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Author Topic: Another week, another W!  (Read 4903 times)


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Another week, another W!
« on: February 06, 2005, 05:32:22 AM »
What else can you say?  I'm just sorry I waited so long to get on the train.  By the time I was trying to build my arsenal, EVERYBODY decided to jump on!

 But why not?  If you can't beat them, JOIN THEM,/ (or maybe you LIKE being cannon fodder?)
Brunswick will soon own the world.
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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2005, 08:04:11 AM »
I think one needs to seperate the tour from their home house.

Is it maybe unfair that Brunswick is now oiling the tour condition?

Naturally Brunswick balls tested on brunswick synthetics and with Brunswick oils are probably going to end up being the perfect fit.

I've always been a big fan of Brunswick but last year on tour(kegel oil) if you didn't use storm you were at a disadvantage.  This year if you are not using a version of activator coverstock or powerkoil it appears you are at a disadvantage.

These coverstocks are available from 3 companies Brunswick, Lane#1 and Morich.


PS it appears Brunswick oil is more viscous and that clean thru the heads is not as important as the ability to hook a little in the oil to control the move out in to the dry.

PPS one can only remember how mediocre the Infernos looked last year on kegel oil in Chris Barnes and Parker's hands and how great they now look in everyones hands.  Different oil me thinks.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2005, 09:13:30 AM »
PPS one can only remember how mediocre the Infernos looked last year on kegel oil in Chris Barnes and Parker's hands and how great they now look in everyones hands. Different oil me thinks.

Yeah, but the Inferno looked pretty good in Brad Angelo's hands last year.

And didn't a guy who's pushing 50 win the World Championship last year with an Inferno?

On the THS, it really doesn't matter, and anyone who dumps all his current stuff to join The Nation is a bit of a fool, IMHO.

But on the PBA shots, with the Big B oil, you can't argue with success.  Perhaps it's not a coincidence that everyone and his brother on tour is now throwing Brunswick, including Norm Duke, who knows a thing or three about bowling.
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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2005, 10:52:10 AM »
Fools go where brave men fear to tread!

  Yes, TJ, you are entitled to your opinion, everyone is.  I hope your opinion never changes. I used to throw some track, and really liked the mutant, but for me nothing, absolutely NOTHING, has matched up for me like the latest releases from brunswick.

  My average has never been higher, I've never won so many pots, never placed in the money in so many tournaments, and never kicked as many butts as I have since I went back to the big "B".

  As an example, I will use my leagues.  I was averaging 210-215 on the two leagues I am bowling in, with a high series of 740.  In the last month I have averaged over 238 in both of them, with three series(774,767,746) over anything I have shot previously this year and nothing has changed except for my equipment.

 It has been more readable, predictable, and reliable than anything I have EVER thrown ( except for a pink hammer I had back in the day )!

 No, TJ, I bear you no ill will, just in my heart I know nothing can compete on an even keel with brunswick right now.  I am in no way trying to "diss" anyone's ball company of preference, just haven't ever seen anything like the activator covers and what they are capable of.
Brunswick will soon own the world.
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So many people could say the same things of their fave company. I've never shot higher than I am shooting right now with my Hexplosion. Shot my first 700 this past week with it. That doesn't mean that it's a superior product to anything anyone else makes. Just fits me better. You say your heart tells you nothing is better than Big B...but what about your head. Does that take any consideration? I mean, have you thrown every ball by every single company that allows you to say it's the best there is and your disatvantaged because you don't throw it?. Is someone who averages a 120, a better bowler than me who carries about a 180, just because he throws the Absolute Inferno? Of course not. So why should this be the Xception

P.S. I mean you no harm Slinger,and I don't mean to single you out, but you seem to be the one at odds most with what i'm saying. i'm glad you like Brunswick products and hope they continue to work for you, but you are in no position to tell people that they should be throwing it because it's better. That's your opinion and shouldn't be forced on other people.
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Edited on 2/7/2005 11:51 AM


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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2005, 06:22:46 AM »
Of course they are going to be the best fit on brunswick lanes and brunsick oils.

It only makes sense.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Another week, another W!
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2005, 10:24:10 PM »

P.S. I mean you no harm Slinger,and I don't mean to single you out, but you seem to be the one at odds most with what i'm saying. i'm glad you like Brunswick products and hope they continue to work for you, but you are in no position to tell people that they should be throwing it because it's better. That's your opinion and shouldn't be forced on other people.
I am the best kept secret....  

Redemption is coming!

Edited on 2/7/2005 11:51 AM[/quote]

  Yes Tj, that is my opinion, but my opinion isn't something that I just grabbed out of my butt either.

  I have been bowling since 1980 on a steady basis. I have worked in and around bowling centers for years. I worked in a pro shop for 7 years, drilling and throwing most everybodies stuff.

 In the last 5 years, I have owned and thrown more balls than most of the guys here, except for those with sponsors or shops of their own, have ever hoped to try.  And from almost every manufacturer of note.

  My opinion is not being "forced" on anyone, but it is a very knowledgable opinion.  One based on practical experience of having been there, done that, Not just the emotional ramblings of some "NEWBIE" who thinks that his ball is great cause it " HOOKS 20 BOARDS", or "HITS LIKE A BOMB!"

Brunswick will soon own the world.
You must face it.
There is no escape.

Edited on 2/8/2005 11:21 PM
Learn to laugh, and love, and smile, cause we’re only here for a little while.