Currently, the TF is IMHO the ball that would offer the best SS reaction base. Many other candidates (Fury Pearl, Vapor Zone) just have been discontinued. From what I have seen, the VZ has, when drilled sharp, some very good flip potential, while the Fury Pearl, even though advertised as a sharp ball even at 4.000 grit OOB, is much smoother than advertised, even when truly polished.
Besides, flip balls from Brunswick have rarely been successful, they disappear quickly, e. g. the Intense Inferno, Smokin' Inferno or Radical Inferno. They seem to be very condition specific, and/or need surface tuning to make them work properly.
Another option might be MoRich - Brunswick covers with some killer cores that can create some SERIOUS flip if drilled accordingly
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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