I have a Fury drilled for length at 4000 abralon and I love it on my THS. I need a real oil ball though, and was thinking of getting a Fury with a 2" pin and putting the pin under fingers with the CG at 45 degrees and leaving the surface OOB.
It seems when people on this board are asking for a good ball in the oil, that the consensus recommendation for a reactive non-particle ball is the Blast Zone instead of the Fury (or someone will say get a Cell). I don't really need this ball for my THS, but for a PBA Experience league. Should I be thinking Blast Zone or Fury? I love the Fury Line, but really haven't tried any other Brunswick products... unless you count Morich as a Brunswick product LOL.
I am coming back to the sport after not having bowled for 22 years, so I have spent this season playing with all the new equipment that is out. The last ball I threw in league before this season is an LT-48 in 1985.
I am a medium speed, medium revs, medium track tweener. Par bowler. I don't really have a preferred line, nor have I measured actual rev rates and ball speed.
Equipment in Bag:TZone
Awesome Revs
Twisted Fury
Fury Pearl TE
Not in Bag: Awesome Finish, Rock On!, LT48