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Author Topic: Arsenal help....................  (Read 911 times)

Monster Stitch

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Arsenal help....................
« on: June 27, 2005, 07:56:04 AM »
Help me out guys.

What do you think he needs to complete his arsenal?

For my dad: (left handed, stroker player, low rev rate)

-Ultimate Inferno: 3-3/8 label
-Raging Inferno: Pin under with cg kicked out, x-hole down low
-Absolute Inferno: 5 x 4, pin under, x-hole 6.5 from center of span
-Intense Inferno: "On it's way", Thinking of Pin up label or 6 x 5

For me: (300 rev rate, stroker, right handed)

What type of layout should i put?

-Ultimate Inferno:"On it way" Pin under or pin up?
-Raging Inferno: 5 x 2, Pin over ring, x-hole 6 inches over from center of span
-Absolute Inferno: Label, Cg in middle of grip, pin above ring and to the right
-Intense Inferno: "On its way", Pin up, label or 6 x 5?
-Classic Zone: Pin next to ring, cg down, with mb left of thumb in weak quadrant

Thanks in advance.
"Learn to throw a lot of strikes" - Tony Reyes

Edited on 6/27/2005 5:58 PM