If you can make 90 percent or better of singles with a hooking ball then you are doing fine. For me, I have improved on singles with the straight ball, as the release, lane conditions, etc. don't affect my delivery. I use the target system for spares. 3, 6, 9 boards to right, and 4,8 12 boards to left. You can do this also with a mild or consistant hooking ball. You might laugh, but before I got my Target Zone, I threw all my spares with a Columbia Action. This is a heavy oil ball, but it rolls so consitantly that I was better at making spares with this than some of my weaker balls that
could be over under.
If you take the Ambush back to factory condition, I think you will really like it on carrydown. If everyone around you can't get a ball reaction because nothing seems to move and lanes seem heavy, sometimes the house shortcuts by not stripping backs and putting a lot of fresh head oil down. The Ambush will shine here. I use a direct line in this case. Right foot at 3, target 7-8, get behind ball. This thing makes nice smooth arc to pocket, not a lot of backend, so it is predictable. But I have to use direct line, because if I swing it it will not come back due to nature of ball, lane conditions, and my lack of revs.