Greg, I think every shop should make an attempt to educate each customer about ball surface preperation and maintenance. An educated customer on average will spend more money, and usually feel comfortable letting you adjust a surface to match the ball up to their game. If a customer leaves the shop "expecting" the ball to do one thing and it doesn't, then you have an unhappy customer, until you convince them to let you alter the surface. Why not educate them up front before they get a bad taste in their mouth, many times not even giving the ball a chance, or even worse, thinking you sold them a dud, and even worse, telling others that you did.
Mega, we do in fact discuss every aspect of every ball during our meetings. We have to take into consideration what surface works best when matching cover to core on every ball, and where we want it to fit in our ball lineup. The 600 grit used in the past would have been done with abbrasives we no longer choose to use (at this moment). We can create the reactions now without having to sacrifice cosmetic appeal by using more modern abbrasive materials.
And by the way, don't think we don't recognize how good a customers to Brunswick you both are. Thanks for the support and patience over this past year and a half. We are making great strides and looking forward to a much better 2008.
Thanks again.
I'm gettin' old, I'm hurtin', but I've got Brunswick balls.......Color me competitive.