A stronger pearl particle. The Venus covers that, but if you hit any sort of oil above medium with carrydown (i.e. a broken down medium-heavy tournament shot), you're in trouble.
Don't you have a little overlap with your Battle/AH and your VZ/OI? How are they laid out, and how are the covers prepped?
Assuming this is for a complete arsenal, the only true big gap I can see is between the OI and the Venus, depending on the drillings. Other than that, a small gap is between the AH and VZ, and below the Venus could probably go a Groove Urethane for true toast, since the Venus is a little too powerful for that.
Plus, your bowling style would help A LOT. Knowing the kind of revs/speed you put on the ball would help make suggestions easier, since we wouldn't have to guess as to if you're a low rev/high speed guy who needs something like the Battle on mediums, or if you rip the cover off the ball with rotation and the Battle only comes out when the ball comes back dripping.
"For the money, for the glory, for the fun. Mostly for the money."
-Smokey and the Bandit