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Author Topic: Adding to the arsenal, looking for some advice..  (Read 1484 times)


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Adding to the arsenal, looking for some advice..
« on: May 11, 2005, 07:54:42 AM »
Hi guys, I am bowling in a ball league this summer and am looking to add to my Brunswick arsenal.. Here's what I have so far:

Monster Smashr
Monster Slayr
Power Groove Reactive
Power Groove Dry/r

Here are my choices:
Punisher               Absolute
Nemesis                Ultimate

Right now I am leaning towards the Absolute and drill it to go long.. Does that sound right? Or is there a better choice that I am overlooking?
Thanks in advance for any help offered..
FALL, DAMN YOU FALL!!!  "I'm so tired of being a wannabe league bowler.. I WANNA BE A LEAGUE BOWLER!!"


Gene J Kanak

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Re: Adding to the arsenal, looking for some advice..
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2005, 03:59:24 PM »
Personally, if you can afford it, I would pick up two: either an Ultimate and Absolute or an Ultimate and Zone Classic. The Ultimate is a must, as it can serve as your heavy oil ball. The Absolute or Zone Classic will give you a bit more push then your Smash/R but will recover harder. I have both, and they are both awesome. For me, the ZC pushes about 5-6 feet further down the lane and recovers harder and with more snap. The Absolute starts up just a bit sooner and delivers a smooth, hard arc on the back. Both are great balls. Which one you choose will just depend on the look you want. Good luck and good bowling to you.

P.S. Be careful with the Ultimate. It's an extremely aggressive ball. You'll most likely have to put a good amount of polish on it unless you have very high ball speed or only intend to use it on floods. It's that strong. It's a great ball, though, one of the hardest hitting that I have in the bag.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 340 : )


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Re: Adding to the arsenal, looking for some advice..
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2005, 04:32:31 PM »
The Absolute is the best ball of the ones you listed. It will make you want to stop throwing the others. Get two! One with a longer layout and a wee bit of polish and another with a tame shorter layout in the box finish. Polish up your Smash/R, keep one dry lane ball, and you have just about every condition you're ever going to see covered. The Absolute is that good!


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Re: Adding to the arsenal, looking for some advice..
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2005, 02:57:04 AM »
I have the Absolute and drilled it with the pin over bridge, cg below middle finger and I kept the ball in out of box condition. This ball reads all parts of the lane incredibly well and I think it's one of the best balls for telling you when it needs to go back in the bag. I've used it on short patterns, long patterns, wood lanes and synthetics and scored very well all around.

I would say if you are looking for versatility and best matchups for a variety of conditions, the Absolute would be your best bet. If you are looking for more of a flood ball, then go for the Ultimate Inferno.



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Re: Adding to the arsenal, looking for some advice..
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2005, 01:00:42 PM »
Thanks everyone for your help.. I think I am going to go with the Absolute as I initially thought.. I just think based on what I have read and seen the UI would be way too much ball for me, and I very rarely see true "flooded" conditions anywhere around here.. Thanks again and GO BRUNSWICK!!!
FALL, DAMN YOU FALL!!!  "I'm so tired of being a wannabe league bowler.. I WANNA BE A LEAGUE BOWLER!!"