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Author Topic: Smokin Inferno Help  (Read 2879 times)


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Smokin Inferno Help
« on: October 19, 2005, 12:01:17 PM »
Hello everyone, just signed on for the first time to this forum and am hoping for help or advice.  Bought a new ball this year to use on my league.  I use a Smokin Inferno, 15lb, drilled to Brunswick spec 2L.  The problem I am having is I can't get my ball to carry far enough down the lane before it breaks, causing me to hit left of the head pin or brooklyn shot.  I've tried to move left and right, closer or back from my original spot and nothing seems to help.  I polished it a couple of times to and that seemed to make little difference.  I was told by a friend that I could sand my ball with 800 or 1000 grit to get it to carry as far as I need it to.  Is he for real?  If so how do I do this? wet sand or dry? Do I polish my ball afterwards and with what?  Is there any other suggestions out there for me? Any help would be appreciated.  I believe the ball has potential and hate to get rid of it.



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Re: Smokin Inferno Help
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2005, 08:09:07 PM »
First off, for us to help we need to know more about you.  I.E. your style of bowling.  Speed, rev rate, other things like that.  Also, what line where you trying to play with it?  As well, what other stuff have you used that has worked, and what line did you play with that?
- Andy


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Re: Smokin Inferno Help
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2005, 08:35:18 PM »
OK, I am not to familiar with the actual lingo used in bowling terms, but I'll try my best to describe my game.  I am a medium speed, high rev rate(at least that's what people tell me after seeing my shot) bowler.  My approach starts like this, my left foot is out side of the outer most left arrow.  Take five steps, walking straight as an arrow,  release my ball so that it crosses to the right of the center arrow about two to three boards.  I like it to go at the ten pin and break hard left into the pocket.  If you have seen the line used to describe the Smokin Inferno at the Brunswick web site, that is the exact like I play.  My previous ball was a Brunswick Raging Red Fuze, drilled similar to my Smokin Inferno.  The Fuze would break even harder and I couldn't get it down the lane.  Figured I would switch to the Smokin Inferno because people and friends told me that it would carry farther on medium dry to medium oil farther.  I would classify my league lanes as medium dry.


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Re: Smokin Inferno Help
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2005, 09:04:50 PM »

Most Brunswick balls are sanded to 400 grit then have a coat of Brunswick's High Gloss Polishapplied. It's different from most polishes as it does not have any grit in it that changes the basic underlying grit/finish.

So for most of them to get more length, you sand it to a higher, that is, finer grit, (600, 800, 1000, 1500 or whatever you need) and then re-apply the Brunswick polish. That will get you more length but less overall grip at the backend. Being Activator type cover, it will still be a strong ball reaction.

I'd start with 800 grit and see how that works for you.

Of course you can't JUST sand it; you need something as fine as 4000 grit, not 800 or 1000 grit) to get the length that the polish gives you.
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Re: Smokin Inferno Help
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2005, 09:38:36 PM »
Any particular product I should be using or looking for?


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Re: Smokin Inferno Help
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2005, 09:02:54 AM »
littledeke:  I have to agree with with inverted 1.   i have the same shot as you except i throw a 16.   the difference is like I1 said, your playing the SI on the wrong condition.   As much as I love playing the SI, once the lane get alot more drier, I strain myself trying to get the ball down to the pocket.   You can buff the SI with a polish that will make it go longer but my question to you is....WHAT HAPPENS when let's say one day  the house you bowl in changes the lane conditon to "OILY".   Then you're gonna have an SI that will never come back.

In my opinion...Leave the SI the way it and find yourself a ball made for your house condition.   Besides the PUNISHER as I1 indicated, maybe perhaps a "BLAZING or INTENSE" Inferno if you like this line alot. LOL
INFERNO Series: The "FLAME" burns brighter with every roll.

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Re: Smokin Inferno Help
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2005, 10:22:56 AM »
i have the si,i have it drilled with the pin at 10:30
this ball works great on light oiled shots
from where you are descibing,i'm a high rev lots of speed
bowler,since i got the si,i've managed to keep my ave,between
232-236 on these conditions
try a different pin placement.


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Re: Smokin Inferno Help
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2005, 10:32:33 AM »
From what you state, I'd also say that you are just using the SI on wrong conditions. I have a Raging Red Fuze, too, and in my THS house (30-32' of light to light oil, 8 dry outside boards) I simply cannot use it. It jumps off for Brooklyn - no chance to get it to the pocket with my normal game (and it has 2L, too).

You can either try to force tha ball down with force (NOT recommendable!), try a higher grit and re-polish it (although I doubt that it will help much), try to paly it with a broken-back wrist to take out any hook or, drastically, re-drill the SI with a weaker drilling, e. g. pin above bridge and the MB right to the thumb. But even then I doubt that the SI will make you happy, since it needs head oil to work.

Just sanding it might make it even worse: the ball will grip more/earlier, and the danger of burning out is IMHO even gretaer than with a polish.

I'd suggest Inverted 1's idea of getting a ball with a weaker surface, medium to high RG, medium flare. A Punisher sounds good, a Rampage could be an option,. too (but maybe already too strong). The pearl reactive Power Grooves are also versatile balls on those conditions you seem to play on - if you are on a budget, these should be considered, too.

Good luck!

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Re: Smokin Inferno Help
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2005, 11:03:03 AM »
littledeke...once again i have to agree with dizzyfugu. homepage!
INFERNO Series: Play with"FIRE" without getting burned...

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Re: Smokin Inferno Help
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2005, 11:56:46 AM »
Question BigDave300,
You said your SI is drilled pin at 10:30. According to brunswicks drilling chart, which layout is the closest to yours?. Also is yours in out of box condition?  Currently i have an AI drilled pin next to ring finger. Looking for something for med-light conditions, like an SI or Rampage.  I'm also a cranker with high revs.


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Re: Smokin Inferno Help
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2005, 03:08:44 PM »
Thanks for the advice everyone.  I'm going to try a few things before I decide to get a different ball, to see if it changes my game.  Let you know how it all comes out.


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Re: Smokin Inferno Help
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2005, 10:25:29 AM »
I tried some new things last night to which none of them worked.  I could hardly keep my SI on the lanes.  Seriously considering getting a BVP Punisher.  Question I have is do I get it drilled 2L or 3L.  I am a high rev, medium speed bowler.  Any suggestions??