Green pad is a rather coarse finish, the ball should be well-fitted for heavy oil now. It also depends on the dri8lling on your style what the ball will do and how it will perform.
I'd try a finer finish, since the ball seems to burn out. But I would not go far a matte finish (e.g. 800 grit or less, roundabout a grey 3M pad finish).
Personally, I'd suggest a 1.500 grit wet sanded finish as an in-between attempt. I made very good experience with such a setup on medium to medium-oily shots on my Vicious Attck (also a solid reactive). Try this, and if it does not work out, you might either try a coarser grit (white 3M pad) or even go for a finer finish (2.000 or even 4.000 Abralon).
Another way to go may be apply Rough Buff on the current green pad finish. This should also smooth out the surface, give length and move ball recation into a desirable direction.
Hope this helps - you just have to try and take one step at the time to check the results.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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Kahimi Karie, 'Good morning world'