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Author Topic: Another week, another W!  (Read 4904 times)


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Another week, another W!
« on: February 06, 2005, 05:32:22 AM »
What else can you say?  I'm just sorry I waited so long to get on the train.  By the time I was trying to build my arsenal, EVERYBODY decided to jump on!

 But why not?  If you can't beat them, JOIN THEM,/ (or maybe you LIKE being cannon fodder?)
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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2005, 01:33:11 PM »
Go DUKE!!!  Go BRUNSWICK!!!  Wahoooooooo!!!
- Andy

Brunswick..........'Nuff said.

Like quantums?  LIke activator?  Check this out!


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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2005, 01:35:09 PM »
ahhh...let the bragging of the nation over a guy who isn't even a staffer commence
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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2005, 01:38:30 PM »
Didn't take the green eyed monster long to pop up here!

  No, Duke isn't on staff, he can throw ANYDAMN THING HE WANTS, and he damnsure didn't throw a track, columbia, ebonite, dynothane, hammer, etc... did he?

P.S. Mr. 40 title W.R.W. did throw track.  Needless to say, he is STILL at 40 titles.  Ryan threw a storm.  How does it feel to be second?
Brunswick will soon own the world.
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Edited on 2/6/2005 2:37 PM
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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2005, 01:40:59 PM »
I'm not a member of The Nation, but if Norm Duke says that his equipment made the difference this week (and he did), I'd listen.

Impressive performance by one of the best to ever shoe up...
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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2005, 01:42:57 PM »
Didn't take the green eyed monster long to pop up here!

  No, Duke isn't on staff, he can throw ANYDAMN THING HE WANTS, and he damnsure didn't throw a track, columbia, ebonite, dynothane, hammer, etc... did he?

P.S. Mr. 40 title W.R.W. did throw track.  Needless to say, he is STILL at 40 titles.  Ryan threw a storm.  How does it feel to be second?
Brunswick will soon own the world.
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Edited on 2/6/2005 2:37 PM

LOL, green eyed monster? Just saying you guys brag about the success a lot thats all. Nowhere in my post did I mention anything to do with Track. Just because I throw track doesn't mean everyone should. Nowhere did I say that. How does it feel to look stupid?
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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2005, 01:45:30 PM »
I'm not a member of The Nation, but if Norm Duke says that his equipment made the difference this week (and he did), I'd listen.

Impressive performance by one of the best to ever shoe up...
Cogito ergo bowl

I agree. Duke did a great job, and is a great bowler. I give him a lot of credit. I don't give Brunswick the credit sorry. I know you guys don't like hearing it. He may or may not have done the same thing with AMF or anybody else. He's a great bowler. Hats off to him for a great performance today NO MATTER WHAT HE THREW!
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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2005, 01:51:04 PM »

 You may not give brunswick the credit, but Mr. Duke did.

 Yes, Mr.Duke is a formiddable talent, and might have won with anything, so ask yourself,  WHY, (IF IT MADE NO DIFFERENCE), DID HE CHOOSE BRUNSWICK?

  Deny it if you want, as long as you want, but if you ain't throwing brunswick, right now you are at a serious dis-advantage.

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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2005, 01:53:51 PM »
Or as BrunsBob would say...

"If ya ain't throwin Brunswick, ya ain't maximizing your capabilities!"
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Nick Smith
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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2005, 02:00:54 PM »

 You may not give brunswick the credit, but Mr. Duke did.

 Yes, Mr.Duke is a formiddable talent, and might have won with anything, so ask yourself,  WHY, (IF IT MADE NO DIFFERENCE), DID HE CHOOSE BRUNSWICK?

  Deny it if you want, as long as you want, but if you ain't throwing brunswick, right now you are at a serious dis-advantage.

Brunswick will soon own the world.
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There is no escape.

The fact that I'm at a disadvantage because I don't throw brunswick is just ludicrous. I'm a firm believer in the bowler, not the ball. Furthermore, I'd like to say again I'm not against Brunswick. I am gonna throw the stuff which fits best for me. Right now, I like Track. That's my opinion. I'm entitled to my opinions as are you, but I am at no disatvantage because of what I throw. To say such a thing is foolish.
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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2005, 02:13:46 PM »
Fools go where brave men fear to tread!

  Yes, TJ, you are entitled to your opinion, everyone is.  I hope your opinion never changes. I used to throw some track, and really liked the mutant, but for me nothing, absolutely NOTHING, has matched up for me like the latest releases from brunswick.

  My average has never been higher, I've never won so many pots, never placed in the money in so many tournaments, and never kicked as many butts as I have since I went back to the big "B".

  As an example, I will use my leagues.  I was averaging 210-215 on the two leagues I am bowling in, with a high series of 740.  In the last month I have averaged over 238 in both of them, with three series(774,767,746) over anything I have shot previously this year and nothing has changed except for my equipment.

 It has been more readable, predictable, and reliable than anything I have EVER thrown ( except for a pink hammer I had back in the day )!

 No, TJ, I bear you no ill will, just in my heart I know nothing can compete on an even keel with brunswick right now.  I am in no way trying to "diss" anyone's ball company of preference, just haven't ever seen anything like the activator covers and what they are capable of.
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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2005, 03:01:23 PM »
Hmm, odd.  I have noticed that TJ never posts anything derogatory about when someone wins with any other company besides brunswick and their followers rejoice.  Sounds to me like we just have someone who hates brunswick and has to find every way possible to demean them...Kind of like Dr. Rev and his hate for PA, barnes and the others.

We're not just excited because some guy with a brunswick ball won, but it's because he used the brand spankin new absolute and made it look like TBU's magic orb.
- Andy

Brunswick..........'Nuff said.

Like quantums?  LIke activator?  Check this out!

Edited on 2/6/2005 4:02 PM


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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2005, 04:47:34 PM »
Let me start off that I don't put down a ball company due to not using them. Wanted to state that right away. After I switched from Track to Brunswick I noticed the same things more consistent reactions with everything from them then I did with Track. For me to say that after using Track only for many years is hard to say. I am now a big fan of the BIG B.

While I was in Birmingham last week, I overheard a ball rep for a company saying that some of his staff wanted to try the Absolute Inferno. His way of thinking was if they want to try it to see if it is the ball or them that makes the difference let them try it. With that being said and now Duke and Monecelli left the Columbia family and both used Brunswick this week what does that say about just that one ball? To me it says a lot. For Track to loose someone who has been on their staff for years is HUGE. To say that Brunswick is not on a huge high right now after having a former AMF staffer use their equipment and win the first time out says a lot for the current line up.

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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2005, 06:56:37 AM »
Hmm, odd.  I have noticed that TJ never posts anything derogatory about when someone wins with any other company besides brunswick and their followers rejoice.  Sounds to me like we just have someone who hates brunswick and has to find every way possible to demean them...Kind of like Dr. Rev and his hate for PA, barnes and the others.

We're not just excited because some guy with a brunswick ball won, but it's because he used the brand spankin new absolute and made it look like TBU's magic orb.
- Andy

Brunswick..........'Nuff said.

Like quantums?  LIke activator?  Check TopicID=73593&ForumID=2&CategoryID=2"" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">this out!

How many times must I say I don't hate Brunswick. I just find it humorous that you guys all get excited and make 10 different posts about the winner of the show when it's a guy throwing Brunswick. Now, as far as other people doing many posts were there about PA the last few weeks with his Hammer stuff? Not many that I recall. Surly not 8-10. Not trying to offend anyone. The original statement was a joke, but from now on I'll just sit back and laugh, because obviously nobody seems to see the point in my posts.

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Edited on 2/7/2005 7:54 AM


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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2005, 07:16:11 AM »
I love these type of posts.  You guys really make my day.  And I'm not saying anything to pick on any Brunswick fans it's people who are big fans of any particular equipment.  The Track die hards, the Lane#1, etc who will defend their precious companies to the end.   It's just good reading on slow boring days at work.  You can't refute Bruns recent success though, so you can't take anything away from them.  I don't throw them, they don't match up well for me, but it's hard to deny the fact that they are everywhere.  From TV to leagues.  And for the people that say seeing Brunswick win on TV doesn't equate to them buying the product that's fine but that does sell more balls.  From the youth bowlers who watch to the relative newbies just starting out.  There's no greater marketing strategy than winning for bowling.  Just my opinion on this rainy monday...