Hey everyone!
Just wanted to chime in on this, because Jonathan and I are on the same team. Jonathan and I have similar rev-rates (high end tweeners), but he is a little faster in speed than I am (I'm around 15.5-16mph), but Jon is around 16-17mph at the pindeck.
The Long Top-Hat had considerably dry outside boards. But the shot was kinda tricky...you get it out early and it would jump on you. You feed it out too late, you'll 2-8-10(right hander) or leave a bucket.
I started slow with a 185 using a Factory Polished One playing straight up 12-15 boards. Then I switched to the Big one and finished off with 246-225 playing the similar 22-18 fall back shot line that Jonathan and some of the other guys on our pair were playing.
His Scorchin' looked great on this shot. It revved up nice and had great read in the middle. One thing I noticed about everyone that has the Scorchin' is that it reads the mids real well, but still has a lot of energy for the back.
Looks like the Track Clean N' Smooth cover preparation made for a nice combination as well.
Something tells me that a Polished Scorchin' would be a scary ball as well!
Props to Jonathan, nice bowling man, and you'll get that Trey again soon hehe.
Peace up...A-town down,
Food is good for you!
Edited on 5/26/2006 10:55 AM