip through cg on val, 23/32 2 inches deep, 3/8 pos side weight

It was very hard to read on the pair I was on.  They hadn't been oiled since early Sunday morning, there was some head oil and a butt load of carrydown.  I saw them oiling this afternoon, but I guess they stopped on the pair to my left.  

Oh well, I moved outside and played up and through the carrydown with my hand on the side of the ball.  I could tell as soon as I let go of it if I was going to strike or leave a ten.  

I tried moving inside and slowing the ball down but it was spotty and very inconsistent.  I didn't drill the ball for this type of condition.  I have other stuff for heavy carrydown.

I will see a fresh THS tonight(tuesday).  I will report back my findings and thoughts.  


PS my proshop ordered 5 and sold 4 before they even hit the shelves.
Member of the Brunswick Nation!



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Re: Absolute initial impressions
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2005, 09:14:34 PM »

tophat 70ish units inside, probably 10 or less outside.

This ball pings off the dry.  Wow!  The move was very pronounced and angular.  This is exactly what I wanted.  It really opens the lane up.  

Normally, I fight carrydown in this house.  I moved my feet two boards right the second game to stay flush.  I usually move 5 boards with my other equipment.  I didn't think the II handled carrydown well, but this one does it better.  

I was sliding 30, hitting 19 out to 7.  Had the high in the league tonight with a 695.

Member of the Brunswick Nation!