It was 2 wrap tens, the 299 and the second 79, and a 5
the first 279. Got distracted on the first 9, guy to the pair left of us screams while I'm on the approach cause he left a split. So, I got some buddies of mine with me, they see me laughing and smiling before I went. I shoulda put the ball down and started over, but I'd shot 300 many of times so didn't think much of it, went and threw a bad shot, left the bucket and rolled the 2-4-8 to leave the five. Spared and punch the next one for 279.
Move left, hook it more.....
Tommy Jones is a Gamecock fan...are you???
Spares raise your average...Strikes win you titles...
Edited on 7/19/2007 2:19 PM