I'm looking to drill one of these soon. I want it to fit between a Power Groove (pin up 5*5) 4000 grit factory finish polished and a Track Kinetic (pin up 5*4 1/2) 4000 grit abralon. I have a high rev rate and medium speed. I get a lot of use out of my lower end equipemnt. So, this piece is a really important part of my arsenal. My PAP is 4 9/16 over and 3/8 up. I have a lot of tilt and on Qubica my speed is in the 16-16.5mph range. I bowl in fairly new AMF HPL5000 lanes and the pattern is 38ft and the center uses a new kegel ion custodian lane machine. (Lots more backend since the new machine) Thanks for any ideas or suggestions. I know this is difficult without seeing my bowl.