Like another bowler said, it depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
For dull balls, particle or solid sanded reactives I like the Rev it Particle cleaner. It really pulls the oil off balls.
I have used simple green on polished balls. It leaves a kind of slippery film that makes the ball go long, and generally doesn't take the polish off.
I have also used Storm cleaner and Brunswick cleaner. The Brunswick cleaner I had was in a rectangular bottle, white with a green top. All the writing wore off so I didn't know what to get to replace it, but this stuff was really the trick for a rough buff ball like AI.
If anyone knows what the Brunswick cleaner might be, I would appreciate it. I had some great scores using that cleaner.
For me the key is I clean each ball before putting it in the bag. My ball driller tells me my stuff is in excellent shape. He routinely gets balls in from people that are just oil soaked. I bet I have a 125 games or more on AI with just a few polish jobs, ball is still great. Like new.