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Author Topic: Fury pearl VS black widow pearl  (Read 1627 times)


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Fury pearl VS black widow pearl
« on: February 19, 2008, 03:21:13 PM »
IS it the same ball? I like the reaction of the black widow pearl I just do now want to buy it because everyone has the black widow pearl. Im a medium/high speed medium/high rev. still dont know pap yet


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Re: Fury pearl VS black widow pearl
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2008, 11:53:26 PM »
Based on our experience at our shop, the Black Widow Pearl goes longer and turns sharper than the Fury Pearl. I think the Fury Pearl is more versatile, and can handle more oil than the BWP, and it is very strong - just more predictable off the dry in my opinion.

We drilled the BWP for one of my friends who liked it until it literally died after about 30 games. Can't say if it was an isolated incident or not because we haven't had a ton of feedback once the bowlers get many games on them yet.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff


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Re: Fury pearl VS black widow pearl
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 07:22:28 AM »
I agree with notclay, i have thrown both i like them both just at different times. the BWP does have more off the back end then the FP. Also why does it matter if everyone has a BWP? its for you and not anyone else it shouldnt matter how many people have that ball.


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Re: Fury pearl VS black widow pearl
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2008, 09:25:13 PM »
I've thrown both the BWP and the Fury Pearl.  The BWP is longer and more angular off of the dry.  
The Fury Pearl hooks more in oil but will still make a hard turn off the dry.  Like notclay said, my BWP died after about 50 games, even with regular maintenance.  It out hooked my spare ball by 3 boards.  I think that both balls are great right out of the box.
Michael Nelson
Northern Illinois University Bowling


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Re: Fury pearl VS black widow pearl
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2008, 11:23:44 PM »
the BWP is a bit more angular but IMO the fury pearl is a much better ball more vesitile like everybody else has said the BWP coverstock dies quickly i had this same choice to make and my driller put it to me this way the BWP is for bowlers looking to make money quickly and not caring if it dies cause they would have made their money back plus some the fury pearl he said is more for good average bowlers looking for a ball they can rely on for quite awhile heres an example me and a friend of mine bought both balls at the same time he bought the BWP and i bought the fury pearl he is on his second one and seeing diminished reactions already while im still on my first and it seems to be as strong if not stronger then when i first got it so IMO go with the fury pearl you wont be dissappointed and by the way ive made a bunch more money with the fury pearl then he has with the BWP good luck with your choice

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" bowling is for one thing and one thing only to make money"


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Re: Fury pearl VS black widow pearl
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2008, 03:45:09 PM »
Stay far far away from the BWP it's a POS. This ball is anything but angular, if you want something angular get an Angular One before they phase it out. I can't comment on the Fury Pearl since I haven't thrown it yet. The BWP is strong in the mid-lane for a pearl, but if you want Angular and want to throw something in the hammer line you'd have better luck drilling up a cherry vibe, and it's a heck of a lot cheaper. The gas mask core is anything but angular.