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Author Topic: Attn: Brunswick reps...Ball cleaning and care  (Read 1063 times)


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Attn: Brunswick reps...Ball cleaning and care
« on: March 27, 2005, 04:35:50 AM »
I recently added an Ultimate Inferno for heavy oil to compliment my Impulse Zone and BVP Nemesis. After 15 games my Ultimate stopped hooking as my Nemesis did, you know lack of reaction.
When I read that the coverstocks absorb oil I cleaned my Nemesis with hot water and Dawn then dried it and wiped it down with a combo of 409 & alcohol and lightly scotch brighted the surface and it reacted like new.
After just 15 games the Ultimate did the same thing and I used the same process and it worked, to be honest it was actually better!

I routinely use the 409/alcohol w/microfiber towel cleaner after every set but is there something I can use to avoid the kitchen sink ordeal?

Does Brunswick make or recommend a cleaner/conditioner for thier reactive resin balls?




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Re: Attn: Brunswick reps...Ball cleaning and care
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2005, 05:43:02 PM »
i'm surprised your ball lost it's reaction so quickly----this is unusual to say the least. are you sure that the lane condition hasn't changed ? anyway, here is what brunswick recommends to revive your ball:                              the ball in the rejuvinator to extract the oil.

2.resurface the ball with a haus-type machine and bring it back up to the factory finish( 800 grit wetsanded ).


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Re: Attn: Brunswick reps...Ball cleaning and care
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2005, 06:10:08 PM »
There's no way those balls lose a noticable reaction after 15 games.  Everyone has posted good ideas to help you but i still find it hard to believe.  I put close to 100 games on my stuff till I put it in the oven for some deep cleaning.  Besides puttin it on the spinner to keep the surface I like I don't do much else.
University of Central Florida + Brunswick = Collegiate Domination